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originally posted in:The Spiker Garden
Edited by Hylebos: 1/16/2014 6:38:21 PM

Design a Public Event!

Public Events are one of the biggest tools in Destiny that Bungie can use to bring players together and breathe life into their universe. The example Public Event that we saw in the E3 Demo was fairly simplistic: Simply kill the Fallen that get dropped into the local area; but Public Events have the potential to be very intricate and bring all sorts of experiences to life if they are well designed. So Community, what sort of encounters would you like to see in Destiny? Below is an example Public Event that I came up with a few days ago to illustrate a particular concept in a different thread:[quote][b]PUBLIC EVENT: Downed Research Ship[/b] Several scientific vessels and their escort have been downed by Fallen Patrols and have crash landed near your position. Find the main research ship and protect them from repeated Fallen Assault while they make critical repairs. A side objective requires a smaller group to split off from the main defense force to fan out and locate the other ships that crashed in the area so that survivors, critical data, or parts neccessary to speed up repairs on the main ship might be located.[/quote]It's not that hard to come up with these sorts of Public Events, first, think of an Experience (Like a crash landed ship, a natural disaster, or a terrorist plot), then think of objectives and mechanics that would arise out of and reinforce that Experience. Think of where your Public Event would take place, and think of how your Public Event would be memorable and interesting. Here are other things to consider while you design your Public Event: [b]> Is the Public Event optional?[/b] [spoiler]Destiny is a game with a ton of different things to do, and Bungie doesn't particularly want to force players into doing things they aren't interested in. Especially for solo players, the idea of public events might not be all that appealing, and so they should be able to avoid them if at all possible. For example, if you don't want to help aid in the rescue of the downed research vessel, you need not follow the Distress Beacon.[/spoiler][b]> Does the Public Event promote teamwork?[/b] [spoiler]One of the core design philosophies of Destiny is that everything that is fun to do alone is even more fun when you do it with other people. Public Events should promote teamwork and communication in interesting ways. For example, to have a complete victory in this Public Event, the main ship must be defended successfully, and all the escort ships must be located and stripped of survivors / data / parts. Coordination between the search parties and the main defense force is crucial to success, certain waves of Fallen might be so strong that the search parties need to be called back to the ship to help hold the line, or during a lighter wave a portion of the defense force could head in a new direction while a search party cycles back to the ship to replace them, speeding up the process overall.[/spoiler][b]> Does the Public Event promote different playstyles?[/b] [spoiler]There's a lot of different people who will play Destiny, and different people will enjoy different aspects of the game. If you're a fan of heavy combat, defending the main Research Vessel will be right up your alley, as the majority of the Fallen forces will be funneled to your position. If you're more into scouting, light skirmishes, and exploration, being a part of the search party might be more appealing. The best Public Events I think will be the ones that offer a ton of different objectives and tasks that force you to use your entire skill set.[/spoiler][b]> Can the difficulty of the Public Event be easily scaled up and down?[/b][spoiler]The best Public Event should be very dynamic with regards to their difficulty. A Public Event that is challenging for 8 players to clear might be impossible for 3 players to complete, and super easy for 16 players to finish. Or, a Public Event that is hard on eight medium leveled Guardians might be a breeze for four high leveled players. These Public Areas are presumably a melting pot of all sorts of players of different experience, equipment levels, and so on and so forth, and Public Events should be able to scale themselves to accomidate many different groups. For example, with my Public Event, you can easily increase or decrease the number of crashed escort ships to increase or decrease the need to have search parties, and you can always increase or decrease the size of the Fallen waves to increase or decrease the difficulty for the main defense group.[/spoiler]I'm really curious to see what sort of experiences you guys think would fit into the world of Destiny, and I'm interested in seeing how you guys go about bringing those experiences to life with different objectives and mechanics. Good luck!

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  • [b]Public Event:[/b] Make A Snowman As you and your fireteam enter Europa, you are tasked with recovering enough snow to build a snowman. If a snowman is already being built when you join the public event, you can start building an igloo. The more fireteams join the event, the more snow available. When there is at least one snowman and one igloo complete, then the fireteams can start looking for ice to make an ice sculpture of Seal (the musician). The ice is aquired by shooting ice lollies from the hands of children without killing them. Once complete, everyone is rewarded with the Ice Rose, a unique shotgun that quietly plays Seal songs when equipped. Any thoughts?

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  • Story Public Event. The Last City has fallen under attack from the various enemies of the City. All Guardians (or as many as they can fit) are called to defend the city. Different species of alien assault different places of the city: Fallen attack the Councils chambers, Cabal are bombarding the armory, Vex are trying to take over the archives, the Hive invade from below (in the sewers). Every class and play style will have a specific role to play; from snipers, to demolitions, to taking the enemy head on in the City square. Civilians to protect, supplies and equipment to secure, and major enemy bosses to eliminate. No place will be left untouched.

