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originally posted in:Collective Of Knowledge
4/2/2015 6:15:15 PM

The Story of Destiny

This is my theory, purely speculation. (But I might have gotten a bit of this while hacking into the World's Grave) Hold on, first let me get my Ikora Rey voice on: As you know, guardians it all starts long ago, in a vast space of primordial substance and atoms. They conduct war and the atoms win. These atoms form three distinct categories: The Light, the Dark, and in between, the Gray. The Dark seems evil and vast. The light opposes it. However, this does not mean that it is inherently good. The Fallen and the Vex fight each other, but neither is fighting for a good and wholesome purpose. Evil and Dark are not synonyms, just words we associate with each other. The Light can be evil as well. It is simply one side of the mirror. It was once said that the closer you get to the light, the longer a shadow you cast. Thus, my mirror theory. The Gray resides between. It is a place where light and dark mix but neither has a winning influence. For us, It was a time of Magic and Fantasies we can now only dream of. We eventually forgot it as the Traveler, (Alpha Lupi, A survivor of a far-off and ancient war between light and dark,) neared and filled our world with light. However, we thought this history to be tales and legends and passed them down from generation to generation. With Alpha Lupi approaching, we began to innovate and learn (literacy increase, scientific advancement, more world peace, etc...) What we did not know was that the Traveler was not just heading towards us, but that she was running from the Darkness. She had represented the Light with others in a great battle, but had needed to escape. So she adopted a moon-like body that the average guardian now thinks of as the Traveler. A little something regarding races: First off we have the Fallen, scavengers barely holding on to life. They where once somewhere that the Traveler visited, similar to us, but the traveler kept going and left the Fallen scattered and broken, without the light they had enjoyed only during the time the Traveler came passing through. Their collapse was a punishment from the wave of darkness sweeping through the region. They where swept up, and started towards the Traveler, now angry and bitter. They are the Hunter's enemy, the lone wolves who follow no laws. They are slaves to the Darkness. But even longer before that, we have the Hive, who chose the Darkness and wield it's power as we wield the light. It has transformed them as well, but they have been exposed to it longer, turning them into undead creatures of bone and ash. They attacked the Traveler with Darkness while the battle of Twilight Gap was raging and thereby caused her to be injured. They seek to see the galaxy filled with Darkness, as we seek to fill it with Light. They are the Dark mirror of all guardians, some of the Darkest foes you will face. Then we have the Cabal, a Gigantic Intergalactic Empire. We know little of their origins, and the Empire itself, but we do know a few things: First, the Cabal on mars are a small offshoot group that are running not only from the Empire, but something even bigger. Secondly, the Psions. The Psions poses Psionic abilities and a vast understanding of technology. However, they are enslaved by the Cabal. Originally, the Cabal where a primitive, warlike set of tribes and clans. They then somehow made contact with the peaceful Psions, with advanced technology and no need for war or violence. The Cabal overpowered them, enslaved them, and begin building a mighty Empire. The Darkness sensed this threat, but decided that instead of destroying the Cabal, it would use them. Some of the cabal realized that the darkness was taking over and left, attempting to escape the Darkness. They ended up on Mars right as the Darkness overtook Alpha Lupi. As it stands, they are very powerful and dangerous, even in their unorganized, scared fractured and undisciplined state. The primarily oppose the Titans, and are not directly Dark, just surrounded by the Darkness on Mars without the benefit of Alpha Lupi's light. Finally, the Vex. The Vex, first of all, are time-traveling robots that seek to turn planets into machines. Their motives are unknown, but it is hinted that they might have once been a terraforming force created by the Traveler. If so, they resided inside the Traveler during her voyages and where deployed en mass to reshape planets when she stopped. However, the darkness corrupted them and turned them haywire on Mercury during the collapse. Then Vex traveled to Mars and Venus, but they met opposition there. They became corrupted when the Traveler became crippled by the Hive (Thais is how they got a fragment of the Traveler in the Chamber of Night mission) and a bit of darkness got inside, forming the black heart which kept her from healing, and