originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
I'm bored in math class so I got to thinking about this. Most people here believe Eris is taox. But is it possible that Taox is the speaker?? She always follows the traveller everywhere, so she must be on earth somewhere. And she has been with it so long she would know what it wants, so she speaks for it.
I have no evidence just pure speculation. Please disprove this if you can, or supply evidence to support it.
Also feel free to post other theories on her identity.
Personally, i think that Taox either is, or is in command of the Exo stranger. The stranger wasn't forged in light, and with an EXO body she might be able to get around her previous species' limited lifespan. She can straight up teleport which only Vex and Hive have been shown to do so far. (Skolas doesn't count, he has Vex tech). Taox helped out at least one other traveler (theres no mention of it surviving Oryx as I can remember) but was never found after the battle. I don't have any more, its just a hunch.
Edited by ChillierShark49: 11/2/2015 4:18:01 AMIts completely possible that Toax is dead. Toax was a sterile mother and mothers, unlike the rest of the krill, live longer than 10 years. As Toax is sterile, it reveals that Toax is [i]most likely[/i] to be older than most or nearing the end of her life. This is not for certain. However, without the use of worms to gain immortality, Toax can still die of age. During the time of The High War, the siblings fought for thousands of years. Toax would have had to survive more than 100x a normal krill lifespan. See: XXII: The High War See: I: Predators
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