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    • First there ware aliens on foot. Then u steel theyr pwer sours. Then teh aleins r mad. Adn them say "we will get you!!!!" And then tey dont. Bcuz u kiled them all.

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    • Edited by Oak_Khan: 10/25/2013 12:27:21 AM
      while on a mission you and a few of your buddy's are riding your sparrows on your way to another point. when the sky goes grey and you look into the very deep, dark trench you are riding beside, a portal opens and a train like ship teleports into the trench and on the top of the train you see (insert enemy here) train surfing. suddenly you see them shooting (insert allies here) of the train like thing. You get a choice to aide them or just continue on. Leroy jenkins a brash titan in your group doesnt even think twice and rides his sparrow into the trench and lands on the train, you and the rest of your friends then follow. After clearing a lot of the (insert enemy here) of the ship suddenly a (enemy mini boss like thing) warps on the train like ship, after a short fight you and your buddy's beat it and the train like thing elevates to the height of the land surrounding the trench and you and your buddy's climb on your sparrows and get on the land all while the crew and some passengers cheer and salute you. Now you are back on your journey path and you hear the sound of the train warping away to safety in the background. Man if destiny has an experience like this i may not have a life anymore after the release.

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      Earthquake Event The unstable ground of Earth suddenly shakes violently, alerting all fire teams in the vicinity. The ground splits open, dust rising from the earth. Seconds later, the Hive begin climbing out from the cracks. You'll need multiple fire teams to be able to take out the massive size of the Hive. There also seems to be a pathway down created by the earthquake. Fight your way down into the nest and retrieve the potential treasure down beneath the surface. Get down there, and you might find some other treasures as well (upgrades? weapons? who knows?).

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    • You have to infiltrate a fallen camp (or base) to rescue captured allies. There will be multiple locations that you will have to rescue allies from. To be quick you can split up, or you can all go together to rescue each location. While you are there you can also loot chests, or find hidden areas. As you finish and get your captured allies to safety, the more allies you get to safety the better the reward will be at the end.

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    • Gigantic team infection! It would have to be a competitive event...

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    • Some fellow Guardians were recovering some ancient prototype starship technology. They were ambushed and require reinforcements. Multiple fireteams are in the vicinity but you are the most senior so you get to decide whether to join up with the ambushed guardians, or strike at the Fallen carrier to cut off the Fallen's reinforcements. Going after the Fallen, you board their starship and with several other fireteams you all recover the tech and get the loot the Captain has collected. You then have to sprint back through the ship, grab a dropship or something and fly off, or you just jump off. Either way you can watch it explode or escape right as it self-destructs. If you go rescue the guardians, you get to fight through some remaining ambushers. It's surprisingly easy, too easy. The NPC guardians tell you that there is another prototype starship engine behind a wall and they have a tank to pull the wall down. The tank unveils the tech, but Fallen reinforcements are inbound, defend the area with the tank long enough for a dropship from the city to arrive and recover the tech.

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    • Edited by DEZARATH: 7/20/2013 7:55:31 PM
      Public Event: East of Eden. A Cabal special forces unit has loaded a critical Golden Age technology find onto a compromised Buried City transport track and are using it to reach their objective on the outskirts of the third marker nearest to a landing pad they can access. A Cabal strike unit and transport ship are on the way to intercept them. The Buried City transport is fast and similar to a our monorail system and the track system it uses flows with the landscape instead of through it forcing players to have to time their approach when trying to board it. The players will be forced to use their respective Sparrows or high level speeders depending on their own level and gear to pursue the escaping Cabal. The Cabal on the Transport are high level enemy and will prove daunting as they level fire on their pursuers ranging from small arms fire to the occasional rocket launcher. The chase will be extensive due to the nature of the landscape and the tracks unpredictability. I am hoping Bungie allows players to ride together on higher level personal transports so one can drive and the other player can return fire or board the train if the opportunity presents itself. if so then Higher level Players will need to coordinate together while lower level players have to ride solo. For lower level solo riders the train has long carts that can be jumped onto by a Sparrow if the player can time a series of ramps along the track. This scenario harken to the movie Mad Max II, but the players are now the ones chasing the prey over the Martian landscape. On boarding the Transport the players will have to fight their way to the Technology while two or more Cabal transports lend cover fire and deploy additional troops. Those players still racing with the transport on their vehicles can participate by proving cover fire in return till the event concludes with the boarding party dispatching the Cabal Forces. On retrieving the technology and stopping the transport the player will be rewarded with their loot stream distributed by the actual Golden Age technology captured instead of depending on the fallen Cabal units or Commander due to the possibility of these units falling form the transport and destruction of their drop ships. Thank you for playing the public event East of Eden.

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      • Annihilate Dead Orbit The masses [u]will[/u] assemble.

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