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The Collective Anomaly

"You Know What They Say About the Pen."

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    Established for the benefit of writers around If you want to hone your writing skills, join this group for an audience to review your work as well as receive tips for future projects. Anyone from novice to seasoned writers are welcome to join our little club house.

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originally posted in:The Collective Anomaly
Edited by ChorrizoTapatio: 5/18/2015 11:11:37 PM

Are you a writer? Want to become a better one? We want you!

Do you enjoy writing fan fictions, short stories, poetry, or any other forms of literature? Would you like to have an audience read through your projects so you can get the feedback you need to improve your work? Are you someone interested in writing? Well, [url=]the Collective Anomaly[/url] wants [u][b]you[/b][/u]. My vision for this group is to help improve the writing of others and provide a safe and sincere place for you to receive feedback on your writings. So, if you are a writer or you would like to try your hand at writing, I welcome you to join this group! [url=]Our doors are open, so feel free to join today[/url]. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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  • Bump

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  • I want to join, but for some reason, the group ID comes back as invalid. Try re-posting the link. See if that helps.

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    2 Replies
    • Once upon a time there was a guardian name Smoggy. He woke up facing the darkness....alone. Keep the story going guys. XD

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      4 Replies
      • For whatever reason, I can't reach the group via those links, says the ID is invalid

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      • It's been a while since this was in the forum again, so I'm gonna bump the thread. Finals are around the corner so what better way to relieve some stress than to write some awesome stories?

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      • I don't write but I used to go to laughing ogre all the time when I was a kid. I didn't know people knew about it. Lol.

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      • Sounds like fun, maybe I'll pop in sometime.

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      • Edited by Nightingale: 4/8/2015 5:00:58 AM
        I'm in with Centauri Alpha. I have a fanfic series going on now. It's called The Great Invasion. I'm against spoilers, so you'll have to read it to know what it's about (I don't know how spoiler tab works so...yeah)

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        1 Reply
        • I've finished my two biggest projects and I would like feedback from others. I am not a writer, these are my first attempts ever. How do I go about asking the clan for feedback?

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          3 Replies
          • Roses are red violets are blue. Trains go choo choo. Good enough?

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          • Edited by l CIII l: 4/8/2015 10:55:09 PM
            Does it have to be Destiny related, or can it just be science fiction ect...?

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            1 Reply
            • Hmm I do enjoy making destiny fan fiction so I'll give it a look

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            • I'd post my material but sadly it's all hand written in my journal, and I do not have 2 hours to copy it..

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            • Dark. It is always dark here. The wizard is captive in chains before me. She screams, again. We both know that a thousand screams could not change that which must be done. I tighten my grip on the blade once more. I hear it calling, louder than usual. It knows. It has always known. Once, before this began, I did not understand that true knowledge is attained through struggle, through experience and - most importantly - through pain. I understand these things now. The itching returns. The armour is no longer something that I wear. The process was slow at first, barely perceptible, and by the time I realised what was happening I no longer wished it to stop - it has fused with me now. The itching never really goes away, but comes in waves and surges, like now. A thousand worms burrow into my flesh, the scabs in my mind ache. Maddening. I take my one remaining hand (the sword is the other is the hand is the blade is forever is darkness is now) and use a shard of bone to try and pry the plating away from the necrotic remnants of my skin. To scratch, to slice, to try to bring back the silence of the void. Useless. There is only one cure, and we 3 know that this is not it. The pus and blood dripping from the shard seem to smile at me as they congeal on the floor of the cave. Maddening. Madness consumes what is left of me, in the spaces that the blade does not wear. For unlike my armour, which became part of me, I am now part of the blade. The blade wears me. A puppet of flesh and marrow and death and madness. I can see out from the hole it has carved for me in my mind, but I no longer wish to. It forces me to watch, and to further my understanding. Another scream rises from the wizard. Futile. It has been written, so shall it be. I look into its eyes and bathe in the hatred. Allow it to wash through me, to cleanse and sooth the itch, to quiet the screams for deathanddeathanddeathandmurder from the blade. Soon my love, soon. So much that could have been and so much we could have learned. But the general kneels before me in its chains, and none of that matters. Her mind sharpened by a thousand wars, knowledge of pain and its promises torn, struggling, from the very fabric of what you call reality. But then, a mistake. This is all it takes. Judgement. Here, this always was, and always will be. To be judged is to be guilty. The guilty must be punished. Execution. Sent through the 14th spiral of the 9th circle of the 3rd domain to my dimension. To the dark place. To the end of things. DEATH screams the blade through my teeth. It is right, it is time. I unchain myself from reality, and raise the blade so that it can carve dimensions as it falls and gift them madness and fear and the unknown. This is the way. It is and will be written. Scream again, general, scream like when we first tore your name from you. Scream so that The Lord may hear your anguish echo through his realm. The blade falls, cleaving existence, and I let it roar through me. FINALLY! As she dies, it is true again. I AM URZOK, AND I AM HATED. I am lord of my kingdom of pain and there is no other will never be can be no other way. It is time. Join us.

