Ha, sorry guys. To be honest, I forgot I posted this forum! I'll add all of you later this afternoon, and perhaps we can get some sessions in!
Sounds good, I try to get a couple hours here and there when I can. I'm a level 27 lock. Gamer tag - b1ster Ps4
Hello there. That sounds great. Can you add me as well Theyliveoz. Cheers
Hi. Add me. MoodyJanitor1
I'm in a similar boat. Working long hours. Play a couple nights a week 8-11 US Central time. Wknds some Sat afternoon, night or Sun afternoon or night. Lvl 24 W, 9 H, 4 T. PSN4 HawkeyeGreywind1 game tag
I would join, but I'm on Xbox One :P