originally posted in:East Coast Traplords
I just got done adding everyone I can find who posted on here, so if you get a seemingly random add, it's probably me! Gamer tag is IkeRunner89, I'm on Xbox One, level 34 warlock, and I'm new to the whole concept of social gaming. I have a mic and I've only played with a few friends a few times, never completed any of the raids, and don't usually play crucible because I suck, but when I do it's usually Control. I'm a very casual gamer, not very competitive but I can stand my ground, and can take orders well, but I'm not a very good leader. I'm down to do whatever (including PvP if you're willing to take the risk of having me on your team), I don't discriminate! I just ask that you be patient with me and my questions!
I'm 26, male, and live in Yakima, WA!
Feel free to add me, just let me know you're from the clan!
Hope to cooperate with ya'll soon!
Same here on the not often social gaming and sucking at Crucible.