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"You Know What They Say About the Pen."

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originally posted in:The Collective Anomaly
Edited by BARACK OBAMA: 12/3/2015 3:22:55 AM

Community Writing Contest-[CLOSED]

Hello Community, The Collective Anomaly invites you to participate in another writing contest! Please read the guidelines below before participating in the contest. [b]TOPIC[/b]: Isolation [b]DEADLINE[/b]: December 1st, 11:59pm PST Winner will be be announced on December 4th [b]PRIZE[/b]: $10 Xbox Marketplace/PlayStation Store gift card [b]RULES[/b]: -Please submit [u]one[/u] story per person -Please make sure the story [u]fits within one forum post[/u] (Keep it somewhat short) [MAX: 10,000 characters] -Stories posted after the deadline will be ignored -Please put entries [u]in the thread[/u] -Keep all stories Safe For Work and abide the Code of Conduct. Good luck everyone!

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  • First, I'd like to congratulate everyone who participated in the writing contest. I was impressed by a lot of your stories, and there were many close contenders, but as always, there must be a winner. So I'm proud to announce the winner as FJFSOM656 for [url= ]his work[/url].

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  • Edited by Jasondurgen: 11/29/2015 3:25:39 PM
    [i]Memories of the Past[/i] "Maybe this one will work. I hope it does. I hope... I hope..." -Initiating memory sequence- -The car was packed tight and guards were everywhere. "Maybe taking the tram was a bad idea," I thought, but I could never be too sure. "Did you hear the news? Russia threatened to nuke the U.S," spoke a middle-aged woman sitting next to me to an elderly man across from her. "We shoulda just pulled our troops out of there. Now we got them threatenin' to fire nukes? Because they ain't getting more oil than us? This world ain't got much longer with clowns like Pyzkatov running that country," the man replied. Nuclear warfare. It was a term many of us knew, many of us were expecting, but not as early as this. It was a scary thought, to think the entire world could end with one push of a button. I guess the chances of it happening have been increasing as the years go on and resources dwindle. I just hope the Committee realizes the research Bartholomew and I are doing could help with both of those problems. I got off the tram when it stopped. I didn't want to be on there for much longer. I pulled out that piece of paper given to me by Bartholomew before his plane left, which has an address on it, so I headed there. The sidewalks were more crowded than usual but the roads weren't. Strange. I finally made it to Grandoir Hall after going through that hell on the streets and was allowed entry when I presented my ID card. The Summit was already in session so I made it just in time. I walked down the ramp and heard one of the scientists speak. "Ladies and gentlemen, Head-Researcher Anthony Donalle. He introduced me and I was given applause. I wasn't worried about appearances though. I started right away. "Good evening. I'm here to present to you a pure, unrestricted, clean alternative to natural gas. Donalle Energy. Very renewable, very cheap, and very reliable. And the secret is Argon. We put an electron converter into the motor of a regular, unmodified vehicle and added an additional—" ERROR: Corrupted file detected. Searching... ... ... ... -Loading earlier memory sequence... ... ERROR: Corrupted file detected. "No! Goddamnit, I need another." The mysterious stranger walked tirelessly around the bunker looking for human skulls. "Suit busted, can't go up to surface. Need to restore civilization. Need memories." He opened up a door that lead to a storage room where over 400 human skulls fell out onto the floor. "Hmmm, yes, yes. This is the one. It has to be... SHUT UP, TRUDY! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO SAVE US! THIS IS HUMANITIES LAST CHANCE!" He shouted into the bunker but no response came. "Well maybe if you wouldn't have died you could be helping me. Ever think of that?" No response. He just put the other skulls back into the room and shut the door, hurriedly running back to the lab. "This one has got to be it. Please, I'm begging you... Please..." The monitor turned on and revealed a memory of whoever the skull belonged to. -Initiating memory sequence- -It was hard working for Girdle, but I knew Anthony needed this done. The research we were working on was too prized for any failure. We worked day and and day out on it so hopefully it would all be worth it. Anthony left for the Summit a little over 2 days ago, and I'm hoping he ma—" ERROR: Corrupted file detected. Searching... ... ... ... -ERROR loading earlier memory sequence. Please contact an administrator. "F*ck! Every single time! I need another. TRUDY, CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING?! Why don't you go get shot again, huh?" The man walked back down the hall talking to the wind, looking for another skull... to look for more memories.

