originally posted in:East Coast Traplords
First off welcome to the clan! If your not sure on what to do, no worries! We got you covered .
Now you're going to want to set us as your Xbox Clan.
1. Hover over "Community" at the top of your screen.
2. Click on "Groups"
3. Click on " East Coast Traplords"
4. Click "Set as Xbox Clan"
Great! Simple as that. Now you're going to need to register an account at this website.. [url]deadorbitalliance.com[/url].
After you arrive at the site, at the top right of your screen you will see a little button that says "Register"
Click on that, follow all the directions you need to and we'll go from there.
Now after you are all set, at the top you will see a button that says "profile"
Click on that and look over to your right. Click on "Edit Profile"
After that, you will see a tab in the middle that says personal. Click on the tab and scroll to the bottom.
Type in your Gamertag exactly
After that hit the "Allied Clan" drop down bar, and select "East Coast Traplords" and you're finished.
Welcome Guardians.
[quote]Ninja Edit
[spoiler]Hello OP (or anyone who has decided to open the spoiler and read all of this).
I'm one of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We may have met before, we may have interacted, you might have heard of us, or you may have no clue as to who we are and what we do. Well, this little note is to explain some of the things we do. One of the major roles we play is to handle the reports that come in whenever a member clicks on the "Report" button, to let us know that there is a post, a topic or a user that either doesn't understand or isn't following the rules that we all agreed to follow when we joined. But that's not the Ninja function that brought on this note.
The reason I am writing this is because I have retagged your thread. Bungie.Net uses hashtags to designate their major forums and to help keep things organized. Your OP (original post) was opened, created or given a hashtag that well, wasn't the best choice. It could have been that you were browsing through the [u][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Categories]various forum/tags[/url][/u] that are available on the site or app, and clicked on "New Topic" while in a forum that didn't "match up" with the subject matter of your OP. Or, you may have thought "this belongs here", when unfortunately, it doesn't.
That's another role of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We not only try to keep things fun, pleasant and welcoming here by removing rule-breakers, but we also want EVERY good topic to have the best chance to survive, thrive, find the right audience, and get lots of on-topic replies. And so, I have retagged your topic to move it to the forum where it has the best chance of doing that.
I give you my word that I have not altered a single letter or character of your Original Post, just placed this message below it and set the tag to better describe your topic. You may notice that you are unable to edit this post anymore. That is a part of the system, and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I've not replied or commented on your OP, since this message would most likely be "off-topic" to your thread and when members see a Ninja or Mentor (who are volunteers from the community) or even a Bungie employee post, they tend to go a little crazy and the disruption to the thread becomes a distraction. I don't want that to happen to your thread. I want it to be in the BEST place possible, to be seen by the largest audience who is looking for this sort of topic, I want it to take root, get replies, grow strong and make these forums a better place.
If you have any questions, you should feel free to PM me. My name is now in the upper right corner of your OP where it says "edited by".
Thanks for your patience, thanks for being a part of this community, thanks for taking the time to read all of this (I hid it in a spoiler so that anyone who clicked couldn't complain about "too long, didn't read"), and thank you in advance for creating your future topics with the forum/tag location in mind.
All set up with my profile. I have all DLC but due to my schedule I'm still trying to finish everything before taken king. aka still need some help with story mode.
Think I'm all setup
Somehow I messed that up. I want to come back in if I can.
Just wanted to clarify, but is East Coast Traplords more focused on Crucible than any other content? Or is the focus more general. The description here says the focus is general but the description on the DOA recruitment forums seems to say the focus is on Crucible.
Just sent a request to join I'd love to be in this clan. Haven't had many people to play with in a while which cause I love raiding. Really hoping to join.
I'm hoping to join the clan. I have mostly been a solo player myself planning to join a clan because there is only so much in the game I can do on my own. I am also a pretty active player.
Hoping to join (sent request). I'm from the east coast and am a trap lord but don't tell anyone. Also I'm very active.
Glad to have joined the clan, I've always liked the thought of joining one. My gamertag is Teknozombie and inputted it on the main alliance page. Please feel free to add me and I will be active as I can, hope to see you on the battlefield!
I sent request to join..34 warlock and working leveling up my hunter, currently at 29
Is this an xbox only clan? Because I'm on the ps3
How do I join?
Thanks for letting me join. Glad to be a part of this clan.
Thank you for letting me join. Glad to finally have be in a clan. Been itching to do the raids.
It's an honor being apart of the Trap Lords 💯
Good to be part of the Traplords. Cali native so the clan is spreading.
i am finally finished setting up!! lol i have a 34 warlock and titan im pretty decent lol just hit me up
What's up?! I'm a day one guardian with both 34 Titan and hunter and a measly 32 warlock. I'm a very competitive crucible player, and at the same time a laid back raider and I just love to have fun and get new weapons and gear! I would love to become a Traplord 💯
Edited by EddytheEdgeLord: 9/5/2015 3:31:33 PM34 Hunter wanting to join. I play 4 to 5 times a week I. have a few 365 weapons. I am up for anything. GamerTag is BossDude67
Level 30 warlock wanting to join. I am a pretty solid weekend warrior with a a hunter in the works. I lack a mic so I'm gonna be pretty lonely company but I will try and work around that. I am up for any sort of raid/crucible I don't mind helping with the long slog of grinding and I really just want to have fun.
34 Hunter looking to join up. I usually play 3 or 4 times a week. I am basically up for anything. I love the game, and I am close to have full 365 weapons. I also have a 33 Defender Titan and an in-progress Warlock.