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"Lore and Theories"

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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
Edited by Muk Marine: 8/29/2015 2:50:52 AM

Who or What is The Nine

All right Guardians I'm going to do my best at explaining what I know about the Nine, but let me be clear first that in no way is this gospel. I am just doing the best I can at piecing together the little info we have on The Nine. I encourage all to question what I will write, and I hope to see some other theories from other guardians as well. So here we go. From the Ghost Fragment on the Queen of the Reef we know that The Reef, and the Nine do have interactions, and their relations are a bit shaky. I would also assume that if the Queen would just give The Nine Skolas the former Kell of the House of Wolves that The Nine seem to have the upper hand over the Reef. Obviously Xur says many things about The Nine, and I will list some of the better ones: "I am only an agent, The Nine rule beyond the Jovians". "If I am here it is The Nine who sent me". "My function is to trade I know this". "I do not entirely control my movements". "My will is not my own". "It is my will to speak to you". The Nine wish to speak to you". "I understood my mission when The Nine put it in me, but now I cannot articulate it". "When my mission here is done. The Nine will send for me". "Bodies come and go, but the cells remember, and if they forget The Nine remember it for us". "An end will come, we will be there" "The Awoken did not have a choice. We did". "We came up from the dust, and burrowed into flesh for warmth, and became something new". "We saw the colony fail. Not knowing what we saw" "But it was The Nine who gave us purpose, and its The Nine who keep us whole". "It is very possible, that The Nine intend to help humanity". "I cannot explain what The Nine are. They are very large. I cannot explain. This fault is mine not yours". The Speaker also states: "If only The Nine would help". So this implies that The Speaker knows of The Nines existence, and to some degree their power. Now the bread and butter on info of The Nine. Ghost Fragment: Legends 2 [spoiler]The Nine are survivors of the cis-Jovian colonies who made a compact with an alien force to ensure their own survival. The Nine are deep-orbit warminds who weathered the Collapse in hardened stealth platforms. The Nine are ancient leviathan intelligences from the seas of Europa or the hydrocarbon pits of Titan. The Nine arrived in a mysterious transmission from the direction of the Corona-Borealis supercluster. The Nine are the firstborn Awoken and their minds now race down the field lines of the Jupiter-Io flux tube. The Nine are Ghosts who pierced the Deep Black without a ship and meditated on the hissing silence of the heliopause. The Nine are the aspects of the Darkness, broken by the Traveler's rebuke, working to destroy us from within. The Nine is a viral language of pure meaning. The Nine are the shadows left by the annihilation of a transcendent shape, burned into the weft of what is. [/spoiler] A lot of this card seems to contradict what we understand in the game. Hell a lot of this card seems to contradict itself. This was the hardest part for me while putting this Theory together, but this is what I have: The Nine are the mysterious transmission from the Corona Borealis super cluster. This transmission isn't just simple radio waves. It is the viral language of pure meaning. This transmission can control anything picking up on it. All the way down to a single cell (this is why Xurs will is not his own). The Jupiter Lo flux tube picks up and amplifies this transmission that is why the Jovians have been altered by The Nine. They were closer to this transmission, and it was more powerful by them. Any Jovians that picked up on this transmission were willed by it to do what was needed to survive the collapse. This is why Xur states the Awoken had a choice, but the Jovians did not. Other things have picked up on this transmission such as: Ghosts in the Deep Black meditating in heliopause, deep orbit warminds that weathered the collapse in hardened stealth platforms (The warminds may have done this because the transmission instructed them to), and aspects of the darkness have picked up on this transmission as well. So sadly not everything that that is at the will of The Nine is on our side. Now just a side note: In the Warlock Ghost Fragment the Warlock in the story seems to be having a hard time with maintaining his personality. Almost like something is bending his will. That Warlock had an Ahamkara spine on his person. Loosing control of his will almost the same way Xur claims that his will and actions are not his own. This would also help explain the paragraph in The Nine Grimoire card saying that The Nine are ancient leviathan intelligences. That perhaps if The Nine choose to take a physical form they choose an Ahamkara. However this is a big stretch. This is all I can give you readers of mine, so please discuss.

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  • Cool thoughts. I love reading lore theories. In my opinion, the Legends 2 grimoire card is just a fancy way of saying, "We don't know what the Nine are." It presents nine incompatible theories, each of which is both unlikely and unsupported by evidence. The suggestions are all interesting, but all are pure speculation, and I think they're intended to read as though they are pure speculation. The fact that even the grimoire sheds no light on the identity of the Nine intentionally adds to the mystery. Which leads to my theory: The Nine are actually The Sphynx... terribly mysterious!

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  • Nice theory, it would be important to note also that the Nine technically rule beyond the Reef, which could hint that they could, heck, even be residing in the oort cloud for all we know.

