originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 II
Figure most people will want to get the various weekly's done tomorrow so will start a fresh raid on Wednesday evening at about 8pm.
I for one can only play till around 11pm (well, I can play as late as I like, but the kids still get up at half five!!!) So will try to clear templar and get through the gorgons to set up an atheon checkpoint for Friday/Saturday.
Post here if interested and add me on psn, I'd teh_wolf.
Lost me too guys, sorry. Mrs saw Peggle 2 came out today and threatened me with serious testicle damage if I tried to stop her playing (she is 5 months pregnant) so I decided to let her "win" this one. Sorry to let yall down Greg
I am gonna have to abandon tonight unfortunately. I've just walked through the door from work and my household seems to be ill! I will probably dtill be playing but I won't be able to dedicate time to a raid..I can see an evening on many random afk's tonight. Looks like you have enough people to field a raid anyway so you should carry on regardless and I'll try to get something going at the weekend. Sorry folks.
Okay - I got my exotic helmet fully upgraded, added an extra damage upgrade to my void machine gun and almost got another armour upgrade when I levelled my vanguard rep but just 1 shard short!! Ah well - that's about the most I can do so all set for tonight! My exotic scout rifle seems to be behaving much better since the patch too - it's genuinely my best weapon now. :) We kicking off at 8pm, yeh?
Sorry guys - don't think I'm gonna be able to make it
I'm in - Samthedaddy
8-11 is absolutely perfect. just be aware that they are nerfing auto-rifles today along with changes to other weapons. in other news there are still 3 million daily destiny players. for all the criticism the game is getting a lot of people are still enjoying it daily
I'm always up for it if you've any room, dude. Did you finish off the raid from last time?
I'd like to put my name down for that if you have room. 28 Hunter can play till 1am if needed.
and me pls
I'm up for it! Level 28 Warlock Sunsinger - got some legendary void and solar weapons too.
MegaWarMonkey always ready