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"Lore and Theories"

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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
8/21/2015 8:31:21 PM

My interpretation of the Darkness grimoire cards

So from what I can gather the darkness isn't a force or and army but the inevitable war between all things. There is no light and dark or good and evil just 2 nations, 2 queens, 2 armies and only one can rule, like the 'war' between atoms and primordial broth only one can go on and all that come after will be descendants of the winner but no matter who wins there will always be more war it is inevitable this is the true darkness. The darkness is law it's the blind law that Toland rambles about not a army or a force but law, this law is that there can only ever be one ruler one state of being not 2 or 3 or 4 ONE. And we as guardians are just the pawns of these great queens, the undead army whose only purpose is war the only choice we get is whose side we are on. This is the darkness, this is destiny.

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  • The greater message hidden in Toland's last message (the one you're talking about) is lost on most; it is that we are no better than the Darkness. After all, would we not be driven to destroy the Hive, or the Vex, or the Cabal, if we were in their position? Think of the races of humans that have been destroyed by our own hands? The aboriginals of Australia and America would have been just as eager to exterminate us, had they stood in our shoes. The point is that the strongest do not share their power. The "Circle Ringed with Spears" Toland describes is our society, now. One that would not survive an attack by another society entirely devoted to destruction. In the end, the Traveller is no better than the Darkness itself; all create war-machines.

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  • I think you hit the nail on the head. The law of the universe that Toland speaks about is all beings become obsolete and the more well adapted beings replace them, Darwinism essentially. We existed, homo sapien, alongside the cro mag and we survived and they did not...which is similar to Tolands atom vs. Primordial broth example. Toland realized the fact that nothing you do will actually make a difference. That all of your good works will turn to dust because eventually your race, species and planet will become irrelevant, extinct and replaced. In that head space, of nothing matters, no consequences and eventual impending doom, death and suffering....true darkness and evil can breed inside someone. Only the truly strong can shoulder that load and rail against the dying light. Hence our Guardians...just my thoughts

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    • I see the darkness as a physical manifestation of the antithesis of the traveler, it seems as if the hive are apart of the true darkness and spawned such creatures of the darkness (we'll learn more as we expand on the hive pantheon). My theory is that the vex were originally part of the traveler's side, a creation of the traveler given domain over time, matter, and the laws of the universe (hence the reason they can manipulate it, plus the translucent liquid within them). The black garden was most likely a relic of the darkness hence the reason they worshipped it. Atheon most likely became neutral in the wake of this (I feel like there was a vex schism) and therefore he is in the vault for the desire to escape the conflict (or the traveler placed him there in an attempt to limit the vex's power sort of like satan banished to earth) hence the reason the sol progeny (disciples of the darkness in a sense) seek to open the vault and gain the powers of atheon. All in all I believe the darkness to be a physical manifestation to that which is the opposite of the traveler, which is why oryx can control the darkness to overtake someone [i]willing[/i] or someone [i]of[/i] the philosophical belief system of the darkness and therefore control them and their willpower.

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    • it was two nation. it was three nations , three queens I drive myself to the edge of madness trying to explain the truth. It's so simple. Elegant like a knife point. It explains - this is not hyperbole, this is the farthest thing from exaggeration - EVERYTHING. But you lay it out and they stare at you like you've just been exhaling dust. Maybe they're missing some underlying scaffold of truth. Maybe they are all propped on a bed of lies that must be burned away. Why does anything exist? No no no no no don't reach for that word. There's no 'reason'. That's teleology and teleology will stitch your eyelids shut. Why do we have atoms? Because atomic matter is more stable than the primordial broth. Atoms defeated the broth. That was the first war. There were two ways to be and one of them won. And everything that came next was made of atoms. Atoms made stars. Stars made galaxies. Worlds simmered down to rock and acid and in those smoking primal seas the first living molecule learned to copy itself. All of this happened by the one law, the blind law, which exists without mind or meaning. It's the simplest law but it has no worshippers here (out there, though, out there - !) HOW DO I EXPLAIN IT it's so simple WHY DON'T YOU SEE Imagine three great nations under three great queens. The first queen writes a great book of law and her rule is just. The second queen builds a high tower and her people climb it to see the stars. The third queen raises an army and conquers everything. The future belongs to one of these queens. Her rule is harshest and her people are unhappy. But she rules. This explains everything, understand? This is why the universe is the way it is, and not some other way. Existence is a game that everything plays, and some strategies are winners: the ability to exist, to shape existence, to remake it so that your descendants - molecules or stars or people or ideas - will flourish, and others will find no ground to grow. And as the universe ticks on towards the close, the great players will face each other. In the next round there will be three queens and all of them will have armies, and now it will be a battle of swords - until one discovers the cannon, or the plague, or the killing word. Everything is becoming more ruthless and in the end only the most ruthless will remain (LOOK UP AT THE SKY) and they will hunt the territories of the night and extinguish the first glint of competition before it can even understand what it faces or why it has transgressed. This is the shape of victory: to rule the universe so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by your consent. This is the queen at the end of time, whose sovereignty is eternal because no other sovereign can defeat it. And there is no reason for it, no more than there was reason for the victory of the atom. It is simply the winning play. Of course, it might be that there was another country, with other queens, and in this country they sat down together and made one law and one tower and one army to guard their borders. This is the dream of small minds: a gentle place ringed in spears. But I do not think those spears will hold against the queen of the country of armies. And that is all that will matter in the end.

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      6 Replies
      • There to land spoke of three queens tho

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        4 Replies
        • Alright, read the darkness 3 grimoire card What race is he talking about? Did you say Hive? [spoiler]No race is correct Toland doesn't talk about a particular race, the queen is the darkness [/spoiler]

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          5 Replies
          • Nice theory, but I feel like that doesn't explain how the Hive have harnessed the darkness and stuff

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            • Tl;Dr

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              4 Replies
              • Makes sense, nice theory bringing them all together

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