originally posted in:The Friends List
When you sign onto Bungie.net and/or the mobile app, what do you look for in the forums?
Conversation with friends? Debate? News? What do you use the forums for?
Star Wars discussion, more Halo discussion, more Destiny discussion (come at me bro), more gaming discussion, restating debates, including religious and political topics, more cow bell. There's plenty cow bell already, but can always have more.
Edited by Cobravert: 4/14/2015 2:05:27 PMIt used to be for the comradery of other people who liked the games and the private group(s) that made this place a great place. This place was addictive fun. Now I don't know why I keep coming back. The pre-Darkness Private Groups are basically dead, the B.next forum structure caused multitudes to leave, the wild west aspect of the new structure is anything but welcoming, and the new inmates are running the asylum. Spammy children, overly aggressive-very negatively charged post attacks, and all manner of blatant disregard for any measure of basic decency is now the norm. People used to be able to talk to most anyone without worrying about divisions for what they believed, their race, or what their orientation. Why? Because you couldn't. That is no longer possible. Hateful comments and all manner of idiocy flow like water now with little to no concern of repercussions. I used to like to help people with things (games, general questions, whatever), but today you have to filter out who is really inquiring, and who is merely trolling for their own childish amusement. I'd love to see a sense civility return. That can not and will not happen with the lax, lack of real rules and the ability to create alts at your leisure. But I really do not expect Bungie to do anything further. It seems their only focus is sales, and really that is what they need to do for business. It's just sad that the old version of Bungie's somewhat 'Happy go lucky' approach to being a part of the Bungie.net site has departed and are focused more on off-site social media rather than their own home field. Re-reading my own thoughts here, I guess I should find a new diversion. There is not much here left aside from a few people that I have known a long time, and that is sad. Too much wading through trash posts and not enough posts of any sort of substance have me severely burned out.
Insightful opinions made by other regular people that forces me to evaluate my personal beliefs. And fresh prince troll post...
Funny and joke threads
I don't think we have enough booty threads. We [i]need[/i] more than two per day. Also, please more religion and politics. Oh, and delicious spam! You can never have enough spam!
Music threads Funny threads Threads with interesting topics #Gaming [spoiler]not much of it these days[/spoiler]
At this point I just want to go leave and never come back
Friendly conversation that may or may not have to do with Destiny.
too become a mod then I can ban deej
Honestly don't know.
I don't play any bungie games anymore. Trolling/entertainment value [spoiler]Gawd forbid there's a thread that has some really interesting discussion going on...[/spoiler]
Good discussion I can participate in with the intelligent and witty people of B.net. Or information that I didn't know. Plenty of times when I log in I see something I didn't know before. Whether it's in the news or something the Internet is buzzing about. I don't browse reddit or any of those other sites, so coming here keeps me, somewhat, up to date.
The grills.
Destroy all desticles
I come to the forums for the metaphorical "grab bag" of topics and discussions that are constantly emerging. It provides an interesting element of randomness.
Validation, confirmation, stimulation. Nah. I'll settle for a chuckle or two, but even then I find I usually have to make my own fun.
I browse #Help and #Community. In #Help, I like to see people that I can help, and in #Community I hope to see what we all want to see in #Community. A Community.
I just want a bit of a laugh
I don't remember what I was seeking when I arrived... So long ago, in a different age, a golden age! But things are dark now, escape is impossible. I wander to and fro, I can no longer see. I hear mention of familiar things. Flood, Bungie, Doritoes.... but none of it seems to carry the same meanings that I vaguely remember. You ask why I come here, what draws my eye here? I ask you sir, what else is there? I know nothing else! And why would something catch this eye? For the chaos leaves me as good as blind!
Friends and interesting conversation.
I like talking shit with people I like, but a great deal of those guys are gone, or turned edgy.
I started to realize i need to escape from what the forums have become and flee into group chats. [spoiler]all hail Lord Galvatron[/spoiler]
Shits and giggles.