originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 II
We're getting together a group to hit the Raid for the first time, starting tonight! Would ideally like to do it with some folks that haven't finished it before, but all help is welcome!
If you're game, scrawl your info below and I'll add you!
I'm playing on PS4, UK based and have a mic.
PSN: ErebusAlpha
I'm keen, although I did give the Vault of Glass a go yesterday evening and got to the last boss. Not sure if I have a checkpoint saved that may cause the group to spawn at the very end (not ideal in this scenario) if I were in it from the beginning. Not sure - would have to test that theory out. (It may be linked to the group leader of the fire team) *shrug* Either ways - I'm in if you're looking for numbers. P.S. Bring loads of weapons that do Void damage and additional ammo packs (especially heavy weapons). PSN: Tinytone
With a PSN name starting "Erebus"..... are you sure you're on the side of the "light"? Lol
Level 28 Titan defender with both subs maxed. Never haven't even attempted vog yet. I have watched YouTube videos etc for strategies.
I'd be up for that, I had one very butt kicked attempt at VOG when I was a level 25, we never got past the first stage lol. Feel I'm ready try a second time now, especially as i'm Level 27 now with all Legendary & Exotic gear/weapons I'm usually on for 8pm Does it matter that i'm Dads of Destiny UK PS4 III not II?
I'm game to play, even tho I haven't tried raid before, hope that's not a problem. Psn Vintage81 level 26 Titan
What time roughly? Have to pick my wife up from work at 9pm so won't be on till around 10:00 Just in case; PSN: Subject91 Level 27 Warlock First Time Raider