Guardians X Empire
"Individually we are Strong......United we are Unstoppable!!!!!"
originally posted in:Guardians X Empire
Since the House of Wolves DLC came out there has been some wondering about these new chests and the arena itself. Though I won't give out all the secrets, cause then what fun would you have in game.
[b]Four levels of rewards[/b]
1.) Weekly; Nightfalls, lvl32/34/35 Prison of Elders
2.) Large chests
3.) small chests
4.) Keys
[b]Where to find keys:[/b]
-- [i][u]First[/u][/i]; by defeating Wolves on patrol and opening the chests.
- Learn where the chests spawn
- To maximize your chances open the chest, grab your sparrow, go to the nearest area divide, soon as you see the name in the left hand corner turn around, open the chest again. (Depending on the chest location and how fast you are you should be able to double loot it, some times triple)
-- [i][u]Second[/u][/i]; it has been confirmed by doing strikes you can also gain Keys
-- [i][u]Thirdly[/u][/i]; you can get them by doing the Level 28 arena. Each completion gives you two small chests at the end where you will have two chances to get keys.
[i](you may only carry 5 at a time so be sure to vault them. However since you get Ammo bricks from each chest it would be wise to keep one on you at all times since you cannot get rid of the bricks without using them.) [/i]
[b][i][u]Prison of Elders (Arena)[/u][/i][/b]
Now that you have keys, what do you do with them? Open that big chest in the arena of course! Below I will explain each level after I explain how the exotics work.
You can acquire them from the large chests in the Prison. Your first Large chest opened on each character will be for an exotic. After your first chest pull as long as you have keys you may open the Large chest until your hearts content. As long as you have enough keys. Each time you will have a chance at an exotic but the drop rates will be way lower than your first chest pull.
[i]Large/small chests[/i]
-Large chests you may open if you have a key. How many times you open it is only limited to the number of keys you acquire.
-Small chests you may open every time you defeat the Wolves or finish 5 rounds in the Prison where there will always be 2 small chests
(Chest timer: you will have only 30 seconds for everyone to get the end chests after the first chest is opened. It is common to wait for all 3 players to get to the chests before opening one. If one dies and you have already opened the chest, most likely they will not get the rewards for that arena.)
[i][u]Level 28[/u][/i]
- Queens themed gear
This is the easiest and can be done fairly quickly even with randoms. It will roughly take 30mins... Give or take for 5 rounds depending on your team.
This is good for chest farming the fun way. Each stage is random with random modifiers.
There will always be two small chests and one large chest. You will also receive some materials.
[i][u]Level 32[/u][/i]
-Guarantied Armor Core (weekly)
- Queens and Fallen themed gear
You will still be able to open the 2 small chests and if you have a key the large chest upon each completion
[i][u]Level 34[/u][/i]
-Guarantied weapon core (weekly)
-Guarantied Etheric Light (weekly)
- Queens and Fallen themed gear
- Etheric Light RnG from Large chest
You will still be able to open the 2 small chests and if you have a key the large chest upon each completion
[i][u]Level 35[/u][/i]
-Guarantied weapon core (weekly)
-Guarantied armour core (weekly)
-Guarantied Etheric Light (weekly)
- Queens and Fallen themed gear
- Etheric Light RnG from Large chest
[b]w[u]Fallen weapons and primary Elementals[/u][/b]
These are dropped randomly from killing Skollas, NOT from the chest.