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Legends of the Herb

"Dude, where's my Sparrow?"

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  • Mission Statement

    HERB is a group of laid back 420 friendly friends who enjoy playing games with each other. The Clan was founded during the Crota's End era by Admins Baked, Pandora, Luke, and Bill.

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    61 Members
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    10 Years as a Group
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originally posted in:Legends of the Herb
Edited by irishfreak: 3/29/2015 10:23:04 PM

420 friendly? Join Legends of the Herb







over 9000 (Yeah right)


[quote]Poll Question: How many members can we reach before House of Wolves drops?[/quote] [spoiler]Unfortunately like with all controversial subjects, negative posters have decided to move in and speak their minds. Instead of giving them the attention they seek, just report them. It will get rid of the post from the thread, and maybe the forum ninjas will give them a dose of justice. THIS IS MEANT TO BE A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT![/spoiler] [i]Hey Guardians! Thanks for your interest in joining[url=] Legends of the Herb.[/url] Are you looking for a chill group of people to play Destiny with? Are you someone who doesn't mind a few smoke breaks while clearing Crota's End? The Legends of the Herb is probably the perfect clan for you! Read the Q&A below to find out more.[/i] Q&A [b]Q: Who can join us?[/b] A: Anyone who is 420 friendly. You can be a toker, or a non-smoker. You don't have to smoke to be in our clan, but having an open mind about those who do is definitely a plus! [b]Q: What console are we on?[/b] A: Our main clan players play on the Xbox 360. A few of us have the Xbox One and get on occasionally. People who play on the Playstation should still join the group, however! [b]Q: What do we do on Destiny?[/b] A: Each week we do multiple runs of Crota's End, The Vault of glass, Nightfalls, Weekly Heroics, and Crucible. If you need help, just message one of the admins or post on our group forums. [b]Q: What are our goals for the future?[/b] A: Become a sizable clan, with multiple groups attempting to clear the HoW raid on day one. We plan on breezing through the House of Wolves content in an attempt to knock out the Raid as soon as possible. The more members we have, the more possible this will be! [b]Q: Can I sell Herb to other members?[/b] A: [u]Absolutely not![/u] We are not here to promote the sales, or distribution of any sort of herbs. If you are caught you will be banned immediately. Keep it clean. Have fun. [i]If you have any questions or comments, post below. Please be respectable while posting on this topic. We hope that you join our group, and we hope even more that you join our clan! [/i]

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    Invite your friends! Lets make the biggest 420 friendly clan/group on!

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  • I just wanted to say one last thing to all the haters: Murderers, thieves and rapists belong in prison. If you want to lock someone up for smoking a plant that makes them happy, you're the fücking criminal.

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    Nearly 30 clanmates! Awesome! [spoiler]you all rock[/spoiler]

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  • I fully support your group. You come across as open, positive, progressive, and fun. I'm laughing hard at some of the negative posts below. My wife and I LOVE being career people - teacher, science writer - who also enjoy a fully-legal Eastern Washington smoke most evenings after the kiddos are in bed.

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    2 Replies
    • Smoking weed is so cool man that I want to tell the world I do it dude! Even the cops should know I blaze!!

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      3 Replies
      • If you smoke weed you're probably a bum that can't keep a job for more than 2 months. More than likely with no goals or ambition in life. You probably smell like shit too. Take a damn shower.

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        8 Replies
        • Have fun trying to complete raids with these guys. In fact, no this is good.. Clans like these can act as containment groups. Keep the shitty low life stoners playing with other shitty low life stoners. The less times Im paired up with people like you the better.

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          37 Replies
          • Finally these pathetic smoking failures can raid with each other and stay out of my raids. Nobody wants to stop every 5 minutes for you arrogant wastes of oxygen go take a hit and ruin your already pathetic lives.

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            • Edited by twinPrimesAreEz: 3/29/2015 10:06:17 PM
              It says invalid clan url when I click on the clan link..

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              6 Replies
              • Seen a clan like this once. They only do crack. Exclusively crack. I infiltrated this clan for fun by making pretend I to do crack. Everything seemed normal until one guy seen Crota and started screaming and crying that he didn't want to die. The rest of the team shot rockets at this guy insisting he had been possessed by the crystal and needed to be killed

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                3 Replies
                • So who wastes more money on a slow suicide? Pot smokers or cigarette smokers? Fyi making a topic or clan thread promoting drug use and/or breaking laws is against COC I do believe. And you cannot use (some states it's legal now!) because in America and most countries it's still a federal law and if the DEA raised you and caught you with any amount of pot you can still be tried and found guilty I'm surprised you're not partnered with clans who endorse underage drinking, jailbait, or crack babied United but whatever to each their own

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                  11 Replies
                  • Any future plans to create a spin off clan - crack team charlie?? I can two sword crota on hard mode after a couple hits of that white goddess, without even turning on my tv.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Xb1 gt - iP1lot Im always down for a smokey run throught the abyss. Friend away friends.

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                    • 1
                      25 clan mates and 50 members!

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                      Just a reminder, Playstation users should join the group as well! The clan side might be exclusive to Xbox (come on, we need something to make up for lack of exclusive content,) but the group is open to anyone who loves Destiny!

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                    • Kill yourselves

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                    • Sounds pretty faggy to me

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                      5 Replies
                      • Smh

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                        8 Replies
                        • How many regular xb1 users do you have in the clan?

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                          • Add me if your in the clan ..

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                          • funny thread lol :DDD upvote XDDD le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwnd ftw le bacon narwhale xP upboated good sir I tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD dae le cake is a lie!!1 epic fail!! xddd le for le lulzzzz!!!!! owned ftw, we r anonymous xDD I forgot how to can!! le upvote for you :^) just epic, simply epic ROFLMAO!!!xD le dae EXPLODING KNEES PUDDI!!! le epic oldfag here, ama ;D ebin SHOOP LE WOOP :D xDD DDD here have an upboat le le le wow much le such lelele epic smoke weed 420 dae le trees :^) just so epic ftw!!!!112342 epic meemee, us gamers huh xB upvoted le doge here ama good sir *tips fedora* dae le epic atheist meme??? EPIC PWNAGE! CUPCAKES!!! (so random :) dae le pewdiepie le BROFIST xDD DDD DD is this a le new epic meme? screen kapped for dat sweet karma xD. FUS ROH DAH!!!!!1 i used to be a christmas but then i took an arrow 2 da knee :^( BAZINGA BAZINGA ZIMBABWE. top kek, toppest of keks. le rick from pawn stars? hahahaha le mayonaise -blam!-ing epic ass meme i love that -blam!-ing meme so much man wait let me just *gets crack pipe out* smoke some of that good 420 shit :) *rips a bong* AHH YES! that sure hit the spot ok now NOTHING PERSONEELL…KID! W H A T A -blam!- MAN xD i just fall of mah chair kuz i couldnt n’ i CANT stop laugh

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                            2 Replies
                            • 1
                              If you do not have anything nice to say, do not post at all. We have no time for your negativity here. Thanks!

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                            • Add me. Ill join. Fck all these drugfree scrubs. Smoke weed erryday. These scrubs dont know wasup. Watch em smoke weed when they get.cancer

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                              • Rename to The Chron Dons

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                              • Whats the hype with smoking weed? Does it validate some people?

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                                11 Replies
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                                  We have hit a small milestone! 20 members in our clan! Soon we will have surpassed 50 group members as well. This is pretty badass!

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