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              6 Replies
              • I send some in. I'll use destiny as my source of Inspiration

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              • I enjoy writing poetry, & some rap for fun( free explicit lyrics cuz I don't need it.)

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              • I walk among you...

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              • I'm only ten, and im working on a story entirely myself that DOSNT envolve halo destiny or any thing si-fi that's copy righted. My mom and dad love my story I'm writing! I was hoping if I could join the group! You could probably buy my book on the apple book store! Thanks

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              • Saved.

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              • [b][u][i]He Who Once Stood Still[/i][/u][/b] Walking through the halls of the vanguard I noticed something deferent, a dark shadow standing in the far back whispering to himself u couldn't quite work out what he was trying to say but I knew it wasn't human, as I approached it Eris suddenly appears out of nowhere. What are you doing back here young warlock she said in a very angry voice, I was just curios, thought I saw something back there, she looked at me with a blank face could you understand it? I couldn't make out what it was saying, I'll try and pronounce it, Mauggner triumph sector Zutticky Oliphantaua. That's about what I can remember, Eris grabbed me by the arm she whispered to me "I want to see you after dark meet me by the Lord Saladin" I looked at her with a blank face, soon after the dark shadow was gone. That night after confronting Lord Saladin I had a dream about an attack in the city why I have know idea, that morning myself and Eris where tasked to scout the reef under the protection of the awoken. We gathered our weapons suited up and left the tower, four hours into our journey we arrived at the reef where ships had been completely destroyed by a huge cosmetic explosion. Eris arrived shortly after I did our mission set by the queen was to scout what is know by the as the place of no return, this place was once called the arena but now controlled by the fallen leader [u][b][i]Zutuky the planet eater[/i][/b][/u]. It was once said he once had an army the size of our own moon waiting to attack our planet Earth, but was stopped by the great Palominou the strong. He was indeed a warlock the first warlock to be ever seen in battle, he used wat is known as the NOVA BOMB but he found a way to enhance the power even further. He wiped out the fallen captain without lifting a finger but at the price of his own life he created what is known as the 6 banners of fursilem, The keels the leaders of the banners had a peace treaty with earth. They pledge there life's to the man Who once stood still [b][i][u]Palominou The Strong[/u][/i][/b] he stopped the fallen invasion. But the keel had a secret in what was called the asteroid belt he had a son Zutuky named his child Draksis. After days of searching Eris and myself found what is called a freezing chamber that kept anything alive if kept inside there, as Eris opens the chamber a scream echoes through the chamber, a huge fallen leader jumps out of the chamber and grabs Eris and throws her across the arena. I ran for my ship the keel started firing on the ship, the ghost sends a signal to the tower for help, Guardians from all across the planet come to the reef in order save Eris. Run she screamed I jumped into my ship and managed to escape the impending disaster I arrived in the tower to see everybody cheering me on, I asked why are you doing this they said you killed Draksis I did? Well he escaped but Eris survived and she forgot what happened. Draksis was never seen again for another ten years till he had a son that created the House of Wolves

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                3 Replies
                • I do write fan fictions, and have readers from the east coast of the U.S. to Lebanon, but I feel like I could be stronger on some points in my stories...

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                • Edited by iSuperkyIe: 3/14/2015 4:25:41 PM
                  The problem with fan fiction and things of the sort, is that, it almost always sounds too deep and corny. People seem to feel as though they can bypass all intricate writing strategies by simply going for emotion. Every fan fiction that I've read on this forum has been ridiculously deserving and worthy... Of cringe. Bring the hate, I'm ready, let's go!

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                  3 Replies
                  • I write troll posts. Can I join?

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                  • I actually write short horror fiction. Horror is a way of life for me (music, movies, games, books,etc) I coupled that with my love of reading. I've gotten several stories done. Haven't been published yet but I'm working on it. O did however fall into an opportunity 2 years ago and made a short movie based on a story. Though it has nothing to do with Destiny, Bungie or the forums here, just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in

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                  • Ba bump.

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                  • I dont rite gud or reed, but i lik to rite wit crayun

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