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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Edited by Blitz2397: 7/23/2015 12:27:34 PM

Toland's Whereabouts

Greetings Guardians. I am an Exo warlock, designated Blitz2397. With information that Oryx the so called "father" of Crota is approaching our system I need your help to locate a long lost brother of ours, Toland The Shattered. The threat Oryx presents is no laughing matter, his "son" Crota decimated hundreds of our brothers and sisters on Luna. We can only assume that he is more powerful than his heir. Along with this great power he brings an army, The Taken. Twisted and mutated versions of the foes plaguing our solar system. It is unknown what abilities his armies have, but from early reports they appear to be even more powerful than the organism they were inspired by. With this fact...I believe Toland's knowledge would help us battle this oncoming threat, no matter how mad he may be. Toland, before he left the Tower studied the Hive in order to find some sort of weakness to aid us in our fight against them. His studies and curiosity lead him to commune with the Darkness itself, and we believe that this drove him insane and caused his exile from the Tower. Nevertheless he continued to push on with his work, jotting down whatever critical piece of information he found in numerous journal entries throughout our solar system. Some of these entries are believed to contain the schematic of the weapon known as "Bad Juju". Through Eris and long dead Ghosts we learned what happened on her disastrous expedition to the Moon. The loss of brave Guardians such as Eriana-3 and Omar Agah, the latter of which had the light stripped from him to feed Crota's spawn. Though depressing and sometimes sickening to read, the entries shed some light on who Toland The Shattered is/was. He was very inquisitive and had an almost unquenchable hunger for knowledge of the Hive. In the entries he doesn't seem as mad as the Speaker claimed he would be, rather he seemed almost rational and dare I say enlightened on what horrors the fire team was yet to face on their quest. But ultimately his hunger and desire would lead him astray. His search for additional knowledge lead him to abandon Eris, and any chance of redeeming himself, in the pursuit of something unknown. As such we do not know if Toland still lives or if he was claimed by the dark depths of the Hive caverns. But...if he still lives...I seek to find him, for his knowledge could aid us in our endeavor against this "Taken King". Post your theories here Guardians...aid me in my quest.

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  • Does anyone know why Toland is quoted on the bindcaster armor set?

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  • (audio-log-005) (entry-005) (start-entry) Wow..........……….…… Just……wow Its been a week since I've set up camp in this abandoned temple for crota, and the amount of data and info i've managed to gather from"it" is insane! "It" started to talk to me on the second day of being here, "it" talked in some kind of ancient hive language, my ghost managed to decrypt some of dialogue and…… Its just that "it" knows so much, the darkness, the hive, their powers, their weapons! This thing is a walking, talking world's grave!!! But 100 bigger!! I can't even begin to tell what "it" told me in here. And I don't even know what I should do with all this knowledge! If I tell ot to someone on the tower or with contacts with the vanguards or the factions, they're gonna dismantle every single piece and bit of me! I could try talking to Eris, but it could prove difficult since one of Ikora Rey's hidden. But apart from that, everything is goi- (ghost)We got incoming message, specifically for us! (me)From who? (ghost)The van…guard,… (me)nonononononononononononono! Block it! Jam it! Tell them were fighting or something! But don- (zavala's voice in the comms)Guardian…we know what you've been doing, we are very dissapointed in you. If you don't want to end up being hunted for treason and defying the vanguard and the speaker. Return to the city immediatly, you shall be escorted to the court. You have one hour! (comms go back to static) ..............................................................................................................…..................................... (me)shit

