originally posted in:The Bird People
Instead of joining "The flood: off topic", please join "the flood".
You know, I think I'll just stay with the #Offtopic. It's rather cozy.
#FloodIsDead #SapphireRising
Answer me this.. with the rules system reworked, the blam! filter all but gone, and a perfectly good #flood at my disposal, what exactly makes your group at all worth my time? What can a random group full of random people give me that I don't already have? Sell your group to me.
Edited by TedToaster22: 1/11/2013 10:03:57 PMWhy not just close this group since everyone is being directed toward the other? Or at the very least, post this as an announcement so people can see it better.
And this is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned splitting the community. Stop being idiots, guys.
Group Invites go in the Classifi- Oh wait, that doesn't exist any more. Ha, Ha, Ha.
So can I leave this group then?
Bumping this up join [url]http://www.bungie.net/en-us/view/community/groups/forum?groupId=19265[/url]
Seriously, the flood tag works nicely, there is no need for a group.
So how long is this group spamming going to last?
It's groveling like this that makes me [b]not[/b] want to join a group.
Or someone could hack: http://halo.bungie.net/forums/topics.aspx?forumID=10 and make us all able to log in and enjoy the old flood.
Already in it.