Xbox Raiding Crew
"Committed to help everyone find a successful fireteam!"
originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Are you tired of trying to find a raid team on LFG that wont take you because you haven't beat it yet? Are your beating your head against the "wall" in Gambit or Crucible with a bunch of randoms? So are we!
A lot of players got the game at launch, played it, then left, and there are a ton of inactive clans out there. Why continue to grind for clan XP with an in-active clan? Join STRIKE TEAM:Honey Badger. We have hit rank 6 every season, but are looking to clean up our roster and get rid of the dead weight and get some real players in here! We are active on discord, and always have several members on at all times of day.
Quit wasting your time in a dead clan, even if you are the founder...come join us!!