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  • [spoiler]Well shit. Didn't realize this was going on. [/spoiler] Kaleb absolutely despised aircraft. They were so fragile, so weak. One thing goes wrong, and you have a disaster in your hands. Which was exactly what was going on at the moment. As the helicopter spiraled out of control, Kaleb pulled out his dog tags chain, where he kept a cross. He kissed it, and did he sign of the cross as the helicopter collided with the sand, kicking it up, wrenching metal, bodies and plastic all around Him. Things black out. He wakes up, eventually. It was night. He looked up, spitting the sand out of his mouth, coughing horrendously. "Shit! No, this can't be happening!" He shouts out as he sees the mangled ruins of the helicopter, he rushes up the cockpit, growing the door open and dragging the pilot out. Matthew was his best friend. He had been since pre school. They had enlisted together. [i]Why me? Why did I have to live?[/i] he though as he looked down upon the body of the person he had never expected to lose. He grabs his tags, tucking them into one of his pockets, and then does the same to the rest of the men in the helicopter. 11 -blam!-ing tags. All of them lost in one fell swoop. Kaleb felt tears running down his face. The tiny rivulets of salty liquid running down his cheeks. He stands up, grabbing his rifle and beginning his trek. It would be a 25 mile hike back to the Base. Then, there was the Taliban to account for. There was no help for him. No aid, no radio, nothing. [i]I am alone. [/i] Alone. Something he definitely did not want to be in the middle of the Iraqi desert. Something Kaleb had never been. Alone was a foreign concept. He had always had a friend to back him up. Or family, or some random Good Samaritan. He was alone. And nothing could help him. Only his feet and his rifle. Only Solitude and Isolation. And Kaleb was scared.

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  • A "creepypasta" I wrote back in 2010 on this site. [spoiler]Hey guys. I haven't been on /x/ in about two weeks, because my life has been a torrent of fear and -blam!- after the incident. I'll explain. About two weeks ago I was on /x/ around 2:40am at home alone, keeping an eye on my little sister. My parents were out of town and I like to get scared, its a fun feeling. So I was on here reading the same scary pasta -blam!-, not really doing much of anything, and my downstairs window alarm went off. My dad is a musician with a lot of expensive equipment, so we have an alarm system that alerts based on the exact area that is being breached or affected. Anyway I recognized the sound for "downstairs window" and /x/ has me scared -blam!-less. I'm was just thinking -blam!- that, I am not about to go down and look around for some -blam!- ghost to eat my soul. But I remembered my little sister, I cant let some -blam!- get her (shes downstairs) so I opened my door and continued down the stairs into the pitch black area that is my living room, when I see him. Just standing there, looking at my alarm system, I assume trying to figure it out. He didnt notice me, and I really didnt know what to do. I was so -blam!- scared I decided to sneak into my sisters room and just lock the door and call the police, which is exactly what I did. They came surprisingly fast, and they had to bust my door of the hinges, they didnt want us coming out of the room. So it seems like the whole -blam!- department is at our house, and my 9 year old sister is scared -blam!-less. The police look around, and they see no one. They examined every single window in the house, and they saw nothing. However, the alarm system had been bypassed completely, and someone had managed to turn it off. Had I not called the police, no one would have known. The police saw foot prints leading up to a locked window, but nothing after that. I'm 18, but they made me call my aunt, closest relative, and we stayed with her. My parents were in Texas, but as soon as they heard they started to drive back, but it was still going to be two days. Anyway, my aunt had to go to some -blam!- up in Berkeley, which is 7 hours away, so we just went back to our house again. The alarm guy came and fixed the system during the day, so I wasnt really as scared. But what happened that night was the worst experience of my life. I wasn't going to let my sister sleep downstairs after that, and she didn't want to anyway, so she was going to sleep in my room on my bed, and I was going to sleep on the floor. My dad owns a gun, and I found it, but he keeps it locked in a case and he has the key on his set of keys, so it was useless to me. So all I had was a baseball bat, and it didn't make me feel very safe, so I didn't plan to sleep until I could I see the sun. So my sister watched finding nemo in my room and I just chilled and did some homework, eventually she fell asleep and I was reading up on the Romans when I heard it again. The -blam!- downstairs window. My heart completely stopped. And to make this true story MORE like a horror story? My cell phone was downstairs on the living room table. Im sitting here in my room feeling completely defenseless, and of course my sisters awake too, the alarm is loud. WAS loud. Who ever, what ever, was down there, -blam!- turned it OFF. Within 10 seconds. The alarm needs to be on for 30 for the police to come, so we were stranded. She knew it too. I remember her saying "Miles if I go to sleep will it be over?". I couldnt answer her. I didnt know what else to do, so I decided to put my ear against my door and listen. Then I heard it. The person in my house was climbing up the stairs twards my room. My life felt like some kind of story that is told to scare children. The person, or thing (to this day I honestly cant decide) climbed each step with about 4 second intervals, so it took the intruder about 30 seconds to get to the top. I heard the persons feet step right outside my door, the very familiar sound of the hardwood floor creaking at the spot I leave my room was unmissable. I knew this intruder was right next to my door, listening. I stood with the bat in my hand for probably 40 minutes before I started just screaming. I didnt know what else to do. I think I just screamed "GET THE -blam!- OUT WHAT THE -blam!- DO YOU WANT, HELP HELP WE NEED HELP IN HERE, THERE IS A FIRE, HELP", something to scare it away. I laugh when I think about that. After I screamed, I heard the person rest their hand on the door, slide it down the door, then walk down the stairs slowly and I figured downstairs to rob us. About 6 hours later I manned up (it was bright out) and I ripped my door open and decided to investigate, and of course call the police. I rushed through every room with this stupid ass bat, I dont even know what I was trying to accomplish. There was no sign of the intruder. My little sister at this point called him the "night shadow" and she said "she thought she knew who he was". That scared me more than anything. She said "he asked her to dance for him". To this day she doesnt remember saying it. Anyway, I called the police AGAIN and we waited out front. They came fast again, and investigated. This time they asked me something extremely scary. If I had burned my door. The police told me that my door had significant burns on it, like someone had tried to burn the handle and the hinges off, using a household lighter, to enter the room, but stopped about 10% short of the goal. I did the math, and that was right when it was getting bring out. I wasnt going to sleep there again, so the police had me contact my aunt again, and we stayed there again. My parents would be home at around 9am the next day. Heres when -blam!- gets even worse. The 3rd night. So Im sitting there in my aunts house thinking, how the -blam!- does someone even burn through a door? Why would someone try to burn through a door? Why not just break it down? The whole -blam!- sounded SO fake. No one I know close believed me, so I dont blame /x/ if you dont believe me either, it sounds stupid as -blam!-, and I wouldnt believe this -blam!- if I was reading it and not typing it, but it happened. Anyway, that night at my aunts I was contemplating all this -blam!-, when I saw him. This time, it was around 8pm so I was still a little bright out and EVERONE was awake. Had he followed me? So much -blam!- raced through my mind, but I saw the figure, standing on the sidewalk looking at my aunts house. I couldnt make out any distinct features, but I just inside KNEW it was him, and I KNEW something was very wrong with him. Then, he tilted his head, looked up at the sky and walked away. I managed to sleep, barely, but nothing else happened. Then my parents called. They got home around 6am and arrived at the block. Our street was blocked off, and they quickly saw why. Our house was on fire. They called me and my aunt rushed us to them, and we watched as about 80% of our house burned to the ground. Ive lost everything guys. We are literally currently living in two motel rooms until we can find another place to live. The firemen say it was an electrical fire, but I dont believe that -blam!- for a second. I took alot of pics of our burnt ass house, and ill upload them tomorrow. No more sightings of the rapist, but ill keep in contact. Its hard to get on here alot being in the same room with my sister, though.[/spoiler]

