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originally posted in:The Collective Anomaly
9/23/2015 8:12:55 AM

TCA short story contest #2: The king is dead

Hey, everyone! The Collective Anomaly invites you to participate in our third writing contest! To enter, please post a single, original piece of writing which you wrote yourself in this thread, according to the rules explained below: [b]THEME:[/b] Your story must include the following phrase: [b]The king is dead.[/b] Someone can say it. It can be written somewhere. It can be the introduction, it can be the epilogue. Anywhere is fine, but it must be there. Otherwise, be creative. Destiny and Non-Destiny stories welcome. [b]LENGTH:[/b] At least one complete sentence, up to a single full post. [b]DEADLINE:[/b] Wednesday, September 30, whenever I get around to updating this thread. [b]THE PRIZE:[/b] A shader code given away by yours truly. Since it's my code, I'll be the one judging the entries and choosing a winner. The winner will be contacted directly by PM, and announced in this thread. Have fun!

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  • You never announced the winner.

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  • Ooh today the winner is announced

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    • [i]The King is dead, long live the Queen! The King is dead, long live the Queen![/i] Over and over they chanted, chanted. I had killed the King. I had killed Oryx. I had carved out the malice and vengeance that was his soul with my Arc Edge, and his body had fallen to Saturn. I had [i]killed[/i] THEIR King, and they were worshiping me, calling me Queen, these disgusting Hive that currently groveled at my feet. A Thrall put a tentative claw on my boot. I kicked it in the face. It quickly withdrew and groveled more ferociously(if that was even possible). A Knight approached me, kneeling, offering his jagged sword up to me. " My Lady, my Queen, what is your will?" It's voice was the voice of my nightmares, grating and cruel. "What is your will, my Queen? We live to follow and obey only you. Any obstacles you find in your One Path, you have only to call to us and we will tear it with our minds and claws and voices." It cowered under my glare. I finally spoke..."I don't understand. You have been battling with us for centuries. Your kind haunt the dreams of the City. Why would you accept a Guardian as your Queen?" The Knight exchanged glances with his fellow monsters. "You defeated our leader. You are the strongest. Our kind only live to follow. Let us follow you, my Queen. Without a hierarchy, we will crumble into a seething mass of destruction with no thought of friend or foe, and all of these worlds will perish with us." I thought. And watched. These Hive, they bowed to me. No, the whole Hive bowed to me now! "You have already seeded Earth. Wipe the Fallen off our home planet, then go back to the Moon and stay there. This is my will." The mass of Hive gathered before me stood and unleashed a deafening roar. [i]The King is dead, all hail the Queen!!![/i] Yes, the Hive was mine. I just hoped that nothing rose from the Dark to take it back.

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    • REPORT: EDIT 16787\\ SUBJECT: THE KING IS DEAD TYPE: GHOST RECORDING //PLAY// The King is dead. My guardian is dead and so are the other 5 which came down with us. The Will of The Light triumphs as I sink into the merky black. -REDACTED- and I have fought and died and fought again for what felt like forever. Now my tiny frame is broken and his much larger frame is bent and torn. The King fell but the fighting did not. Thrall rushed us and Taken swarmed us. -REDACTED- fought as hard as he could and so did the others. But it was too much. My light fades as I watch his body become a feast for the Thrall. STOP STOP STOP

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      • Edited by Alpha: 9/29/2015 1:33:55 PM
        Lies! Lies! The King isn't DEAD. But how? My fireteam and I killed him. We took an advantage and put an end to him. We found his weakness, and fired all available weapon. Fired until something in his chest exploded, made him falling towards the cold gas of Saturn. Then, who was the one i killed? His body supposed to be there, not here. Not in the Throne realm in his Dreadnaught. But, there he is. Laughing sarcastically. Then what's this weapon? It's made of his heart. This is impossible. The King has acknowledged me. And, his fist full of Darkness, all i can see is full of Light. We all thought the King is dead. Oh, i was wrong. The King is alive.

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      • Edited by Riven: 9/29/2015 1:09:40 PM
        I am the one who did it. I take full responsibility. My team fell, but I did not. I forged on ahead. I clawed my way to him and finished him off. I wasn't called on to do it. I wasn't asked to help. I did it by myself. The shroud of darkness lifts. But only for a few days. Soon, there will be a new threat to take on. And this time, a new team will take it down. The dread naught still exists. As a reminder of Oryx. As a reminder of those who fell. As a reminder of the toll it took on us. [b]The king. Is dead.[/b] Oryx is no more. He is gone. His physical being wiped from our plane of existence. He is still out there, I know. But we will find him. And purge him from existence once and for all. No matter how dark the day might become. [i]Draw from the Void. Light the way.[/i] [spoiler]Hope you enjoyed, made it up as I went on. By yours truly. Hope you had a good read. [/spoiler]

