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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Edited by Astral Centipede: 2/8/2016 7:55:32 AM

Rasputin Woke Itself Using Cayde-6 As It's Agent

K143NNI070XNX019 FORUM INSTANT AI-COM/RSPN: FORUM//SxISR//POST I am invoking XENOPHON. Information dissemination protocols are active. Assuming control of EXO forum/LORE asset [KGH] for creation of new thread. ________________________________________________________________________ This is a followup to the thread [url=]Rasputin, The FWC, & The Birth of The Exo[/url]. The gist of it is that Rasputin was working in conjunction with the Golden Age Researchers of the Ishtar Academy in studying the Device: a piece of Vex technology that allows the users to see varying timelines of the future. This Device took a great toll on the flesh-and-blood users, and Rasputin had to find ways for subjects to safely use the Device. Rasputin took part in the development of the exo on Europa (likely based on existing proxy-body technology used by the Ishtar Academy). The newly created exo were used them as assets for both using the Device, and for warfare. Full explanation (and FWC's origins) as well as citations available in the linked thread. One of the pieces of evidence I used was that Cayde-6, an exo, is said to be the vessel of Rasputin by Andal Brask, the previous hunter Vanguard. [quote]My old friend Andal—he used to stand here, right in this spot—he'd come up with these wild stories. He'd say, you know, Cayde, I've been examining the evidence, and personally I've come to think it's you. You're Rasputin, legendary Warmind, defender of Earth. And I wish you'd remember that, so you could reclaim your full power and save us all. (Ghost Fragment: Rasputin)[/quote] This cannot be fully accurate however because Cayde-6 was once a flesh-and-blood human, and therefore cannot merely be a vessel for Rasputin ([url=]Cayde's notes[/url]). What is possible though is that Rasputin planted a hidden program in Cayde-6's mind during his transition to becoming an exo. Such a program could make Cayde-6 to perform actions on behalf of Rasputin. I believe there is evidence of this. In The Promethean Code mission dialogue, Cayde-6 reveals that he broke into Rasputin before. This is how he obtained the stealth codes for bladedancer cloaking. Interestingly, scanning a machine inside the bunker during the mission reveals that one particular console was the first site in which Rasputin regained control, and the ghost concludes that maybe Rasputin didn't wake himself ([url=]source[/url]). The previously linked source says that four people (or pairs of eyes) have access to Rasputin's bunker via simultaneous retinal scans, and have been accessing it over the course of hundreds of years, suggesting immortality, or preserved eyeballs. Given that exos are, or were assets of Rasputin, and exos don't die of old age, this could mean that it was exos that have access (assuming the retinal scan works on exo eyes), or the exos are the ones in possession of the preserved eyeballs. I think it is likely that Cayde-6 (and perhaps 3 others) was driven to enter Rasputin's bunker by the hidden program implanted his head by Rasputin; he might not even be aware of it, and he might even believed himself to be doing it for the possible treasures. The program's purpose is a reactivation mechanism to bring back Rasputin, and the program drove him to use that console to awaken Rasputin. As an exo, the possibility of this scares me. For all I know, me making this post could just be a result of a hidden protocol implanted in my mind by Rasputin. [b]For more theories by me, I refer you to the [url=]Collected Treatises of The Warlock KAGEHOSHI[/url].[/b] ________________________________________________________________________ Protocol XENOPHON: Status=complete. STOP STOP STOP K143NNI070XNX019

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  • I see a lot of irony with this, if Rasputin did implant codes in the minds of exos then he must of had some sort of knowledge of the collapse, or at least prepared for an extinction level event, as for me, I exo warlock, I’ve always had strange things on my mind while inside of Rasputin’s many bunkers, but I suppose I won’t knoe until the time is right.

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  • Doesn't one of the quests say that cayde is a liar, and tevis says not to believe that cayde stole cloaking tech for bladedancers?

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  • In the original cut of Destiny's story, Rasputin transferred his mind to an EXO body and was subsequently captured by the Hive.

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  • Bring me their eyes, guardian.

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  • Do you think the Exo Stranger has something to do with Rasputin?

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    • Yes, original story cayde was Rasputin. Where it goes now.

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    • Nicely researched. We need more intellectual posts like this on the forums