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  • Here's a creepy one, I love to delve into the psychological world a bit so this may be a bit odd: The Warlock cringed as the stitches were once again sown to close the massive wound of her stomach. The Wizard was careful in her craft but not at all gently. The Warlock learned long ago that screaming is exactly what they want, the pain and agony of their prey to test what humans were really capable of or how long they could last. With the stitch complete, the Wizard floated over to her stand and set the bloody bone knife down. It hummed a very soft sinister tone similar to the Death Singers but more secular and joyful for lack of a better term. It floated back over to the Warlock and grabbed her face with its talons and jerked to look at her face. It's cold lifeless eyes gazed into the Warlocks for several seconds before releasing her and leaving. The Warlock sighed slightly as her bare body shivered in the cold room of the "medical research" room. Her arms and legs were bound by crude straps of some sort and the table was a jagged and cold stone that bit into her skin harshly. She tried to calm down to get her heart to stop pounding so hard, to decrease the bleeding. The Hive have a way of bringing their victims back from a near death situation and she was not about to go through that again. After a time, the Wizard came back with a large Knight. The Wizard spoke to the Knight and pointed at the Warlock, undoing her straps. The Knight grabbed the Warlock by the face and hoisted her up swiftly, letting her fall to the floor before grabbing her by the neck and dragging her outside of the cell with the Wizard closly behind. The Warlock let only her feet operate as they kept in pace with the Knight to avoid having her legs torn apart on the jagged stone floor. They walked down a series of passages and entered the main prison area for the Dreadnought. The large bell like prisons swung gently as the sounds of things screaming and wailing off into the darkness echoed all around. The Knight stopped and looked back at the Wizard. The Wizard was quiet for a time then chattered a bit. The Knight have a strange grunt of dispproval and growled, pointing at the prison cells with his free hand. The Wizard simply hissed angrily then quieted down. It spoke in a soft tone as the Knight contemplated what it was saying. The Knight nodded in response and dragged the Warlock once again towards the cells. The bridge the were standing on moved slowly as it swiveled around past the horrific long row of prisons. Until it reached a drop off in the middle of the prisons. The Knight once more looked back at the Wizard before hanging the Warlock over the edge and dropping her down into the bowels of the darkness below. The Warlock flailed slightly as it tried to move around in the absence of something solid. After a two minutes of free fall, she suddenly slowed down, just enough to where she would not die on impact. Her body slammed against the earth beneath her as she cringed and cried out of the sudden pain from her opening wounds from the numerous experiments before. Her body laid still for a while before she gained the strength to move. As she did, she heard a slight scuttling sound. She looked around into the darkness as gentle sickly green lights flickered in numerous spots just barely there to see. She sat up in pain and looked the sounds began. Nibbling. Hungry nibbling of something eating. Things that had an insatiable lust for food were everywhere. It slowly dawned on her that she was in a breeding ground. For the Worms of the Hive. Her body broke out in tremors as she looked around her in fear. Her arms wrapped around her as she tried to calm herself, she thought of her options. She felt exposed and fearful so she sat perfectly still, until something brushed against her leg. She reacted and slapped it away. The slimy thing cried out and dug downwards, getting away swiftly. The nibbling stopped as the cry echoed in the darkness. She paused and sat perfectly still once more. Then the next noise began, scuttling. The things began to move. Where she didn't know but they were moving. She tried to stand up as more things brushed her feet which she kicked away. She stumbled quickly in a direction as more things began to scuttle. Then the next noise began. Biting. The things began to bite once they found her. It stung as their tiny fangs dug into her skin and she kicked them away. They moved in packs, swarms, having found a potential food source or host. She felt the blood drain from her as she stumbled faster to get away. Then the next noise began. Voices. Powerful voices entered her mind as she ran away. They spoke to her, told her to care for their young, allow them to live inside of her, nuture them, so she may live for eternity. She shook her head and cried as she moved faster. The voices grew louder and the biting became more frequent. She shouted for them to stop, pleaded for it to end. Then the next noise sounded. A crack. The crack from her toes as they hit something hard and she fell to the ground and nearly opened her wounds again. She winced in pain as the things crawled over her, nibbling, tasting. She screamed as her voice was cut off by the things that wanted a host, that needed one. The Wizard came back several days later. A glowing green crystal was in its hand as it floated along and looked for the Thrall within. The Worms burrowed away at the harshness of the pale light. The Wizard looked around and saw one. It drew close and examined it. It's skin was a white tone, becoming slightly bleached from the lack of sun. It's eyes were a milky white as it fed on something with a savage lust and hunger. Its hair was dull and a mess. It's belly was swollen with an atonishing amount of something as it gorged itself on the feast. The Wizard snickered evilly and clasped a cold iron chain around the things neck. It dragged it along out, as the Wizard thought about the ways to create a new bred of Ogres for her King. The thing thrashed and yelled angrily as it tried to eat something again. The Worms inside of her writhed in hunger as the nibbled again, wanting more from their new benefactor.

