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originally posted in:Team Potato
Edited by Micolash: 1/21/2015 10:10:43 PM

Vex Mythoclast







Non-inventory weapon (like the Sword of Crota)


If You have seen any gameplay of this bad-boy in action then you should know how badass this thing is. It is a primary weapon, despite being a hybrid of a scout rifle and a fusion rifle. However some people think it is too powerful for a primary, what kind of weapon do you think it [u]should[/u] be? EDIT: This post is old AF, I don't mind if you necrobump or whatever, just keep in mind that what I say is VERY outdated.

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  • So old

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    • The Vex doesn't need a patch and nor should Bungie bow to the knee and give it one. This gun is just like the Suros Regime, Red Death, and almost every other Exotic. A potential game breaker, and that's what exotics were designed for. People's problem though is that Xur isn't going to come by and start selling it. And of course the Mythoclast is OP, you have to beat the hardest mission in Destiny on the hardest difficulty setting to even have a [i][/i]chance [i][/i] of getting the gun. "Oh, but you can just make Atheon walk off the ledge, ban those cheaters blah blah blah whine whine whine" Yes. You can. I did. I get the Mythoclast and I made him walk off the ledge. I still had to fight through the Vault, I still had to get to that point. My team had to work together to position him to walk off the ledge, and we still died numerous times. If the relic team got teleported to Venus, we wiped and tried again. Yes we made him walk off, but it still took us nearly an half an hour to get the conditions just right. "Ahhh, this guy admits it. Bungie, ban him." Why? Because I saw some way to beat him in an easy way? I don't feel lesser for having done the walk off and I don't feel I should. The only people who want that patched are elitist scrubs who feel everyone should devote their entire day to doing something. All the walk off is is just another strategy to beat the raid. Bungie won't ban players who did this, or rip the Mythoclast away from them, for the same reason as the Loot Cave. It doesn't hurt anyone, or ruin anyone's game. They might patch the walk off, but I hope they don't. Using the walk off is just another strategy, and there is nothing wrong with it. Bungie needs to instead focus on several of the other issues plaguing Destiny, mainly lack of content. IB was a joke, Queen's Wrath was a joke, and their next event is probably going to be a joke. I've said my piece, and if you have a problem with it then you sir can kiss the lower side of my body that I call my ass.

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      8 Replies
      • Is the Mythoclast always a reward for defeat VoG on hard or is it just a possible reward? I read somewhere that VoG is the only place to get it but it wasn't clear if it is a definite reward or one of many.

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        7 Replies
        • Edited by Xenodeath: 10/13/2014 1:28:00 PM
          better now? Well is it?

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          • the most controversial weapon in the entire game, people dont seem to realize how difficult it is to obtain this weapon. If I beat the vault of glass on hard I would expect to get something really good and the Vex Mythoclast is the perfect reward! Hell even a raid helmet is a good reward too!

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by ColdAsHeaven: 10/12/2014 11:24:02 PM
              I don't have it. But I've played against plenty of people with it. I've seen it wreck and I've seen the person using it get wrecked. Its like the Suros and pretty much all other guns. If the person using it is good, then it devastates. If the person using it is bad, then he/she plays bad. If you didn't bother reading that, its an exotic. In Bungie's words "Exotics are designed to look, feel and sound overpowered. But not actually break the game"

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            • People voting for anything other than Primary are only worried about PVP. Putting this as a special weapon or even heavy(wtf?) would completely remove it's effectiveness in PVE. Fusions and Snipers are far more important in the special weapon slot.

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              2 Replies
              • 56 with upgrade fires like an auto rifle.

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                2 Replies
                • When I first saw gameplay footage of the Mythoclast I thought it was super OP. The other night playing Iron Banner we came up against a team that had 4 of these. We beat them by about 3,000 points and they left the lobby afterwards. It's a great gun, but IMO no better than Suros, Atheons Epilogue, or Pocket Infinity. Skill> gear.

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                  • It should have no crits like every other fusion rifle... Thats as close as there gonna get to pleasing everyone

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                    2 Replies
                    • They shouldn't nerf it but just ban it from pvp

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                    • You say they "earned" it? How can you say that when 95% of the people that have one made the boss fall off an edge? Where's the challenge in using a bug in the game to get one off the most over powered guns in the game?

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                      14 Replies
                      • Honestly think they should go back into the logs. And if anyone who has completed atheon in under the intended time (aka the legit possible way) then they should have their rewards ripped from their inventory and call it a day.

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                        5 Replies
                        • The Vex in the right hands is devastating

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                          2 Replies
                          • The sad thing though is that there is a glitch now that's being heavily abused to defeat the VOG raid on hard and a lot of noobs are going to end up with this gun. So expect to see a huge amount of people with it until Bungie decides to fix the problem. Maybe a Ban to all those who cheated would be nice too. Let only the true players who beat the raid the LEGIT way keep on using the Vex Mythocast.

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                          • Why does everyone call it a hybrids of fusion rifles and scout rifles? It's full auto and bad at range so it should be a auto rifle hybrid. Btw it's not that powerful especially compared to exotics like the last word.

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                          • So much controversy over one weapon lol my God. I love mine and i prefer it as a primary. You're either great - terrible with it. Many Vex MC user aren't that OP with it lol and some are, because they know how to use their weapon.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I think it should be the way the maker intended it to be and if you cant beat it, find a different strategy

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                            • ITT: A bunch of people who are can't do hard mode VoG so they want something people earned to be nerfed.

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                              7 Replies
                              • Edited by Swagenfuse: 10/13/2014 12:59:05 AM
                                My ham sandwich is an OP ham sandwich, don't see anyone complaining about that.

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                                4 Replies
                                • I've had a Vex for over a week. It's not OP as people think. In a skilled hand, its a great gun. But if the person sucks, its just another average weapon. In PvP, its TTK could be compared to a Suros. Everyone and their ugly stepsister has one of those. Get over the gun, its not overpowered. Quit crying because you suck too much and you can't get it. How about we get Xur to breast feed you and give it to you next weekend?

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                                  13 Replies
                                  • Bungie should patch it. It's impossible to deal with that weapon in PvP.

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                                  • I don't have it. Nor do I think I ever will because I doubt I could finish the raid on hard. However the players who do deserve a reward to reflect that. Do NOT change a thing about the mythoclast. If people hate it so much maybe they should do a hard raid to earn it. Once they do I highly doubt they'll be complaining.

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                                  • It should be a Special weapon. Shortage of ammo would help combat its effectiveness in Crucible/Iron Banner, especially if Bungie were to treat Special weapon ammo the same as they treat Heavy weapon ammo (and they should, considering how potent Shotguns, Fusion Rifles, and Sniper Rifles are).

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • It [i]is[/i] a primary. Ought to be a heavy, from the gameplay I've seen.

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                                      9 Replies
                                      • Edited by Nebu the Bald: 10/12/2014 10:06:35 PM
                                        How about just leaving the Mythoclast alone? Some people can use it effectively, others can't. I get decimated by Suros users all the time.

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