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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Edited by oomn.agent: 3/23/2016 11:43:43 PM

Why Oryx doesn't Pancake us (Lore Wise)

A topic a couple of weeks ago (couldn't dig it up, if you have the link post it in a comment and I'll add it) There was a post about why in the Oryx raid fight why the Taken King doesn't just use his considerable bulk to just squash us like an ant, rather then all of that seemingly pointless and over complicated attacks he uses. Today I will attempt to answer that. To begin with I have to clarify why Oryx's Grimoire and in-game power-levels are so different. Oryx and the rest of the hive receive their powers from a deal they struck with the Worm Gods [quote]Take into your bodies our children, our newborn larvae. From them you shall obtain eternal life. From them you shall gain power over your own fragile flesh: the power to make of it as you will. And should you find an imperfection in the world, an injustice or an inconvenience — you will have the power to repair it. Let no mere law bind you. We ask one thing in exchange, oh Princes. You must obey your nature forever ... If you do(n't) , your worm will consume you. And as your power grows, oh Princes, so will your worm’s appetite. [/quote] -Yul: Book of Sorrows Verse 1:9 Basically, eternal life for eternal hunger, and as they conquered it became apparent that no one being could no longer satisfy the Hunger of their Worm [quote]My worm’s hunger grows faster than the might I draw from it. We are bound by our covenant to obey our nature: eternal search. Eternal cunning. Eternal conquest. But as we do this, my siblings, we feed our worms. And the more we feed them, the hungrier they grow. Faster and faster. Soon, my siblings, we will be so mighty, and our worms so hungry That not with all our might could we possibly feed them. And we will be devoured. WHAT CAN WE DO? [/quote] -Auryx (Oryx): Book of Sorrows Verse 3:4 The eventual solution was that all lesser hive give their energy to the Ascendant Hive though a Tithe (Tax) so that they could survive [quote] And thus the tribute will flow, up the chain, so that Savathun and Xivu Arath and myself will be fed by a great river of tribute, and we will use that excess to feed our gods, and to study the Deep. Thus all worms will be fed — as long as we continue our crusade. This is my law. I carve it thus, in ruin. Aiat. [/quote] -Oryx: Book of Sorrows Verse 3:9 Basically a gigantic Pyramid scheme, the Hive keep Killing, Oryx's worm is satisfied and his power builds eternal, seemingly unstoppable, as long as the momentum persists. But the Guardians changed that, we have been killing the hive, wiping out their ranks and reducing the Tithe, which weakens the higher-ups, in turn making them more vulnerable, the momentum thus swings in our favor [quote]Where is my son? Where is Crota, your lord, your princely god, your godly prince? Tell me no lies! I feel his absence like a hole in my Stomach. Where once his tender tribute whetted burrowed mouths, Now only hunger remains. [/quote] -Oryx: Grimorie Card Oryx, the Taken King The single greatest blow to this was the Warpriest, any transfer as large as the Hive's Title has to be managed, Lesser hive direct Worship to Shrines of Oryx, the Shrines all feed to the Court of Oryx on the Dreadnought where the Warpriest controls and presents it to Oryx and the other Ascendants [quote] to Oryx, King of Taking Tithing to his Lord, that the First Navigator might escape the need to kill for subsistence, the worm need That He might use His power to lead the final work A most faithful servant. Most faithful. [quote] Grimoire Card: The Warpriest Killing the Warpriest breaks the chain, while there are skill millions of Hive and Taken that praise Oryx, their Tithes no longer reach him, his food source is dry, and his ever-hungry worm begins to turn on him. Therefore before we even kill his daughters (whom I imagine were trying to repair the chain) Oryx is in deep s**t to put it mildly, and when we face him he is weaker than he's ever been as Oryx. So why not end the fight quick? Because the Worms bargain is very specific, they asked something specific of Oryx (Aurash at the time) when they made the Bargain [quote] In your immortality, Aurash, you may never cease to explore and inquire, for the sake of your children. In your immortality, Xi Ro, you may never cease to test your strength. In your immortality, Sathona, you may never abandon cunning. [/quote] -Yul: Book of Sorrows Verse 1:9 Sathona/ Savathun must deceive to survive, Xi Ro/Xivu Arath must constantly fight & kill but Aurash/Oryx has to explore and inquire; This is separate to Sword Logic which was introduced later in Verse 2:6, just killing the Guardians that challenge him won't feed the worm, this is now about more than Vengeance for Crota, this is about survival. To demonstrate all that he has discovered Oryx must prevail with Science, with magic, with Technologies that he has fashioned, skills that he has learnt, the killing song, taking, Doxology, what exactly doesn't matter but it has to be complex, it has to be something that needed exploration or inquisition to use, a kill with Brute Force will mean his end as well as the Guardians. Any comments and criticism are welcomed and if people are interested, I'll make a follow-up topic about the Light-Eater Ogres and their part in all of this. Edit: Q&A now available here