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    • Bonus points to anyone who can identify the inspiration for this one. [b][i]the eyes[/i][/b] By the eyes They all think I'm crazy. They all call me mad, insane, broken. I'm not though. Could a crazy man have been so careful? So stealthy? I don't know why I killed the man. I think it was the eyes. The things I've seen in that… That device. Enough to drive a lesser man insane, but they only cleared my vision. I see, I [i]hear[/i] everything. Sounds from above and below, sights from beyond. Night after night I stalked the old man, he was kind to me, but there was something, something bright about him. He had light, and I had to consume it with dark. This I knew to be the truth for the eyes spoke it to me. Night after night I stalked him, so quietly, so [i]carefully[/i] no one could detect it. For 6 nights I watched the old man, I waited as a cat waits to kill a mouse. I knew when I struck it had to be perfect. The old man never left his study, he just lay and slept. I needed no sleep for the eyes had showed me how to use his dark to help me. Each night I would open the door as to fit my head inside, and nothing more. I would lean in slowly Oh [i]so[/i] slowly. I would peer at him but it was never right. This I knew for the eyes told this truth unto me. On the 7th night I knew it was right. I opened the door more than usual, as to fit in my body and nothing more. How could a broken man be so careful? This is what I ask of thee. On that night I entered the room, quieter than a mouse, and I gazed at the man. I felt his light. It hurt. I inched toward the man, closer and closer. I felt his light, I heard his heart. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP But no, my hand had hit the wall, the man sat upright. He stared into the dark. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP I did not move, I knew he was afraid. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP I stayed there hours, not moving a muscle. Could someone insane be so patient? So cunning? THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP The man lay again. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP The thumping had to stop. I drew my knife and charged. The man shrieked THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP I raised my knife above his chest. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP I brought it down into his heart. ... The thumping ceased. It was done, the man was dead. His light faded. I hid the body under the floor, cleaned the blood, it was perfect. Could someone broken have been so careful? So acute? It was when I had finished there was a knock. It came from the door. I answered the door, took the men on a tour of the house. I told them “look, search everywhere.” I brought them to the study, I sat them in and gave them food and drinks and chairs to rest. I put my chair right above the body. No one could ever have known. Then, I felt it, I saw it and heard it. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP I pretended to not hear it, it was the heart. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP It grew louder and louder. His light burned me. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP They must hear the heart! They must feel the light. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP The light was burning me. The man must live! THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP They must hear it! They were mocking me! They knew they knew they knew! THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP I yelled it out. FINE! I did it I killed him! Look here under the floorboard. The thumping stopped. He was dead again. His final act had killed me. This I knew for the eyes had told me. [b] [i]I tell this story as a warning. What will you see in there? What will I do to you?[/b] [/i]

