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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Edited by Ruin Tree: 9/24/2015 5:34:14 AM

Shin Malphur: The First

Oh, would you look at the time, it's time for another lore post! This one is centered around Shin Malphur, and his special Light abilities. First off, I just want to cover the basics. *clears throat* Shin Malphur lived in a small town known as Palamon in the Dark Age. One day Jaren Ward showed up, and Shin held his gun, the Last Word. A good time later, Jaren killed the dictator of the town, Magistrate Loken. A decent time after that, Dredgen Yor blew into town. He scared the shit out of Shin. Soon afterward, Yor razed Palamon and ran for the hills. Jaren took the survivors of Palamon (including Shin) on a hunt for revenge. They eventually track down Yor, and Jaren faces him alone. Jaren dies, Yor walks away victorious, and Shin "inherits" Jaren's Ghost and gun. Shin hunts down Dredgen and they have a showdown on Dwindler's Ridge. Shin takes his revenge. *deep breath* Alright, now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business. Let's first take a glance at Ghost Fragment: Thorn 4, which shows a conversation between Dredgen Yor and Jaren's Ghost after Jaren died. A few lines in particular interest me: [quote][u.2:2.5] Take it. [u.1:2.3] Why? [u.2:2.6] Give the apprentice his master’s “sword.” It is a gift. [u.1:2.4] You cannot have him. [u.2:2.7] You fear for his Light? [u.1:2.5] He... [u.2:2.8] special. [u.1:2.6] Yes. [u.2:2.9] I am aware. [u.1:2.7] You’re trying to tempt him. You’re feeding his anger.[/quote]Shin Malphur is anything but a normal boy. After this convo, the Ghost finds Shin and grants him the gift of the Light, as well as the Last Word. Now we'll focus on Ghost Fragment: Last Word 4, which details the Showdown on Dwindler's Ridge. Multiple lines throughout the card tell an interesting story: [quote]My gaze remained locked as I felt a [b]heat[/b] rising inside of me. “The [b]gunslinger’s[/b] sword... his cannon. That was a gift.” The [b]heat[/b] grew. Centered in my chest. But here, I felt only the [b]fire[/b] of my Light. The [b]fire[/b] burned in me. In step with my motion, the [b]fire[/b] within burst into focus – through my shoulder, down my arm – as [b]my finger closed on the trigger[/b] of my third father’s cannon. Two shots. Two bullets [b]engulfed in an angry glow[/b]. The other fell. My shooter still embraced by the [b]dancing flames of my Light[/b].[/quote]By now you probably know where I'm going with this. I believe Shin Malphur was the very first Gunslinger. Shin was special, his Light manifested itself in a fiery glow, and the Golden Gun shares the same model as the Last Word. Coincidence? [url=]I think not[/url] [b]TL;DR[/b] Shin Malphur was the first Gunslinger

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  • So shin malphur was the original crucible scrub

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    6 Replies
    • Edited by Cori: 9/24/2015 11:49:20 AM
      I think this is why Yor didn't react or try to fend off Malphur. The Darkness had twisted his mind and used him as a vessel to take out key Guardians. Ward, Pahanin, and possibly Thalor. Once the Darkness had completed its goal, it left behind a broken, hollow man. Yore wanted to die in my opinion.

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      10 Replies
      • I find it curious that guardians as we know them are reborn in the travellers light but Shin Malphur wasn't. He already had light within him. Does that mean that "the light" is inherent? Basically like the force that it exists without the traveller and is stronger in some than others?

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        2 Replies
        • Still pissed about you taking this from Me, I was thinking about this since December

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        • If he was the first Gunslinger, does that mean there are firsts for other classes? If so, who are they? I hope we learn this in the future.

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          3 Replies
          • Good on him. I bet he will never be a punslinger though.

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          • I'm guessing, then, Tex Mechanica created a replica of the Last Word to honor the story, because there is no way the original Last Word would be around, without being broken beyond repair. Kinda like the Chaperone, eh?

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            3 Replies
            • Nice theory

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            • Why is everyone spooky now?

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              4 Replies
              • I'm pretty sure Jaren Ward was the first legendary gunslinger especially since Shin is never even considered a guardian, and Jaren must have been able to wield the light since he had a ghost.

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                3 Replies
                • Edited by xPLASMAx21: 9/27/2015 12:24:06 AM
                  Very interesting, I have a counter-theory but it supplements yours as well: In this case, we have Shin Malphur channelling himself through the Light. I would argue it was something about Shin (perhaps his fiery personality, or familiarity with firearms) that caused his super to become a gun. This is important. I put it to you that the type of super created depends on the person using it and that perhaps Shin wasn't the "first" Gunslinger; rather a "first-generation" Gunslinger, one of many humans living in settlements, among guns and technology, learning to wield the Light. Think about the Nightstalkers; we find their super on Venus, their super is a bow, they focus on stealth and they are the closest Hunter subclass to the Darkness. This suggests that the first Nightstalkers were survivors who fled into deep, dark jungles (on Earth and on Venus) and abandoned technology in favour of stealth, silence and treatise with the Darkness to allow them to survive. There were likely many people who did this during the Collapse and by the end of the Dark Age (when Guardian subclasses seem to have formed) only those that could effectively wield the Light remained. Shin is a young boy, living in a technologically-limited (but not absent) community surrounded by guns and fire. This is why his super became a gun, and it's likely that other people (in similar situations to him) were also discovering the Golden Gun, learning to be Gunslingers. This would account for how new the ability seems to Jaren, and why there are many Gunslingers.

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                  3 Replies
                  • That's probably why the golden gun model is the last word!

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                  • The Ghost wasn't Jarens, it was Yors.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Does this mean he double 111 headshot Dredgen or did he use two GG shots? Regardless Yor is the greatest.

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                    • interesting. so, what came later, gunslingers being formed or blade dancers learning invisibility, because if hunters didn't have either of these two abilities when destiny released, the would be useless in pve endgame content ;P admit it hunters. you would be useless.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Just saying Dredgen Yor never shot at him. And Dregen Yor didn't shoot at his mentor first either. Dregen Yor did nothing wrong

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                        13 Replies
                        • I think this is a great theory and I agree with it 100%. I only have one question regarding the lore of Shim Malphur. How did he become a Guardian? He was alive when Jarens ghost came back to him. Did he commit suicide and then have the Ghost revive him? Or did something special happen.

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                          5 Replies
                          • Awesome! I think you have something there! Also, Shin is interesting because Guardians are supposed to be people who were dead that were brought back by Ghosts. Shin is the only guardian I know of that was alive when made a guardian.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I've been thinking this ever since the dark below

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                            • Agreed too much coincidence with the gun model of golden gun.

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                            • great theory

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                            • And The First Curse? In the grimoire it says that the story telled by TLW is one side. That there were two guns. TFC oftenly forgotten.

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                            • Nurd

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                            • This: this is why you're my favorite

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                            • for all those that find it strange that there isn't more lore about shin being the first gunslinger with a golden gun, take into account that the only mention of how bladedancers got cloaking is a reply from cayde-6 to your ghost in a the Promethean code mission. so all you that hate bladedancer cloaking blame cayde

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                            • Yeah myelin games said this

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