originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Looking for group for crota normal add silent_demon25
Level 27 hunter looking to do Vault Of Glass, never done a raid before.
lvl 29 titan Looking for a clan to do 'strength of the pack' and 'raiding party' trophies Have mic
Lvl 31 Hunter/bladedancer Looking to do Crota hard mode from start to finish. Add me as GiFtOfWiSdOm (Ps3)
Edited by The Trojan Horse: 2/1/2015 3:18:05 PM*edit* **bump**
Edited by Guardian3654: 1/26/2015 12:11:49 AMCrotas end normal lvl 30 hunter
level 30 warlock i have a mic add me
Lvl 29 Hunter looking to raid. CannonSE2; got 90 minutes to play
Level 28 hunter with mic. looking to raid and run strikes. Psn- lzink2244
Level 28 willing to help and do strikes and raids.
I have hard raid crota checkpoint I know I am a 31 but am really good need 5 more 32 s
Add me DragonKing1980 Lvl 32 Titan with mic. Always looking to Raid!
Raid with 5 open slots lvl 30 warlock psn: flaming_typhoon
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] Level 30 Hunter up for anything. Still a little new to raids but will help out. Add me psn: taige2009
Lv30 warlock, free for join on any raid, add hhoruss (ps3) (no mic on ps3 at the moment, but we could open a room on teamspeak/Skype)
Level 31 titan..at atheon check point, add deso9330
Regular VoG at the end need 4 people ready to go after
Need 3 more people
Need players for vog hard. Got cp at gatekeeper
Edited by Dragnix92: 1/8/2015 7:01:23 AMLooking for normal VOG raid. My PSN is BillytheDragonic and my guardian is Lvl 29 Sunsinger Warlock P/S: I haven't do any raid before, ever. That's the truth.
Anyone vog on normal ps3 above lvl 28
need people for vog ps3 normal 3 sloots avaliables pls add manu121999alfa
Hunter level 26 psn-Winchester7983 have mic but it is not working at the moment. Can still hear though . I have read how to do this so there won't be any problem there. Would like to find all loot chests as well . And perhaps hard mode after first play through.
Help me with vog im level 26 warlock
Lvl 29 hunter ps3 psn: ianmcfoster
Lvl 30 hunter LFG for any raid. Inv. Me on ps3