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      • Here's a quickie. Hope it's edgy enough. [spoiler]He doesn't know how to fit in. However, fitting in means being a coward. It means becoming the essence of blind ignorance and corruption. He with his sphere of influence shields out his kindred, and the society of his breed. Nobody gets in, but anyone who isn't himself gets out easily. So he tarries on in a bustling void, with none to love and none love to give. A negative boon for not falling into the abyssal crowd. An eye for an eye, as they say. He is happy he chose the lesser of evils, but pain still makes itself stated. Only he cooperates with his curse in the way he does. So he remains alienated, either by choice or for the better of others. Chatter and words become a bait for him, but he knows better than to bite the hook, else he'll find himself in a skillet. He tells himself that he'll find people similar to him, but deep down, he knows it won't happen. The thousands of ghoulish faces he'd glimpsed at had no trace of hope for him. If he'd just find the ones most like himself, maybe some folk could enter the sphere. One of these days, pal. You'll get there. One day at a time. Just keep telling yourself that, bub. [/spoiler]

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      • The loss of velocity, the sudden drop in pressure caused everything go go black. I awoke to a... A wreckage, it was my ship. They door stuck, flames at my sides. I didn't know what to do, my ghost lie a pile of shards next to me, I couldn't afford to die now. But I heard scratching from the other side, I tried to grab a weapon but I had none. My knife was melted next to a fire. The door was jerked off and on the other side stood a cabal centurion. I tried to punch, but it grabbed my hand and crushed it. I fainted. I woke in a cell like place. The walls were gray on the sides one peep hole. "No,no,NO!" I thought. Tears in my eyes I ran my hands down the walls. Completely alone, isolated from the rest of the world. My ghost is dead, I can't make a destress call. I looked at my hand all crushed and winced. One gun layed at my side. The peep hole led to one way glass. The canal were testing me, see how much I could take. One, two, three days pass. No food, barley any water. Scratching on the walls, crying, bleeding, suddenly I couldn't have it anymore. I picked up the gun and shot myself. "Pretty good results," said the speaker looking at the simulation screen. "I think we have a new guardian. Go see the Vanguard for training. Say I sent you".

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        • Challenge........ [spoiler]accepted[/spoiler]

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          • Silence...there was nothing to be heard except for the blood pulsing through his ears, and his raspy breath. It had been 14 days since he had abandoned the ship with the others. At first the coms were an uproar of activity in the pod as people fled the attack, but as the days went on they grew more and more silent. The last contact he had was with a young woman. She was scared, but calm. He thought briefly of the last thing she said before going silent..."I'm sorry". It was cold and his power supply wasn't going to last much longer, two days max. His food had run out and his water filtration system could not be powered anymore. He sat back and look into the emptiness of space and at the stars thinking...thinking of home. His beautiful wife, and his two beautiful daughters. A wave of sadness swept over him, not because he was afraid to die, not because he was alone, but because he didn't want them to be left alone, he was sad because of all the pain they would have to go through. As the tears fell he looked at his wife's picture...."I'm sorry"

