originally posted in:Dark Ishtar Nation
If you'd like to do any raid, leave a reply down below with:
[b]Your Xbox Gamer tag[/b]
[b]Which raid you'd like to run[/b]
▶[i]If you're wanting to run a Hard CE please include your class and level. I'm not going to turn you away because of your level/class; its to simply help me get an idea of what we need so everyone has a smoother experience in the raid.
For example, its almost a necessity to have 2 Titans, 1 is workable but 0 is asking for a 4 hour Crota fight.[/i]
[b][u]Hard Crotas End 1[/u][/b] - Friday - 8pm EST
1. xDaRealFuturex - Warlock | 32
2. vLynxx Q - Hunter | 32
3. CiK Shinobi - Hunter | 32
4. Overly Hyped - Hunter | 32
5. KYBRACO - Hunter | 32
6. Couchrac3r - Titan 32
[b][u]Hard Crotas End 2[/u][/b] - Saturday - 5pm EST
1. Sunset Burns - Warlock | 32
[b][u]Hard Crotas End 3[/u][/b] - Sunday - 5pm EST
*Will probably, maybe, experiment with the sword in this run.
1. PurchasedQuill - Titan | 32
2. Overly Hyped - Hunter | 32 (SB)
3. Redzone80 - Titan | 32
4. Soccerben82 - Hunter | 32
5. Couchrac3r - Hunter | 32
[b][u]Normal Crotas End [i]and [/i]Hard VoG 1[/u][/b] - Friday - 6pm EST
2. xDaRealFuturex
3. Murkleton 02
4. The Dycus
5. Overly Hyped for something.
6. Duckwith
[b][u]Normal Crotas End [i]and[/i] Hard VoG 2[/u][/b] - Saturday - 8pm EST
2. vLynxx Q
3. DazeyBoy2012
4. TheViolentHero
5. Overly Hyped (for this guy^)
6. Couchrac3r
[b][u]Normal Crotas End [i]and[/i] Hard VoG 3[/u][/b] - Sunday - 8pm EST
1. Mr Anarchy Duck
3. TheViolentHero
4. Bountyman0222
5. VadorsGhost
6. AndyGstring21
[b][u]Normal VoG 1[/u][/b] - Saturday - 3pm EST
1. Overly Hyped
3. Murkleton 02
[u]Please plan accordingly.[/u]
[u]Sub's may be needed.[/u]
*If a scheduled raid above doesn't work with your schedule, leave a reply telling me and if I can, I'll push it back, or forward, to fit your time!
-That one kid that's never really Overly Hyped.
Tony are u still doing hard crota today?
Can we push back crota hard like a half hour?
32 hunter for hard mode crota today
Put me in hard crota today please on my hunter
If you're still running hard crota on Sunday and need one put me down 4 my titan
Sorry can't make VoG today
AndyGstring21.. Gamertag of the year! Lol
I can sub for any tonight if you need one just message me
I'll do the normal vog tomorrow at 3. I'm pretty sure I'll be available. Gt (murkleton 02) 32 whatever.
Normal VoG please
Edited by CiK Shinobi: 4/10/2015 11:53:04 AMHM Crota for Friday please Edit: Hunter class is all I have to do presently
I'll join in on that hard Crota at 8pm
Ill run tonight at 8 32 titan
I'll hate myself tomorrow morning, but hard VoG tonight please.
Gt (Murkleton 02) 32 hunter for normal Crota/hard vog Friday at 6pm Est. Gt (The Dycus) 32 whatever we want for the same thing!
add me for sunday normal crota and hard VoG
Sunday normal crota!!
Edited by bountyman0222: 4/9/2015 3:20:31 AMPlace me on normal Crota/hard VOG Sunday at 8. 30 Titan
Edited by Duckwith: 4/9/2015 5:46:34 AMIgnore.
Ill take the last spot on saturday for normal crota 30 warlock
Give me any CE Norm. Though I won't be available till after 6. (I realize that isn't exactly "any")
I'm down for Sunday crota hard
GT: vLynxx Q Put Me Down For Saturday Raid 8pm EST (Or any raid past 6pm if you need anybody :) ) (LvL 32 Hunter)(LvL 31 Titan)(LvL 30 Warlock))
Put me down for sunday raid at 8pm eastern. Level 32 character (any class I have them all) Gt: mr anarchy duck
friday for all of them on lvl 32 warlock
Saturday 5 and 8 o'clock. I have 32 hunter, 32 warlock and 31 titan.