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    • Edited by armored99: 2/8/2016 3:40:37 PM
      DuplexGorilla53 Very cool how many bit time exo's we got running around Cayde, FWC, The exo stranger. That would be three sets of eyes in exo form that seem not to have a problem with time and or time travel if needed. Who knows very nice post though. I got me one of those exo hunters also. Will keep a close eye on him.... My reply who's the fourth? This is the disturbing part all these Exo's who have a strong connection with these events also have strong sway in factions, vanguard, and whatever it is that the Exo stranger manipulates guardians do . All of them are manipulating the light, but the fourth one where is he what is he doing? It could be Banshee, but if that's true then why has he been reset so many times? Is it possible every time he remembers he tries to tell about whats really going on, and the others have his memory reset? (to clarify the number after a Exos name is how many times their memory's been wiped.) The more times this happens they start to decay and develop flaws or "quirks" like banshee mumbles to himself a lot usually saying nonsense. The next thing is his name if you start researching the names of people you'll notice that the descriptions are strongly similar to them Ex: cayde is a name that is associated with light blue, his face is also light blue. Lakshimi is a name very akin to a hindu goddess of fortune. Zavala is the head warrior of a samurai clan. Ikora is more complicated as her first name is a style of making metal, glass? and the second part is king. She is also one of the few characters to how a full name. Ironically Rahool is similar to the Indian name rahul which the earliest meaning of his translated as "conqueror of all miseries", but Banshee's name is defined as a wailing creature who warns of impeding death. What does it mean?

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      4 Replies
      • Interesting!

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      • i thought the general consensus was that the Exo Stranger had been the one to repeatedly wake Rasputin over the centuries, given the matching clue from the Exo Stranger card and Rasputin 4 (particularly the mention of 'now and now and now')? i would love for Cayde to have a big fat role in Rasputin's doings because he is awesome and i love him to bits, but i don't quite see it fitting together as well.

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      • [b]BUT WAIT![/b] The same pairs of eyes that open the bunker constantly belong to Cayde! Rasputin killed Cayde for his eyes, apparently. And the fireteam that went to negotiate peace with Rasputin and their remains were found in the cosmodrome later on, that's them. [b][i][u]THAT'S 4 PEOPLE![/u][/i][/b] Cayde is an Exo, and the 3 other guardians must be Exos, because their eyes belong to Rasputin.

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      • Very cool how many bit time exo's we got running around Cayde, FWC, The exo stranger. That would be three sets of eyes in exo form that seem not to have a problem with time and or time travel if needed. Who knows very nice post though. I got me one of those exo hunters also. Will keep a close eye on him....

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        • In my opinion, Ghost Fragment: Rasputin isn't a very compelling source for proof. In fact, I think it proves Cayde *isn't* Rasputin. I think Andal was being sarcastic, or otherwise playful, when saying Cayde is Rasputin. At the time, the Warmind was something of a folk hero. For Andal to comment that he thought Cayde was Rasputin was similar to calling someone Mother Theresa for committing a string of good deeds. I think Andal meant to deeply compliment Cayde, rather than actually presume that Cayde was Rasputin. If we get into the meta, however, it's true: Cayde's model was meant to be a body for Rasputin, according to some online resources. In addition, saving Rasputin was supposed to be one of the central plot points of the game. So, what Cayde quoted in Ghost Fragment: Rasputin could also be a reference to this by Bungie as a means of continuing to honor the original spirit of Destiny. If anything, I would say the Exo Stranger is more likely to be an agent of Rasputin. She exhibits signs that she's involved in pivotal happenings of the system. Rasputin is a Warmind and accustomed to operating on various gambits simultaneous. In fact, the Exo stranger first appears after Rasputin is re-activated. Could be that upon rebooting he resumed whatever strategies he had in motion before being suspended for whatever reason.

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          • Wat. I just wanted my stuff in my stash.

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            1 Reply
            • Well exos don't age but do guardians? If a guardian can be rezed from bones hundreds of years old, it shouldn't be too difficult to stop the aging process or even to revert an aging guardian yo their physical prime.

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            • You've put more thought into this post, than bungie put in the whole game.

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            • Actual gameplay gives you more evidence. Cayde-6 knows the frequency to open the door to Rasputin's bunker. Enough said. No normal hunter would know that.

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            • Actually Clayde was supposed to be Rasputin but then bu goes scrape that part of destiny and re did it.

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            • [quote]My old friend Andal—he used to stand here, right in this spot—he'd come up with these wild stories. He'd say, you know, Cayde, I've been examining the evidence, and personally I've come to think it's you. You're Rasputin, legendary Warmind, defender of Earth. And I wish you'd remember that, so you could reclaim your full power and save us all. (Ghost Fragment: Rasputin)[/quote] Proof that hunter is the master race?

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              2 Replies
              • Your final theory fell to hell. Ghosts make people live as long as they want

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                • This is badass. Excellent food for thought

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                • TL;DR

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                • very interesting, indeed. well done, Kagehoshi.

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                • Intersting KAGHOSHI like always but I think i read that two other Warmind's concurred with Rasputin to initiate the Collapse. My hypothesis is those were the North American Warmind Eisenhower and the European Warmind Clausewitz. The Asian Warmind Sun Zu may have already shut down as well as the African Warmind Zulu it may have already have bee destroyed by the first wave of attacks. this I then hypothesize that the Darkness attacked us from below the Galactic Plain. I realize that this is just hypothesis and conjecture but I would like your thoughts on them. KAGHOSHI

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                  5 Replies
                  • Cool theories keep them coming I love reading these posts

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                  • Who the flying flaff is Nokris?

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