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          • Edited by Paradox1055: 11/20/2015 4:29:25 PM
            Here is my official story. Hope you like it. [b][u]Behind Enemy Lines[/u][/b] [spoiler]Three guardians, a hunter blade dancer, a titan striker, and a warlock stormcaller, were circling a ketch belonging to the House of Winter. The space battle was taking place over Venus. "I got a skiff on my six!" yelled the titan, Haxx-56. "I'm on it." said Edward as he directed his star fighter towards his endangered friend. Edward launched four tracking missiles, everyone of them hitting their mark. "I can't do anything about those deflector shields. We're not touching that ketch." Gale examined the enemies' tactics. "One second.... bogie down! Haxx, you're good to go!" Edward turned to the ketch. "Now, let's see." Edward flew towards the ship's hull, waiting for his missiles to lock on. "Ed!" Gale screamed through the comms. Edward quickly looked out his left cockpit window. He saw an anti aircraft cannon on the ketch, it was aimed right for his ship! With one torpedo, Edward's engines were engulfed in flames! "Ahhh!" Edward's star fighter barrel rolled out of control. It smashed through the hanger bay. A lash of flames struck Edward's neck, bringing him out of his daze. "Edward! Are you okay?!" asked Haxx over his headset. "Y-y-yeah, I think." Edward looked out his shattered cockpit window. Dregs frantically ran around putting out fires, but one group stood out. A captain wielding two shock blades was leading a pack of vandals to his crashed ship. "Guys, I am going radio silent. If you hear nothing from me in forty-eight hours... it was an honor serving with you two." "Ed, don't say thin-" Edward muted his headset. "I'm sorry, Gale." Edward spoke to himself as he activated his invisibility. The captain shoved his blade through the window and lifted up the cockpit. The Fallen was astonished! There was no one there. The captain leaned in for a closer look, but reeled back as a flame lashed at it. Once again, the captain took a closer look. It took a deep breath, which collected on nothing. The captain realized what was wrong, but Edward stabbed his knife through the captain's helmet. The vandals escorting the captain jumped back in terror! They took pot shots but the hunter jumped over their bullets and fired five bullets from his scout rifle, five vandals dropped. "Kelly, you got to watch my back, okay?" Edward looked at his ghost while he scavenged any available gear from the wreckage. "I live for it, Ed. Let's have another adventure." her camouflage shell spun with excitement. The airlock behind them chattered as it raised open! Edward swung around, then blinked behind some crates. He waited for the vandal recon team to pass before bolting into the hallway. "Kelly, you had one job." Edward snickered. "Don't give me that BS. You have to be more careful, these are the murderous Winter, ya know." Edward snuck through the ketch in shadow. "Kelly, are Haxx and Gale still out there?" "I'm afraid that they were chased off, they were way too outmatched." Kelly expanded her shell to get a better signal. "Well, let's finish what we started." "Psst, two captains heading this way!" Kelly spoke in whispers. "Sh*t, okay." Edward activated his invisibility once again, and waited for the Fallen to pass. "They're not moving fast enough. My invisibility is about to drop!" The Fallen chatter grew louder, louder, louder. Edward's invisibility dropped, and his blue and white armor stood out against the rusted wall. Edward cringed waiting for his fate. However, the voices waned. Edward opened his eyes, then looked around a crate. No one was there. His visor had fogged up from his heavy breathing. "Oh, what kind of bull sh*t luck is that? Kelly, what are some major structures on ketches?" Edward slowed his breathing. "Engines, standard and warp, and the shield generator. If our sabotage mission doesn't work, we can call in a bombing run." Kelly looked through her Fallen database. "Alright. Escape pods are close to the hanger, so I'll save that for last." Edward slowly snuck through the hallways. After four hours of avoiding danger, he reached the center of the ship, where the generator waited. Edward connected small, but deadly, bombs as he stuck them to the walls of the room. "That about does it." Edward crossed his arms and nodded at his handy work. "Let's get out of here before detonation. There is one layer keeping you from being sucked into the void." The hunter headed for the engines room. It took him five hours of sneaking through hallways and climbing up and down elevator shafts. Once Edward found the fuel cells, he pulled out a detonator. "Are we safe, Kelly?" "Yes! Flip the switch." Edward flipped up the cover, then pushed the button. For five seconds, there was nothing, then BANG! The sound of the explosion echoed throughout the ship. Edward stumbled from the Shockwave, but he kept his footing. Alarms sounded in every room! Dreg repair teams and vandal recon teams ran around to find the saboteur. "Alright, phase two." Edward did the same thing, he placed bombs all over the fuel cells. "Kelly, now I need you to retrace my steps to get me back to the hanger." "Chart plotted. Go left." Kelly led the way. The hanger wasn't that far away, only a two hour walk. The airlock opened, and thousands of Fallen were boarding skiffs! "The escape pods are on the other side of the room!" Kelly highlighted a door on the opposite side of the hanger. Edward thought for a second, then snapped his fingers, "I'll blink over there!" "Wait, the bombs." Kelly spun her shell in excitement. Edward smiled and detonated the bombs. Once again the ship shook violently, but this time the ship was being pulled into Venus' atmosphere. Everything in the hanger began sliding to the back of the room. "Here's my chance!" Edward bolted for the escape pods! He blinked around boxes that were about to hit him. He made it across safely. Kelly opened an airlock for the first available escape pod. Edward climbed in and plotted a course for Earth. As he sat down, he twitched and blinked repeatedly, he suddenly felt empty inside. He turned around to see his ghost stabbed by the Winter Baron, Braxis. "KELLY!!" Edward yanked off his dog tags and tossed them in the seat! He jumped out of the pod and launched it. It left the ketch just before it entered the upper atmosphere. As the ship was engulfed in flames, Edward and Braxis fought! The Baron was agile, but he was no match for the enraged blade dancer! Braxis reeled from the electricity, then was stabbed in the chest by Edward's arc blade. Edward finished off the vandals that surrounded him. He looked out the window as the jungle canopy came into view. "I'll go out in a blaze of glory." Edward spoke to himself as the ketch collided with the ground.[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by LordZero: 11/20/2015 5:29:48 PM
            Here's my attempt [u][b]The Mysterious Stranger[/b][/u] [spoiler]The wooden door shook lightly as three hard knocks struck it from the outside. Then a veil of silence covered the room. The room was still, not even a particle of dust was stirring. The wooden floors of the shack were rotting away revealing the wet muddy earth the foundation once stood upon. A hard wood desk lays on it's side blocking the only door to the small confined room. Several empty filing cabinets sit in one of the corners, an old desk fan sits on top of them. It's blades powdered in long strings of dust. Empty wrappers from food litter the other corner and an overflowing trash bin lays on it's side. "I can't let them in, no I can't. There's nothing I can do for them." a voice swiftly mumbles to itself. A man in ragged garb sits in a fetal position, rocking back and forth. His eyes dart across the room focusing on nothing, but looking for something. A small quiet squeak breaks the silence. "Who's here!? What was that!?" The man demands search the room. One of the fan blades had gathered so much dust it turned slightly. The walls creak and the man flinches and scurries to the center of the room. He lays flat on his back and stares up into the single light in the room. His hands clasp together and rest on his chest. His eyes widen as he slowly watches particles of dust drift down through the floorboards above him. The floor above him scratches and the ceiling lamp flickers. The thump of footsteps move slowly across the room. "What do you want! Leave me alone!" He yells out and the ceiling lamp flickers and burns out. "Who are you?" The man whispers to himself. He rolls over onto his stomach and crawls towards the over turned desk blocking the door. He grips it tightly, his finger nails digging into the hard wood. Shadows dance and dart before him in the pitch black darkness. They're figures are tall and lanky and their movements are slow and staggered. The darkness draws in closer, and closer strangling his very mind. He can't take it anymore, he moves the over turned desk out of his way and exits out the door. He runs like he's never run before and when we runs out of breath he turns and looks behind him. Nothing. Nothing but ruins and not a soul in sight. He was alone, alone the whole time. The entire city nothing but ruins. He smiles and sinks to his knees letting out a happy chuckle. Perhaps he was happy that his fears were all in his head or he was sad that his fears weren't real.[/spoiler]