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  • Started a new topic: Answering Questions from the Oryx Lore post(8 Replies))

  • so he created the mighty Touch of Malice, as mentioned in Calcified fragments : Insight So now oryx draws his power from enemies that guardians kill - Oryx will return. [spoiler]Verse 5:9 — I'll Make Sure. I have made preparations. If I am defeated I know it will be because my understanding of the universe was incomplete. I failed to anticipate some strategy, some nemesis. (Perhaps Taox, if she still lives.) If I am defeated, I know that I will fall to something mighty. Something that craves might, something that loves what I love, which is the Deep, a principle and a power, the versatile, protean need to adapt and endure, to reach out and shape the universe entirely for that purpose, to mutate and redesign and test and iterate so that it can prevail, can seize existence and hold it, certain that this is everything, that there is nothing to life except living. And it has two faces, yet it is one shape. One face is the objective, which is obvious, and the other face is that will to sacrifice things and ideas for a single mission, the mission of becoming the shape, a shape that will not relent, the utter commitment to survival, to draw the right sword and choose where to cut: to allow this hunger to become your weapon. So I will prepare a book, which is a map to a weapon. And my vanquisher will read that book, seeking the weapon, and they will come to understand me, where I have been and where I was going. And then they will take up my weapon, and they will use it, they will use that weapon, which is all that I am. And armed thus with my past, and my future, and my present (which is a weapon, a weapon that takes whatever is available, a weapon bound to malice), they will mantle me, Oryx, the Taken King. They will become me and I will become them, each of us defeating the other, correcting the other, alloying ourselves into one omnipotent philosophy. Thus I will live forever. I’ll make sure.[/spoiler]

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    8 Replies
    • I still think fusion rifles should be nerfed

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    • Remembering this, this is cool.

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      1 Reply
      • He doesn't Pancake us because he prefers waffles, cause waffles are like a type of magic...

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        2 Replies
        • So basically, if we had fought Xi Ro instead of Oryx, we would have been screwed. She would really have just crushed us.

