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originally posted in:Beautiful Bastards
2/4/2015 1:11:16 AM

ideas on subclasses

What do you all thing about new subclass ideas. IK there is a lot already out there but im curious for some direct feedback on this. if you want to read all my ideas thats awesome and i love you, however i am very long winded especially with titan and warlock because those are the classes i play so if you dont want to take too much time i suggest only looking at you particular class. thank you. Personally i was thinking along these lines. HUNTER Hunters need a support class. A team support specifically. I have heard something about a time warp super ability and i think it would be cool if this were to apply to all guardians within a certain radius to the super user. this would slow down everything around the user allowing them to move faster than enemies. grenades for this class could include a stasis grenade which puts an enemy in a stasis field until they take a certain amount of damage, another grenade similar to a wizards poison that slows an enemies movement speed for a time, and a grenade that sticks to a surface and magnetizes enemies towards it and after a time explodes. melee would drastically increase the speed of all movement attributes as well as gun rate of fire for 5 seconds, 10 with a specific upgrade. TITAN the titan has been hard to figure out. i feel that a new titan class would be part offensive and part self-support such as the blade dancer class if hunter. because the new subclass is solar i thought it would be interesting if this new titan's super was similar to a mortar strike of fire. [b]idea 1[/b]: this super creates a gun or scope like thing that allows the titan to lock on to and area and then a massive beam of solar energy would be sent up from the titan, thus protecting the titan, and raining down upon the designated position. upgrades can include beams of light that track enemies like wolf pack rounds, a beam of light that branches out before impact, or multiple smaller mortars per super use. [b]idea 2[/b]: at basic upgrade this super generates a column of solar light that shoots up from the titan and comes back down upon the titan in a both defensive and damaging column of fire. the titan would remain stationary as long as this lasts but the initial impact of the beam coming down would cause large amounts of solar area damage. upgrades for this super include being able to aim this downward beam like a mortar strike upon enemies using an aiming marker that would be generated on screen, a variation of the basic super that causes the light to come down upon the titan in a dome shape resembling the ward if dawn allowing it to encompass team mates however this will end when the super runs out or is stopped. the last upgrade is an idea that idea that i think would be cool. the beam of light rains down in pieces around the titan, each individual mortar dealing damage and releasing an explosion of light that blinds nearby enemies grenades range from releasing a solar land mine, to a solar fragmentation grenade, to a grenade that magnetizes to an enemy and basically spawns a mini super on them. melee blinds enemies on impact WARLOCK i play warlock and titan so naturally these are the more complex ideas though i do like my hunter class idea. this ark warlock has me very excited so i have a few ideas for this one. Everyone knows that magic+lighting=GG [b]idea 1[/b]: i have heard a lot of talk about an idea that this new warlock super will spawn in an ark drone similar to a servitor that will aid your team in combat and follow you. this would be awesome since i think this warlock should be either a team aid class or a hyper-offense class. this "ark servitor" could be upgraded to have a close range attach like Sepiks Pime when enemies get too close, it could provide increased health regeneration to close allies like we see normal servitors doing with fallen enemies, or it have either a defensive buff to protect itself or a buff to its basic attack. [b]idea 2[/b]: this is the hyper-offense super class. the super for this class is similar to a Darth Sidious lightning attack. the warlock releases a stream of lighting from its hands that continuously damages the targeted enemy. this super can be stopped and resumed to change targets but energy will continue to slowly decrease when this is happening. movement is impaired while this is in use but only slightly. this can be upgraded to a chain lighting effect, a paralyzing effects after a certain amount if damage is done to a target, or en effect that causes targets to explode with ark energy when killed. [b]idea 3[/b]: this is the last. this is a more personal defensive super but can still be team oriented. with this super, the warlock will release a shockwave/wall of ark energy that both repels and damages enemies. this super will push them back while dealing ark damage until the super ends. the closer they are the better. it would start base as a shockwave along the ground that dealt damage and knock back with each pulse. it could upgrade into a wall of lightning that could push back enemies and deflect incoming damage and then collapse on enemies when the super is over . this could also upgrade into a similar thing that instead if knock back and damage deflection could shock and blind enemies. lastly us a form that combines the titans ward of dawn and the fist mention upgrade that forms a dome shield around the warlock that expands to deflect damage and push back enemies and explodes to deal shock damage. grenades should be one that is similar to axion bolt and the similar sun-singer grenade, however this one shoots out a continuous stream or lightning that damages a few enemies in proximity until they escape its range or die. another should be a grenade that sucks enemies in then explodes for significant damage and knock back. the last is a grenade that releases a chain lightning effect on nearby enemies. melee will be a high impact 3 enemy chain lightning. This is my report on new subclasses and what they should be. PLEASE READ THIS BUNGIE. thank you for your time. Good Luck Guardians..

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  • Hunter: Stalker where they lay out traps and people take void damage and can't move for 10 seconds Warlock: Arc Thrower where they place a ball of lighting and anyone that comes near gets zapped Titan: Crusader where they act like a blade dancer except more of a tank and move slower so they can deal AoE around or shoot a beam of solar damage in front of them That's my idea anyway

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