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            • Isolamento The dark is a disturbing place friend, very few have traversed it, and even they have returned tormented and insane. The lack of light, oh the sweet lie of light, shows you the truth, and the truth destroys people. It is dark in your chamber, and you assume yourself to be all knowing on everything, but that is truly not the real dark. The dark is the desperation of isolation, making yourself an insignificant hermit in your own shadows. This is the scenario. You are fast in slumber in your bed, the room dark with the shadows of the moon. You hear a tapping, oh but it's only a tapping, what of it? The tapping continues. It doesn't stop. You stay awake for the duration of it, forcing yourself to end your primal instinct of curiosity, but knowledge is such a sweet lie disguised as a truth. You must know. You open the door to your room, expecting an empty hall full of shadows, the usual. But you find a grave sight, a discovery that will end you, the truth. The blank shadows of normality consume you. The real darkness consumes you, the truth. Death approached you, flipping his coin of judgment. He strikes you a deal, infinite knowledge of the universe, but at a price. You shall die, unable to share the truth. You see, death isn't just the god that dominions over death and everlasting darkness, but truth. The brutal truth of death and darkness, the eternal isolation. If you fear isolation, then you will never feel truth, you will never feel the tendrils of realization upon your mind. I stand here, not telling you to isolate yourself from the light, but to avoid isolation. Live the sweet lie of the light, question it to your hearts content, but the answers you collect are always false. Reality is indeed a false hope, I am afraid to say. So live, until the one brutal moment of departure. Death may be among you, but the truth and isolation shall follow, and you shall be enlightened. Live eternally in the hearts of others, and bathe eternally in the knowledge of the afterlife, the truth of isolation. Isolation is brutal, but honest. The word of Enlightenment is a swift act, the word of isolation is a brutal act. The word of death, is a true act. So leave this place, knowing yet more morals that are invaluable to your human mind, but are priceless to the enlightened mind you will come to accept in the future. Isolamento, the word of brutal truth, knowledge, and enlightenment. Let it burn within you, for some day you will be ready. Isolamento, relinquish the lies of the past, don your new future. Live another day in a new place, for here all you will see are lies, deceit, and betrayal. Such a word, is the only logic to live by. So don't go insane from the dark, embrace it, embrace curiously, embrace knowledge, embrace truth, embrace Isolamento, the only truth. The cycle shall be broke, goodbye friend, for now.