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          • Edited by untouchableboy: 3/23/2016 3:50:30 PM
            It seems like a plausible theory, but I have a few follow up questions: The quote for the warpriest only seems to indicate that the warpriest also gives tribute to oryx, and that by his tribute, Oryx would no longer need to kill for subsistence. However, Oryx also recieves tribute from all of the rest of the Hive, including crota, he indicates that all thrall keep enough to feed their worm and a little to grow, and gives the rest to their acolyte. The acolytes do the same to their knight/wizard, who do the same but are given the option to keep a little extra "as much as they dare" to speed their growth, but the more they keep, the more they become a target to the rest of the hive and the sword logic, and the rest goes on to the hive ascendent which have the same rules as the knights, and then the rest goes to Oryx. This dude is getting tribute from literally his entire species. and other than Crota and the daughters there are still many more ascendant hive, so (crotas brother, for instance) Eris morn describes that Tolands journal indicates he witnessed many Hive horrors in the ascendant realms. he describes in the book of sorrows that his worm is so big even feeding it a planet would not satisfy it, so I m not sure us killing a small handful of hive (considering how vast the lore makes them out to be. (this is what I take from the fact that Cayde says its only been us rising to face the greatest threats of the darkness, we're only one city of people, fighting against massive races, and if it werent for the fact that said massive races are all fighting each other our little city might be toast)) and a few ascendant kills should be nowhere near enough to put Oryx in shit creek without a paddle. What do you make of this? Other than that though, Oryx will always have to explore and inquire in everything he does or his worm would stop sustaining him, this is true with or without the tithe given to him by the warpriest. So I can get him using strange means of fighting, but at the same time, in the Story Mission Regicide, he just fought by slamming us with his sword and sometimes draining our supers and eventually teleporting us into a different room (which can arguably be seen as the "explore and inquire part" I get that) However, why does this fight need to be any more complicated? I mean Oryx is described as having inverted his own throne world to fit into his dreadnaught, so why not let him uninvert his throne world and pancake us by bending space time, surely that is something more worth the curiosity of someone like Oryx than generating bombs and eleporting us into sword worlds and making a weakness for himself that can be exploited (like the relic) More importantly why doesnt Oryx take guardians, he's able to take anything else in the universe provided its weakened (except for dregs apparently)? The lore describes him as being his crazy all powerful being that is the 'eater of worlds' [i]yeah, worlds, with an 's'[/i], so why not take us when say, our shields are down? I think the point that we guardians complain about is that the mechanics at Oryx cater to the guardian, and nerf's Oryx' described powers to make the fight possible, all while bungie makes it a little complicated.Now if there was some kind of mechanic where our light's power increased to rival that of this Hive God, I can see that making this raid more interesting. It's like Crota who allegedly killed thousands of guardians with his sword, and he goes and sends out the one sword that can damage him with a bunch of ads? I mean it's stupid and impractical. (This is why VoG is bae-raid, btw, no such mechanics). Oryx is described as being capable of so much that generating some bombs and teleporting shit around should be like another day at the beach. he doesnt show us the power worthy of being a God. In my opinion. Also, going back to your earlier point Edit 1: Oryx does not just take servans of the darkness but also servants of the light such as the fallen, if you look in the grimoire you can see that there was a relationship between the traveler and the fallen, as indicated below: [quote]The unfairness of it makes him want to roar. Why does everyone else have this patronage? Why do the Hive have gods and the Vex have sprawling time-bent minds and the Cabal have reinforcements? Why do the Awoken whisper to the stars and listen for the whisper back, the voices from the Jovians, the song in the dark? Why do the Guardians get the Great Machine's blessing, was it like that before the Whirlwind, were there Fallen heroes crowned in Ghosts who strode the battlefield fearless and full of Light? Why do they tell stories about reclaiming the lost glory of humanity, and no stories about the lost glory of Variks' people, the House of Judgment that once kept codes of dignity and law? - See more at:[/quote] They had their own golden age once, when their society ruled like kings, but then they lost the "Great Machine" in "the Whirlwind", and now the Traveler has come to us. the fallen are simply trying to get it back, indicating their association to 'ether' or the Light. Soooooo If Oryx can take them he should be able to take us too Side Note: This is why the fallen are my favorite race, they're the underdogs who fight and claim what they can on the basis of their own strength alone, and are still able to compete with the patronized hive, vex, cabal, and guardians

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            31 Replies
            • Why does he get so much larger from Regicide to King's fall?

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              • Edited by Kirby235711: 3/24/2016 2:17:30 AM
                So what you're saying is that he dies if he kills us with brute force... [spoiler]NEW ORYX STRATEGY! EVERYONE STAND UNDER HIS FIST![/spoiler] Right?

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                2 Replies
                • Omg I read the title as "why oryx makes pancakes" and that's why I clicked on it lol xD

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                  3 Replies
                  • That was -blam!-ing awesome and makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your explanation!

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                  • Wait, there's actually a post that isn't full of salt or whining children? It's a miracle!

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                    4 Replies
                    • As great as that sounds, you put a lot of effort in, but.. It's a computer game. He's the end of game baddy. If he could just squish you, it would be a pretty shît ending. Simple as that.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Good lore man

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                      • That's pretty awesome. Can u do a lord post upon the whereabouts of the House of Kings and any other fallen houses?

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                      • The reason Oryx didn't kill us is primarily because we caught him completely and utterly unprepared. Had the Reef and Cabal not cracked open his ship he would have rolled us; he lost almost his entire fleet and was exposed from an angle he could have never expected. Seeing as most of his greatest servants were in his Throne World at the time of his death in the normal Universe, he must have been preparing to use that World in some way, perhaps in the way the Deathsingers are described, meaning he was going full-offense with no thought to defence.

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                      • Seriously, the game is just a giant jigsaw puzzle now. The community has to piece it all together for it to make sense and Bungie just adds more pieces here and there. I'll be honest though. Whether that was intentional or not, that's actually a pretty unique way to make a game. However, the execution is the problem here. They butchered their original plan, gave us a skeleton for vanilla, and sold the other fragments as DLC. The hunt for the fragments of lore wasn't even the point of the game; the point of the game was to play through a immersive world that expanded far beyond our own planet with it's own unique physics and abilities. Space science, space magic, space battles, and of course, SPPPAAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!! Sure, the enemies are unique (including the Taken, somewhat) and the bits of story we do have is enough to catch our eyes, but how Bungie set it up is, to put it nicely, like putting lubricant on a wall with a hole in it, then putting a poster on over the lubed hole (inb4 dirty minds and innuendos). The poster either slips down the wall, or it sticks but we see the hole they try to patched underneath. We wanted a space version of the Odyessy, not a jumbled mess of random game lore. I don't know anymore. Maybe the roadmap Deej was talking will hold the answer. Maybe it's the final pieces of the puzzle we're still missing, but to me, it feels like we're building the roadmap, not following it.

