originally posted in:East Coast Traplords
Hey guys! It's been great getting to know some of you. And I know I haven't been able to talk to most of you. But believe me I'm trying! However, this post is for all you guys that haven't been able to get a group together for raids! 16+ years of age. Me and my original Traplords are getting together to run those of you that have never raided before! Level must be AT LEAST 24!!
1. Post here in the forums with your level
2. Your GT
3. Mic or no mic ( if you can hear us it's no problem )
We will be helping people, starting tomorrow (9/8/15) at around a 5:30 Eastern Time. Can't wait!
Lvl40 Titan 180ish light BHDengar I have a mic
Lv 33 warlock GalacticTrumpet (same as above) Mic can hear and talk
Level 40 ToaDrakua Mic (Wow am I late to the party.)
Hey all! 34 hunter with mic! I have raided before but no hard modes. Throw me a friend request or invite and let's game!!
Level 34 Warlock Gamer Tag: IkeRunner89 Mic: yes! 26 years old Never raided before, kinda new to any sort of online community, be easy on me! Washington state, so I'll be on probably at random times to those in the East!
Edited by CoupWCU: 9/8/2015 11:07:08 PM32 Titan w/ mic - coupwcu Currently going through the update but will jump on once done. Friend me!
SilentHorizon89 34 Hunter 32 Titan 32 Warlock got a mic 1st time raiding il be on most of the day tomorrow
thegreatgatenby Level 33 hunter No mic but can listen
Lvl 32 Titan wolfer12345 Mic
Got lvl 34 hunter lvl 32 warlock and lvl 28 Titan that I'd like to raid with. Got mic would love to help and be helped!