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      • Edited by AgentMizzmo: 9/29/2015 12:24:03 PM
        [i]Thump Thump Thump [/i] I hear my heart hammering through my chest. Every beat feels like a hammer. I was ready. All the time planning. Leading up to this as I load my rifle. Each bullet clicking into place. I finish. And slide the bolt forward. I sit there and wait. I feel a slight breeze through the window. It lightly pushed against my skin. Almost like a faint kiss on the cheek. I began to get excited as I heard the motorcade come around the corner. I look down my rifle's scope. Zeroing in on my target's head. I follow him for a bit. Six floors up. I stand up to get an ever better view. I inhale, then exhale. Holding my breath. Not taking in another. I pull the trigger, the bullet instantly finding its mark. Blood flies everywhere. I rechamber a round and fire again, this one hits too, brains and bits of His face are everywhere. I fire a third time, and this one misses. Three shots in six seconds on a moving target. And he was dead. My name is Lee Harvey Oswald, and the King is Dead. [spoiler]Keep it short and sweet. Yet let it hammer a very real situation home, and you'll have an added effect. [/spoiler]

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      • Edited by OneKatya: 9/27/2015 4:41:50 AM
        Perhaps it is the mysteries that the darkness holds, or perhaps it is the shrilling cries of thralls out in the distance that lured me to establish growing hatred for Oryx... I had nightmares during which his followers would chant, "Long live the King". Following my recent conquest, I can now rejoice in the sweet knowledge that "the King is dead!!!" It all started when an odd-looking rogue hunter came in through town at dusk. He had greenish eyes that glowed in the misty pitch black night. It was like his three eyes were a living organism and every time he looked my way, his eyes sent a chill down my spine. The hunter kept a low tiger-like profile as he gracefully glided across town. What got me more curious than his eyes, was his shiny, crimson pistol on the side of his right leg. The rogue hunter wore a thin, yet hard covering that was darker than the starless night, with a scruffy, leather satchel, that rested on his chest, showing a faint, lime glow from its inside. His boots rose up to a few inches below his knees and had scales that looked like they were from an ancient Ahamkara dragon. Similar to his boots, his muscular arms were layered with a rare piece of armor that seemed to be the rough skin of Crota, the slain son of Oryx. Surprisingly, he began to walk towards me, causing me to rest my hand on my bow... The hunter, with his eyes staring me down, mutters something inaudible as he strides his way toward me. A large raven lands upon his his shoulder and quietly caws a message into his ear. The mysterious raven flew away in a hurry as the hunter neared me and halted inches before me. He looked at me with such seriousness, as if he were studying my face. It took a few, long seconds before he started to speak. Wisps of steam rose out of his mouth as he whispered, "We're being watched, trust no one. Meet me behind the great oak in ten, and mind that you're not followed." I breathed in the ice cold air and shivered as we stand face-to-face. As I look closely to the hunter, I notice he has long scars across his face that are smeared with blood. I focus on his dry, bitten lips as I start to speak. "Who are you? Why are you here? Wh--" "Listen, I know you have a lot of questions... But trust me, there's not much time for us to discuss," he glances around as if he senses something is in the shadows, "There are rumors of you... being destined to slay Oryx." "The King?" I gasped with shock. "I'm sure you'll find a way," he glances around a second time, but longer, as if he's expecting something, but he then suddenly speaks in a low whisper, "There are ears and eyes everywhere... so let's make this quick. To defeat Oryx... you must get into their stronghold located in the north five miles out... not only that, you must kill all the scouts, without making a sound.. we don't want to alert Oryx, do we?" "But doesn't he know I am destined to kill him? Surely he has his stronghold on complete defense." "Here's the catch... he doesn't know if you're alive. For all I know, they might as well think it's a random guardian attacking," he starts to mutter something quickly as if he doesn't have any patience, "we've got to get moving now. We'll attack at dawn." With that, he takes off without letting me respond. Without leaving a trail, the hunter disappeared, leaving me to the task. "Great," I say to myself,"better get going..." As I stumble toward the north end of town, I catch a glimpse of something moving in the shadows. Perhaps it was just the wind, I thought. I clutch my silver, transparent gem for luck as I hurry across town. Hours later, I finally reach the stronghold, which seems to be deserted. I draw my crystal blue bow as I slowly, carefully step toward the stronghold's door. On the door, there was a strange rune that glowed crimson. Suddenly, a shadow moved on top of the cliff overlooking the door. I realize that the shadow will be able to see me if I don't move quickly to the door. Surprisingly, the shadow did a wave and then pointed down. A few seconds afterwards, the huge door starts to open. I got the sense that I would need to get some cover to hide from whatever is behind that door. My intercom suddenly burst with sounds, and to my surprise, I am told that the guards inside have been taken cared of. I take a deep breathe, and ascend into the base. Green lights illuminate the hollow dungeon, as I transcend past a couple of rooms. High on alert, I arrive into a chamber of what seemed to be a place for sacrifices. My comms start to spark with chatter. "Rogue coming in. Rogue coming in. Do you copy?" "Aye.. may you explain to me what is this forsaken place?" "Ah... yes, this place is where Oryx resides in. Here is his chambers, in which he uses for sacrifices and feasting. He should be resting in here somewhere... but I warn you, DO NOT WAKE HIM UP." "I hope not," I muttered quietly. As I walk across the bridge that leads to a tall totem pole, I can notice dried blood on the walls, and tons of blood on the totem pole. So this is where the sacrifices go... When I step into a circular platform on the other end of the bridge, a loud screech comes echoing throughout the chamber. Uh oh. Out of nowhere, hundreds and hundreds of shadows surround me. "Looks like you got trouble.. good luck," is spoken through my comms. Wait a second, did he lead me here on purpose? As I was about to make my move, an enormous figure steps into the glowing light. No, it can't be... Oryx. His eyes similar to that rogue hunter, he wore thick layers of armor that looked like a hard, green shell. With a single motion, my weapons are swept away from me. He has telekinetic powers? Then the dreaded moment came... I was captured in this god-forsaken place. Why didn't he kill me? I wake up with a sharp smell that seemed to come from the outside. The ground was patched with black, sharp coverings that was contained only in my jail cell. Suddenly, the air changes scent and I am knocked out of conscious. I awake to find that I am tied to the same totem pole that I saw moments ago. The crowd begins to chant, "Long live the King," while a familiar figure comes in view. Oryx. With a snarling laughter, he presents a narrow, yet sharp blade that was dotted with bloods of previous sacrifices. "So, you think you could slay me that easily? I think not..."said Oryx. "It's time I show the crowd who I am... What I'm capable of.. And most of all, that I cannot be defeated. Ever." "No," I somehow stumble out the words," you were depicted to be slain... by me. You don't deserve to live.. You're a monster." And with that, he let out a laughter that echoed throughout the chamber. "Well, I have destroyed worlds, and what have you done? Nothing. You are a weak, insufficient piece of light. Your light are diminishing... And soon, I will put an end to it." He puts the blade on my neck and starts to put pressure, as the crowd starts to chant louder and louder. A sudden, loud gunshot echoes through the room. I gasp in shock, as Oryx falls to his knees. His body starts to wither into the air, as the crowd of hive starts to murmur... "The King is dead." A figure with three eyes starts to appear, and untie my knots. The rogue hunter is back. Hives start to come out of the shadows and bow to this hunter. He speaks to them in a dark language, and when he was finished, the hives surround me with their arms raised. "Looks like you're their new King," said the hunter,"watcha goin' to do 'bout it?" I take out the silver gem and raise it into the air. A white mist engulfs everybody, and when it is diminished, everybody, except the hunter, was shifted into their original forms that consisted of humans and Awoken. "I'm going to eliminate evil... win this war. We're going to take back our home, our life. We're going to change fate."

