Elite Prime
"Destroy everything that Destiny has to offer!"
originally posted in:Elite Prime
Hey, Most of you don't know me. But I am one of the original members of this clan. I have not been active due to a cracked game disc and some personal issues as well. [don't ask]
Anyways, I'm back now and was wondering if there are still active members that are actually active. Please post your GT here so I can get to know you and we might play together. Also, tell me what you like to do on Destiny. How do you spend your time fighting the darkness.
I personally like doing strikes, nightfall, weekly heroic, a bit of The Crucible and completing bounties. I wouldn't mind raiding but need somebody who could show me the ropes.
For those wondering my stats are as follows:
Console: Xbox 360
GT: WolfVsWolf82
Level 30 warlock Voidwalker. Though I'm currently working on getting u Sunsinger maxed out.
I also have lower levels of the Titan and Hunter and am kind of waiting on somebody to level them with. So if you have a low level character sitting around doing nothing we could do that as well.
Anyways, hopefully ppl will read this and post below.
Thanks for reading,