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  • Really awesome connections man, that sound really legitimate. This is probably the most interesting theory i have heard about any of the mysteries of destiny. It could also be connected to one of the things i was trying to figure out. the nine could really be the middle ground between the dark and the light. What really caught my attention was the grimoire card about the black garden and pujaris visions of it. this is a feed i posted about it. I wonder if The heart of the black garden, the traveler, the warminds and any other "god" figure is suffering the same fate of the nine as their actions are not their own. This could be where the conflict lies with pujaris experience with the black garden. They are opposite ends of this pure language struggling to make sense of it. The balance between life death and time. This fight goes beyond just defending the traveler. there are many more angles to approach then just dark and light. I really would like to see what you think of my post, having read yours, i would probably re think how i ended it but i feel your on to something here.

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    1 Reply
    • Edited by Jcaf8: 8/29/2015 2:45:36 AM
      Arise oh thread mine my sweet post

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    • Awesome work Muk. Personally I believe they live in another realm and are helping us out, much like the "aliens" in interstellar

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      2 Replies
      • Bump

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      • The real questing is... When is the nine? I'm just kidding. I don't -blam!-ing know. All I know is that this bitch brings shit loads of heavy.

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      • they are the sentient war mind satellites that were made to help stop the darkness. they grew extremely powerful with their sentient super computer abilities

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        • [quote]This would also help explain the paragraph in The Nine Grimoire card saying that The Nine are ancient leviathan intelligences. That perhaps if The Nine choose to take a physical form they choose an Ahamkara.[/quote] Be that as it may, there is my rebutle.

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        • Although I want to say this. I drastically disagree with the Ahamkara being connected to the Nine in that way. Perhaps a select few? But not the entire race or anything like that

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          4 Replies
          • There's is a grimoire card that talks about what they could be.. Sir Wallen on YouTube also did a really good lore video on them (he's one of the planet destiny guys) I would suggest watching his video on the nine.

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            3 Replies
            • the nine warminds, like rasputen

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              2 Replies
              • There were nine descriptions that all contradict. Each statement describes ONE of the "9" members of the nine.

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                5 Replies
                • The Nine Nazgul

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                  • Edited by CDV3: 5/10/2015 3:59:05 AM
                    Love this post! Okay, so what I'm gathering is that the Nine are a collection of entities whom are all pulled together by one central mysterious force. The remaining warminds, a few ghosts [i](I think it means dinklebots, but it could be some other kind of ghost?)[/i], other technologies, and even pieces of the darkness ([i]Which may or may not be physical, as our understanding of the darkness is limited[/i]). [quote]"...who made a compact with an alien force to ensure their survival."[/quote] also, is this mysterious alien force the one who is broadcasting that signal from deep within our solar system, and if it's powerful enough to make even pieces of the darkness bend to its will, doesn't that make it another god like entity similar to the traveler and the darkness? If this is a pretty good synopsis, or if I missed anything, someone please confirm! Thanks!

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                    • Didn't they talk about the nine in Skyrim?

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                      6 Replies
                      • Edited by Joshtrua: 5/10/2015 5:41:14 AM
                        What if your just doing the travelers will because he has similar abilities. I think that would explain why all these other guardians like Dredgen Yor (maybe even Toland) became dark because they broke the will of the traveler, and are now under their own will. So basically we are all zombies waiting to be controlled. I think that's pretty cool.

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                        • The card is speaking about 9 different groups. Each group has a leader that is one of the nine. They then have followers. That's how I read it. The jovians for instance - their leader is one of the 9, he has xur and all of those people. Their is clearly a powerful first awoken and his followers. So on and so fourth.

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                          • Buuuuummmmmmmmmppppppppppp ;;;)

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                            • This was just so beautiful.

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                            • Did anyone else think of oblivion with the title?

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                            • Edited by SPIDRBITE: 5/10/2015 8:03:46 AM
                              Xur Agent of the Nine- first who are "The Nine" i did some research and found something called The Council of Nine or The Ennead in mythology this counsil of nine would consist of the 9 planetary gods is said tese gods planted humans on earth (wich means they can give life just like the traveler(our god), the Vex's God, and the God of the Hive) also the fallen must have a god since tgey have Priests in their ranks so i believe we are in a war of gods, each race believes their god is the right one. Now the Queen takes no sides with gods just like her followers some of the fallen. Now did the queen realise what these two gods were doing and realised that both sides were equally evil? and did she tell the group of fallen tgat their god was just using them? im thinking that the 9 gods could be 1:the Traveler (our god) 2:Tgedarkness (hives god) 3:The God tge Vex Worship 4:Tge God tge fallen Worship 5:the Cabals God then idk if tge cabal worship a god but im pretty sure tgey do tgen the otger 4 im still trying to figure out so i tgink all races are being used by a god as an army nd tge queen knows this so shes seperated from the traveler nd now she fights for no gods but herself nd her pll. I think the queen is recruiting ppl just like she recruited her group of Fallen. I think the Exo Stranger works fo the Queen nd is spying on you to see if youve got what it takes to join her.

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                              1 Reply
                              • If you don't have a nine-incher, you wouldn't know. I do, so I know.

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                              • The nine are ahamkara surviving in secret

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                              • The nine are inches that extend out when Xur is excited

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                              • You will meet them soon, why do you think it takes 9 wins on your ticket? Another social space for 3 man? When you win you will be send to the 9 to collect your fate of all fools bounty!

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