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                      • The lack of tithe isn't what gave us the power we needed to withstand and defeat Oryx. By entering the Hive throne worlds, we accept the rules of their reality. The major rules being both killing logic and sword logic. By defeating Hive in the throne worlds, we gain power within them. Killing is the only way to gain power within a throne world. We had been gaining that strength since Crota's End. Following the events linearly, this is how we gained strength: destroying the innumerable thrall in the Abyss gave us the strength to kill the Hive at the bridge. Killing those Swordbearers and Gatekeepers gave us the strength to defeat Ir Yut. Defeating Ir Yut gave us the strength to defeat Crota. By defeating Crota we essentially gain the same strength he had and have the power of a lesser god within the Hive throne worlds. The Warpriest, being about the same strength as Crota and mastering the same Oversoul ability meant we had the strength to defeat him. Which then gave us the strength to defeat Golgoroth. Then the Sisters. Being able to do anything during either the Sisters or Oryx fight was only due to the immense strength we had gathered by following the killing logic of the Hive realm.

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                        32 Replies
                        • It annoys me that they decided to include so much random lore into the game but were unable to create an actual story.

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                          • Fallout 4 dlc came out yesterday

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                            • I think of the raid as some sort of elaborate feeding station for Oryx, designed to be triggered by a powerful being who has decided to challenge for leadership of the HIve. A being who has gained access to the ascendant realm A being who has passed many tests along the way and gathered within them a great deal of power by merit of defeating high powered enemies. Then they arrive at Oryx's challenge. Everything is weighted against them. Without the power to self revive, no being can possibly survive. All of the minions of darkness that enter Oryx's challenge are doomed. They will ALL die, either to the power of Oryx or to the power of whatever hapless entity has entered the trap. Everything there is sacrifice. The Ogres are a problem though, they contain so much sacrifice from their years of suffering and rage and violence that is manifests as Blights. The role of the vessel is to collect these if they are created and to ensure that they are fed to Oryx. After all, Oryx's clap will kill the Vessel as it kills anything that is in the aura. What we do is mess up the system. We break everything. Not only do we beat Oryx's test and find out how to navigate to the brand stealing relic, we also figure out how to turn the blights against Oryx. Remember that up until this point, all the blights that we have seen have taught us that standing in them is a bad idea. Shoot them, destroy them. Don't stand in them, that's dumb it only slows you down and leads to death. So we stand in them and don't destroy them or eat them. Completely illogical, but it turns out that counter-intuitive move is what damages Oryx. We do the unexpected. We behave in a way he doesn't understand. But if some random army of rebel Hive were to take on the same challenge they would attempt to take that power for themselves, not set it free, as they perceive the blights in a different way to us. I think that the raid is set up as a way for Oryx to allow rebel Ascendant Hive to test themselves and in the process feed him. We know what he did to the last one who tried. He locked him in the dark in the real world to live potentially eternally waiting for the mercy of Death and the chance to spawn again from the Ascendant realm. So complex feeding station / ritualised combat challenge. Of course, the Darkblade probably knew he would fail, but thought that the potential rewards of eating Oryx were worth it. Oryx wouldn't punish us by keeping us alive though, we have too much pure light for him to be able to resist the temptation to consume us fully.

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                              4 Replies
                              • Why does Oryx summon a minion that contains a shield that allows us to be invincible? Why does Oryx even open his stomach? If he didn't, we simply wouldn't be able to kill him? Why does Crota summon a minion that holds the only thing that is able to kill him?

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                                13 Replies
                                • Whenever I look at the raid I think of us using the sword logic to become powerful enough to kill Oryx. As we are always fighting things more powerful in the raid.

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                                  6 Replies
                                  • That was probably my post maybe? Though my post criticized how all do the raids don't work lore wise.

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • So... Theoretically, if all 6 guardians just jump under Oryx's fist before the slam, and then we all die, the worm would eat Oryx, one could self-res and we would win? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nah, great post man, clears the confusion up

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                                      • So is Oryx truly dead? He could be exploring the Void as a dead soul, who knows.

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