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              • Edited by Walrus Walter: 11/21/2015 4:39:59 PM
                [b]The Dreams of Alamo Centurna: Human Alone[/b] [spoiler] The Skeleton spoke. Spoke in the tongue of our ancestors. What did it say? >It Was Dead. It did not speak, Alamo. Perhaps it did. Perhaps it didn't. But, it said something. <Darkness it spoke. The human alone. The human alone? <The human alone. The human alone alone is a darkness unto itself. We were built as social creatures. The human alone is not our design. <Then why did it speak? >It did not speak. It was dead. The dead ancestor. <The dead ancestor was the human alone. Our ancestors...The ones on earth? They were human alone. <Split between culture they were. Human together, but separated. Human alone they were unto themselves. Human alone they were unto themselves. The Skeleton spoke to me of the darkness of the past. <The human alone kills everything. The skeleton spoke of the darkness. The darkness of the human alone. We were built to be social creatures. The human alone goes against our fundamental nature. The human alone corrupts our spirit...but the human united >The Skeleton did not speak! The human united. Is that what I must do. Is the Skeleton warning us of repeating our past mistakes? >The Skeleton did not speak! <The human united is what we were built for, Alamo. Dare we go against are fundamental nature, history will repeat itself. Then I will be- <You will be the leader of the human united No. That would make me human alone. <Then we will make a council. A united council of leaders of the human united. The human alone will cease to exist. >That is why the darkness was a Skeleton. It was already dead, but not quite enough dead. Than I will be united with the leaders of the human united. Cultures will not split us. Wars will be cast away. <Aye, but don't turn your check just yet, Alamo. The human individual is on a balance between the light and dark. One single action can turn the scale, and human alone he will be again. >The Skeleton is dead, but not dead enough.[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/21/2015 8:30:15 PM
                Last Night. [spoiler]It began with a mass exodus,Attacks on the city became so frequent and widespread nowhere was safe. People attempted to flee, some in organised groups, others just upped and left in the middle of the night. Romii and Luke had been two of the last to leave their apartment in the slums. Luke had carefully prepared a pack each , containing essentials easily carried . Romii being four years younger just did her best not to be a burden. Luke had looked after Romii like a big brother after her parents had died 7 years before. He'd gone out got a job, put food on the table and clothes on her back. Having been raised on the streets he had promised her she would never have to sell herself and he'd taught her how to fight. Romii in turn loved Luke, was in love with him, but she knew he'd never see her that way, she'd always be 'that little girl' to him. But they were inseparable and together they would take on the world. Only the war came,so they packed up and followed on behind the other lost and homeless. Months later came the night everything changed. Luke took first watch whilst Romii slept ,during which a man approached,he looked tired and broken, he asked if he could share the Fire and Luke agreed. The man spoke of his family and how he lost them, the stupidity of the war and how unfair it all was. As those last words left his mouth he pulled a knife, looking at Luke he demanded he turn everything over including the girl. Romii awoke to hear Luke telling the guy to go to hell, enraged the man lunged, only instead of Luke he found Romii between them ,her blade drawn and it's too late for him to step back, his momentum drove her blade into his chest , she gave it a final shove and he fell back shock etched into his face. Romii walked over to the very dead man ,put her foot onto his chest and yanked out her blade,wiping it clean on the mans shirt. Together they moved the body, when it finally dawned on her Luke had been staring at her for quite sometime ,she looked at him and her cheeks began to burn as she blushed. He walked over to her saying nothing, he put his hand on her cheek and they kissed. It was warm and soft and she felt his breath on her lips. Tears run down her cheeks as she remembers that moment. Searing the memory into her brain. Romii is sitting on the cold concrete floor of a cellar, she looks up at the fading light coming through the tiny window near the ceiling. They had been forced here to seek shelter from another fire fight but they had been slow, and bombs had dropped trapping them, no one was coming now, there was no one to hear her cries. She turns to where they spent the night, Luke is still lying there looking like he has not a care in the world,she crawls in beside him laying her head on his chest and closes her eyes, if she tries hard enough she can hear the sound of his heart beat,she can recall the taste of his mouth and the warmth of his touch, if she tries hard enough, she can pretend he's not gone., . [/spoiler]

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              • Deez Nuts

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              • no u

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              • Im in.

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              • Will do

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              • Where do you want us to post it? Mine is ready.

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              • I'm not the brightest, so I got a question. 1) Would a good example of [i]isolation[/i] someone getting separated from the group?

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                • Is it to be in the Destiny universe or anything the writer wishes?

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                  • How many characters is one forum post?

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