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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Edited by Ruin Tree: 9/14/2015 5:03:59 AM

Thoughts on Vex Programmings

Thoughts on Vex Programmings Everyone knows about the main eight Vex programmings: Hezen Corrective, Hezen Protective, Virgo Prohibition, Aphix Invasive, Sol Primeval (Precursors), Sol Imminent (Descendants), Sol Divisive, and the Sol Progeny. I can't be the only one who's thinking, "What the hell do these names mean?" Well I have a few theories. [u]Hezen Corrective[/u] This programming group constitutes the main Vex force on Venus. Their purpose is the elimination of hostile forces in and around the Ishtar Sink. This directly relates to their name: Corrective. Their goal is to [i]correct[/i] all irregularities and obstacles that stand in the way of the main Vex plan. I also have some theories on the term 'Hezen,' but I'll get to that in a bit. [u]Hezen Protective[/u] The Hezen Protective is not encountered as often as the Corrective, so their goal is not as well understood. The Protective is found exclusively around large Vex projects and structures, including the Endless Steps, the Nexus, the Waking Ruins, and the Citadel. From what we know, they are actively working towards a colossal project of an unknown purpose, as well as [i]protecting[/i] major Vex constructs. [u]Virgo Prohibition[/u] The Virgo Prohibition is the only known Vex programming to be present on Mars. They are often seen warring with the Cabal in and around the Exclusion Zone. These aggressive Vex seem to be either testing the Exclusion Zone or attempting to return to the Black Garden. Based off of the programming's name, we can assume they are also [i]prohibiting[/i] the Cabal's attempts to study and enter the Garden. Now, considering the names of the programmings, we can also assume that all Vex on Venus are part of some various Hezen programming, and Mars-based Vex are all part of a Virgo programming (One thing that goes against my theory is that VoG Praetorians belong to the Virgo Prohibition). We can also assume that there are three basic programming groups: Corrective groups, Protective groups, and Prohibition groups. Corrective groups seem to clear certain areas for the Protective groups, which protect and build powerful structures. Prohibition groups prevent enemies from accessing these structures. [u]Aphix Invasive[/u] The Aphix Invasive is a mysterious Vex programming. The Fanatics and Supplicants found in the Vault belong to this group. Minotaurs belonging to this group can be found in public events and patrol bounties, as well as in the Nexus's entrance cave. The bulk of their forces seems to be located in the Prison of Elders, following the path of Qodron, though he is not an Invasive Mind. Qodron has [i]invaded[/i] the Prison in order to further his own glory. [u]Sol Primeval[/u] The Sol Primeval is an odd programming in that the Vex that it consists of come from a time long past. Their casings are bright white (not unlike the Traveler; see some of AnonPig's theories), and their forms seem more pure almost. They are found deep in the Vault of Glass and guarding the mysterious Undying Mind. This programming's name, as well as its nickname (Precursors) show their origin. [u]Sol Imminent[/u] The Sol Imminent is a Vex programming consisting of immensely old Vex. So old, in fact, that they are believed to come from the future. Thanks to their name, the Sol [i]Imminent[/i], I believe that they are from a very near future, or near in Vex time. Their nickname is the Descendents. [u]Sol Divisive[/u] The Sol Divisive is a highly religious sect of Vex that are found exclusively in the Black Garden. Frozen Vex from this programming are seen around the Garden, deep in a machine sleep. All Sol Divisive Vex appear very weathered, with vines hanging from many of them. The term 'divisive' means something that causes disagreement or hostility between people. It is possible that this almost fanatical group causes splits between other Vex programmings. [u]Sol Progeny[/u] I am including the Sol Progeny in this list simply because they are worth mentioning. This group consists of three Axis Minds found in close proximity to the Black Heart: the Primeval Mind, the Imminent Mind, and the Eschaton Mind. The definition of 'progeny' is a descendant or offspring. This may relate to the fact that these minds are vessels for the Heart. Based off of their names and appearances, the Primeval Mind and the Imminent Mind seem to be the Axis Minds of the Precursors and the Descendant, respectively. This leaves us to ponder what the Eschaton Mind's purpose is. The word 'eschaton' means either the final event in a divine plan or the apocalypse. It is possible that this Mind represents the Vex's victory. These last four programmings all begin with the word 'Sol.' This, as you all probably know, is the Latin word for the sun. What does this all mean? I'm open to ideas from the rest of the Collective

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  • Good job guardian! Keep up the good work. To this day, I still think the Vault of Glass Raid is the best. I doubt Destiny will ever come up with a better Raid than the VOG.

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  • My theory is that the Sol Divisive are the followers of Quria. My evidence is that 1. Quria started basically worshipping the worms and pretty much created a cult In which taught the vex to worship the worms. Also this is going on a limb here but doesn't the black heart sort of look like a worm larvae, similar to what oryx has in his chest while we are fighting him in Kings Fall?

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  • Not enough love, needs bump

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  • Edited by The Score Keeper: 9/14/2015 6:47:08 PM
    Maybe the progeny represent different eras in vex history, hence why they appear in that order during the fight? [spoiler]the precursors representing the traveller era (when they terraformed for the traveler?), the eschaton representing the guardian war era (when the vex are fighting us now), and the descendants representing the vex domination (when they eventually beat us, win, and are no longer needed. That's why when they "wake up" they are covered in vines and are weathered.)[/spoiler] Doesn't "Atheon" also mean godless or the something? So then the sol divisive probably found the heart of the garden and wanted to follow it. They then split off from the main vex network. The really weird thing is why the prohibitive still protect the garden if they aren't followers of the heart.

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  • Heh, I did quite a long, if not the longest, theory a while back. You could probably find it if you go back far enough in the theory list. But it details how Atheon, is an alternate god of the Vex. How he is able to pluck vex from the black heart and use them as his own, and how these apply.

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  • Edited by Antares-3: 9/14/2015 7:56:54 PM
    The Vex exist through the entire universe, so they may label higher processing functions, or bodies, as designate to a specific solar system. Since the vex can "summon" the heart in the black garden, it's safe to assume they can summon it elsewhere. Their "sol" title may refer to our solar system, as we refer to it. Edit: in another solar system, "x," the sol prodigy would be the "x" prodigy.

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  • I've always loved vex lore the most

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