originally posted in:TwistedxGaming
Hey guys, my clan is not only for Destiny but for all multiplayer shooters out there. Currently we are focusing on Destiny but occasionally play other games as well. We all love to game and are funny. We can be serious and get the job done but we like to goof around every once in awhile. I am the clan leader of TwistedxGaming. Feel free to send me a message or apply to the clan. We accept almost anyone aslong as they have skills or are atleast funny. Doesnt gurt to try, right?
- Age 15+
- Mic
- Like to Raid
- Likes to have fun
- Special Quality
- Surprise us
Our Focus Points:
- Raiding
- Strikes
- Dailies/Nightfalls etc.
- Questing
- Service to fellow clan mates
- Having fun and making memories
Communication is key to having a great clan so we like to stay active and play as much as possible together. We are all here to help one another!
Link: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/598975
Clan: TwistedxGaming