Aboyen wanting to do raid later on ps3 add me:xCarson_Beast I'm a level 28 warlock ( I'm leveling up new raid armor) and I have vault of glass experience and a maxed out atheons epilogue
Anyone doing reg raid on ps4 add me chippie_chang
Lvl 29 Hunter looking for ppl down for hard raid by the end of today have atheon checkpoint 29+ only if like it if you have a mic but it's not needed have XXXXX slots open psn is the same
Edited by PuchMaxiMax: 12/7/2014 1:54:08 PMI need players for Athlon on normal lvl28+ only PS3 Add misfit_monster97
Anyone down for regular raid add me APGaming_GCT
PeepsWafflez: looking for VoG reg. 28 Titan
Started a new topic: level 27 hunter raid wednesday at 1:00 eastern time
lvl 29 hunter looking to raid psn hamkneegrow
Lvl 28 Titan looking for raid group :vog regular- my first time Need 5 raid members Friday 8:00am -> PSN: fmlegohero
Looking for 4 guardians to make the raid in lvl 26 add me same name Warlock lvl 28
Looking for 5 experienced guardians Lvl 27 titan PSN:Oddsock42
Looking for [5] experienced guardians at lvl 29-30 send a message to philodelia1991
Looking for 5 people to help me with the Raid on hard, or to help me beat atheon on normal. ChaoticTurtle314
PS3 reg, want to try and do a flawless raider, I have ghallahorn and looking for more who have it so we can do Templar and Atheon fairly easy. The rest isn't too hard to do without deaths, gorgons and all. Also want to attempt vex gates at beginning and then once successful with no vex taking a gate, exploring secret passage to Templar for a chest. Add me sk8nking, mention raid explore in message
[quote]REQUIRED LVL 26 OR HIGHER, MIC RECOMMENDED comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] need one more Vog normal fresh start. Psn: xXDA-BEASTXx666
Looking for people to do the raid on hard! Add ChaoticTurtle314 if you need help or you want to join me
Level 28 warlock trying to do nightfall or vog
LFG that has Atheon CP regular 28 Titan, have mic PSN: C0R3Y-X_X Also looking to do nightfall on main, have a 30 Titan
Hi everyone need 3 30s( warlocks and titans) for fresh hard raid add Amito_nya
Any one down to do the raid ? TruKrew90
Vog Ps3 28 warlock first time cause its such a #&#%+ to get pt together!!! But i have the need to raid so bad Psn : Sw0oP-InC Lets do it 😎
raid atheon need 5 people do normal
Edited by ThatDudeJurassic: 12/4/2014 3:11:02 PMLooking for people to do start to finish raid with a mike, lvl 26 or above dec 4 11am Add Mattingly 8
Looking to do normal raid. Highly experienced. Add SquallBLi
Hey guys I really really need a team to do the regular raid for my first time so if you want to find me at spike69
Edited by Bruhh_Moment: 12/4/2014 10:34:18 AMLooking for five people (LEVEL 29 or 30) to do the hard raid, starting from the Templar boss fight (where you kill him) Add me, gt: Pctomac1995 BTW I HAVE A MIC