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  • (audio-log-004) (entry-004) (start-entry) WELL ISN'T THIS GREAT?!!!! NOT ONLY DID WE LOOSE MORE THAN 50 GUARDIANS DURING THE BATTLE AGAISNT THE VEX IN THE MAAT MONS! BUT SOMEONE RAIDED MY SECRET BASE! I JUST CAN'T GRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHH! ...................... Okay. Its true, we did loose more than 50 of our friends and thats what annoys me the most. Sure loosing a bit of my research on "it" is frustrating, but loosing more guardians is not only frustrating, its horrible. During the fight, you battle with them and share stories with them, and now that they're gone for good....... its just hurts horribly. On a side note, now that I know that the solar complex can be raided so easily I decided to find a new base of operations, during one of my incursions to the hellmouth, I stumbled upon this abandonded shrine or temple to crota, it must been abandoned after he disseapeared after the great disaster, and now that he's truly dead, this place is completely deserted. I also chose this place to be my new HQ because I believe that my "gift orbs" to "it" must've alerted somehow either Ikora, Eris or both, and since this location is placed deep in the hellmouth, hopefully the dark energies and deep location should cover any type of energy signal of sorts, so Il'l be fine......for now. In the meantime I'm still going to try to bond with"it". I think my departure to venus might have costed me a bit of its trust, but no matter. The only thing I'm hoping for is that nothing else happens in the next few days. (stop-recording) (end-entry)

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  • His spirit is currently wandering the Hive netherworlds. He is possible the light that you follow in the TTK storyline

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    • According to the Grimoire, Toland is in the Hive Overworld.

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      • Edited by ilegalgamer6: 11/13/2015 2:04:17 AM
        (audio-log-003) (entry-003) (start-entry) Well, its been what? 4 days since first"contact" with "it". Honestly, i thought this was gonna go much, much worse, on my first attempt I just sat there in the middle of all the rouble and old machinery. I managed to catch of glimpses of "it" but nothing near communication. Then I thought if I could gain "it"'s trust, maybe I could to "it". So I created a small orb of light and left it in the middle of the room, I sat there for at least 2 hours until "it" went as quick as a flash of light, took the orb and dissapearesd in the shadows, I then created another on but I put this one on the palm of my hand, I waited this time for at least 3 and a half hours this time, until "it" came out for the second time. And this time I got a good look at "it". "It" looked like a thrall, but completely dark and lets just say, a bit fatter than the average thrall. "It" walked on both its feet and hands, like an ape, it looked as tought it was wearing some kind of dark robe, like we warlicks have. "It" draw closer and closer, sneakely and carefully, it must've thinked i was asleep or something, I extended my arm with the orb to "it", carefully and smooth, so i wouldn't scare"it away. "It" flinched at the sight of my movement, but then continued to move closer, "it" extended one of its arms to grab the orb, like a child about to steal a cookie fron the cookie jar. As soon as "it" grabbed the orb, "it" fled back to the shadows. I managed to repeat this process a couple of times, at each new attempt, "it" took more and more of its time to grab the orb, I believe he's start- (ghost) Sorry to interrupt, but we got an incoming message directed to all guardians from the vanguard. (me) The vanguard? (ikora rey on the comms) To all available guardians, there is a great concentration of vex energy and units on the maat mons on venus, our scouts indicate that there about to make a major move across the surface of venus, we need all available guardians to go to these coordinates and prepare to fight. Good luck guardians. And may the light be with you. (statics comes to the channel) (me) Well, Il'l be damned, the vex are finally doing something! (ghost) If they take back the surface of venus, they'll transform the planet into another one of its planet computers in days. (me) We just can't have time for research can we? (stop-recording) (end-entry)

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      • I think he is Xûr.

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        • Edited by ilegalgamer6: 11/12/2015 5:30:27 AM
          (audio-log-002) (entry-002) (start-entry) I'm recording this in the solar station on the acean of storms, near the old chinese accelerator, why? Beacause "it" followed me out of the hellmouth. "It" somehow followed me back to earth. "It" went to the tower with me. Luckely, one else saw it, yet. "It" only follows me for some reason, "it" didn't follow anyone else. Yet again, luckely. Good thing the vanguard didn't sense or saw"it", not even eris seemed to have sensed "it". But even better, the speaker didn't either. Imagine what he would've done if he knew what i brought home.(chuckles) I'm going to settle in this old solar station for a while. Goddamn miracle that the fallen didn't scavenged everything on this rock. What i'm thinking of doing next is stupid, ridiculous, dangerous and impossible. But hey, we've done things like that in the past haven't we? .......... I'm going to try and talk to "it". (end-entry) (stop-recording)