changed the Vex. They began to leave the inside of the Traveler (now called the Black Garden) via transfer gates to other planets. This would explain their zealousness about protecting the Black Heart, as well as why you need to destroy it to allow the Traveler heal. Also, notice the similarities between the Gorgons your Ghost. The Gorgons ar Ghosts lost to a higher purpose. Also, in 'Legend: The Black Garden', It is mentioned that there was a Ghost growing there, and that the tenders of the garden where bronze. Also, they seem almost passive about their expansion and conquests, as know they literally have all the time in the world. Warlocks are the antithesis of the Vex, as the Vex want to seize all knowledge. Contrary to this, Warlocks seek to find knowledge and exploit it for all others to see, even at great risks. As Guardians, we have absorbed the travelers light from the ghosts when they found us. The Traveler, in a way, passed her Light on to us. When the black heart died, It opened the way for the Traveler to begin to heal. However, the closer to the light you get, the longer your shadow grows. This is how the Vault of Glass exists. Once you have attained a certain level of light and found five others of similar light, the shadow you cast is sufficient to make the Vault of Glass exist as a direct opposition. The Awoken where originally Humans who had tried to escape the Darkness by fleeing the sol system. By the time they got to the Reef, something transformed them. Now, the Awoken, at the edge of the Dark and the Light, have found one of the small pockets of the Gray. This pocket is known as the Reef. The Stranger is also an agent of the Gray, helping to keep the galaxy in balance. Thus, she “was not forged in the Light,” but opposed the Vex. She has a past with them, and she seeks revenge. The Jovians are similar to the Awoken, but more sensitive to the Darkness. The Light hurts them, and a fine example is Xur. Xur sometimes says “We had a choice. The Awoken did not. We chose this.” This implies that the Jovians chose their fat. They are governed by the Nine, referred to here in 'Ghost Fragment: Legends 2'. It reads as follows: [quote] NINE The Nine are survivors of the cis-Jovian colonies who made a compact with an alien force to ensure their own survival. The Nine are deep-orbit warminds who weathered the Collapse in hardened stealth platforms. The Nine are ancient leviathan intelligences from the seas of Europa or the hydrocarbon pits of Titan. The Nine arrived in a mysterious transmission from the direction of the Corona-Borealis supercluster. The Nine are the firstborn Awoken and their minds now race down the field lines of the Jupiter-Io flux tube. The Nine are Ghosts who pierced the Deep Black without a ship and meditated on the hissing silence of the heliopause. The Nine are the aspects of the Darkness, broken by the Traveler's rebuke, working to destroy us from within. The Nine is a viral language of pure meaning. The Nine are the shadows left by the annihilation of a transcendent shape, burned into the weft of what is. [/quote] Also, get this, from an Individual on a Destiny Wiki who researched this: [quote] Corona Borealis is a constellation, known as the "Northern Crown". It is made up of seven stars, one of Bungie's many references to the number seven. Heliopause is the boundary between Solar Wind and external cosmic rays, effectively the outer boundary of the Solar System. Therefore, the "Deep Black" is outside of the reach of the Sun's influence. The Jupiter-Io Flux Tube is a cylindrical section of Jupiter's magnetic field line which passes between Jupiter and Io. If it were able to be seen by the naked eye, it would resemble a tube of electromagnetic force between the two. Electrical current passes along this flux tube forming a circuit between the planet & moon, which ionizes the cloud of volcanic sulfur, oxygen, sodium and chlorine into a ring of plasma which surrounds the planet, boosting its already powerful magnetic field even further. The flux tube itself boosts radio emissions from Jupiter, making them increase considerably when Io's orbit brings it closer to Earth.[/quote] And finally, Rasputin. Rasputin is the Warmind on earth. His main physical mass is confined to beneath Old Russia, earth at the Cosmodrome. However, his advanced technologies have allowed him to travel throughout the Sol system. He is revealed to have connections to the warmind on Mars, Charlemagne, and to have linked to some of technology in Clovis Bray. We know that he sent out nuclear warheads to meet the Darkness. It is also believed that he brought on the collapse when the Darkness got too close by shooting nuclear missiles into the Reef, causing an explosion that transformed the Awoken, Repelled the Darkness, but contributed to the Traveler's injury. The rest is up to you, Guardians. Go find out.

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