Raidless Raiders
"Raidless Raiders is closed: Don't be afraid to ask , helping you *was* our task"
originally posted in:Raidless Raiders
Reposted from the Group Chat for more visibility, credit to HoldayInCambodiA for typing it all up.
Hi all.
We are sorry to tell you that we are closing the clan. Our founder left during TDB, and we stayed on to mind the shop while he was gone. Unfortunately he is not returning. This means we have limited admin rights, and cannot promote others to admins. The clan has grown bigger than we thought it would, and along the way has strayed from the original aim of helping out new guys. This has left the admins policing clan chat, and unfortunately we don't really have time to ban every muppet that comes along.
As of today, we are stopping new members, closing clan requests, and stepping down from being admins. There will be no admins from this point. We are sorry, it's just the way things have worked out. We would all like to thank everyone who's been nice, and hope you all continue to fight back the darkness. Go steady.
Regards, the admin team.
IMPORTANT Admin Announcement Part 2.
As the clan will be closing, in 24 hours(ish) this wall will be closed, and the clan forum will also be closed. We realise that people will need new clans, so, until then, advertising your own or alternative clan is not only allowed, but encouraged.
Thank you, from the admins.