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        • Edited by ilegalgamer6: 11/11/2015 2:29:12 AM
          (audio-log-001) (entry-001) (start-entry) This exo warlock, designation, ilegalgamer6. As my fellow warlock blitz said, it is our duty as warlocks to seek and find the truth, wether its pretty or not. Ever since my ghost rose me from the dead, I wondered about the creatures that we now face. Mostly, the hive. After gaining the ability to go to luna, i've gone throught almost every corner of that hellish pit. From every last bit in the worlds grave to the deepest and worse summoning pits. And every time I went down there, I felt thought I was being watched, every time I go down there I see something out of the corner of my optics, turn and find nothing, i've managed to access my data banks and review the footage.....nothing. But I swear, theres something down there, not hive, nor light, but something thats looking for something like me, something intrigued, something curious, something......shattered. It is my belief that after many theories, toland is in a way, alive. I still do not know how exactly, but he is. I'll need to go down there more to find the truth, i'm afraid. (end-entry) (stop-recording)

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          • I read somewhere that he was seeking the Deathsinger's song. Did he find it? Perhaps he has succumbed to the Sword Logic. If this happened, this may mean he is still alive as his "purpose" is to seek knowledge. So no matter how much anyone tries, until his purpose is met he probably cannot be killed.

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            • Toland the Shattered is Terence Mckenna.

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            • Also, I feel Toland is not dead now, but in the catacombs of Luna. He may be among the hive and they may welcome him as he is a voidwalker, a student of darkness and no longer a student of the light. While this is useful information I fear Toland may have gone the way of Yor, and become a dark guardian.

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              • Toland is xur, black garden is inside the traveler. Ok, maybe or maybe not, just my thoughts.

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                • more of a personal question, but how is it that you have been reset so many times?

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                  • Hey Blitz, just wanted to let you know that your post got me in to the Collective and now have my first theory posted :D. Thx so much

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                    • ( transmission ) ........ ( incoming via Clovis bray.........Mars) ........ Hello? Hello? Do you read me?? This is vanguard titan "scarecrow" I have news from the city of red sand I have been tapping the warmind, it's been .... Thinking..... Very differently then its usual patterns..... Keeps running a program... To save you the long serial number I call it "the Shepard program" ...... It's searching.... Not only that but it's taking count.... Of us..... As in us gaurdians..... But out of the tally it's missing one i code named " lost lamb"....... Not sure who this gaurdian is..... But I will keep listening in and let you know what I find out....... ( transmission ended) .....

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                      • Toland realized Crota was a mere pawn in this chess game he's had been on dreadnought waiting for right time to strike or we will find his body an scan r with our ghost in the raid or story mode I hope he's not dead

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                        • I think Toland is dead personally. He may not be but he learned the song of the deathsinger, which is of course death.

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                          • I believe we could use the same knowledge he gave to Eris's Fireteam. Crota created a world ruled by the strongest sword. We had to go to Crota's world to destroy his true form in order to kill him. Oryx rips people out of this dimension and they come back with the fires of Darkness burning inside them. Oryx must be drawing his power from that dimension. So far we seen that we has two forms, a phantom and hive form. We have to travel to Oryx's dimension and kill him there. If there is anything to be learned, we can only win by using power of enemies against themselves. With Atheon it was the Vex technology of the Shield of Aegis and Crota it was his own sword.

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                          • Toland is dead if i am correct...because he went down into the pit with eris...and we all know eris was the only survivor

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                            • 1
                              Op is fgt

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                            • My house,having a beer

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                            • My ass

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                            • As a warlock it our my duty to find the truth.

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                              • I thought he was dead on mercury?

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                                7 Replies
                                • Crota... He murdered [i]thousands[/i] of us... I survived the encounter. I was not very close to Toland, but we were research partners. He was a field expert, charismatic, liked a good lunch, and was interested in learning more of the darkness. But that interest... It grew into obsession, I would go days without hearing anything from him, only for him to come back later with scrolls and symbols etched into his armor... It was starting to frighten me. (I had no idea Exo's were programmed to feel fear) but after his exile, I have been receiving cryptic messages which my ghost has traced to the far reaches of Saturn... Good luck guardians... I hope you find him, and God help you.

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