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        • Edited by Stiff--Tissue: 9/25/2015 4:48:34 PM
          Eris clutched her orb. Eyes closed yet open looking at the firefight between the six guardians using the light to fight the dark king oryx. Slowly but surely the methodical firing from the guardians wore oryx's life bare and slew him. Ecstatic eris ran into the vanguard strategy room and began to say praises to the guardians in a very cryptic way. Cayde-6 looks at her and asked what she was talking about and eris calmly looked him in the eye and said "THE KING IS DEAD!"

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          • My fireteam is lost. We have no contact with the vanguard. I wonder if this is what happened to the fireteam we were tasked to find. I distinctly remember their last words. The King is dead. If only they had known. All they had defeated was a shadow. As soon as their guard was down, Oryx struck. This was the fate of many guardians. They were only the first. We fought many trials to get here. We can only fight this oryx, and pray for victory and that this is really him. I hope our fireteam can mean those cursed words. The king is dead

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            • My fireteam and I took our final stand against the taken king. His wretched ways were about to end, the light was going to fill the darkness. We got him painting about to give in. One single rocket flew through the air hitting him like a truck. As it blew tiny other rockets flew out and burst into him. Yet another boss has been slayed by the gjallarhorn, and it's glory lives on. At last the king is dead and Mara Sov has been avenged. RIP- Gjallarhorn/gally/baller horn... RIP-Mara Sov/ the queen.

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                I have no pride, all was lost over time. Some will say,[i] "THE KING MUST END!"[/i] As I lay alone at night, I begin to wonder why I fight. To this I yield, I've lost my dearest friend. [i]"Praise the lord! The King is...."[/i] [i]Long live The King, of blessed splendor. Death to The King born of the wretched blender.[/i]

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                • Edited by FXJ: 9/23/2015 8:26:29 AM
                  Looking forward to what people come up with!

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                  • Edited by SaviorsBlood: 9/23/2015 9:24:07 PM
                    I'm not positive I'll write something, but the cogs are turning.

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                    • Bump for later gater.

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