originally posted in: Wolf Pack
So I finally made a warlock after having either two titans or hunters and am really tired of the grind to 20. If anyone is willing to carry me through some strikes and lvl hard story missions, I would ABSOLUTELY return the favor. I'll help with anything from the raids to story missions to bounty grinding/farming or patrolling. Msg Low ILife on Xbox one, add me, or even msg me on here.
Thanks fellas
Edited by Vercingetorix07: 4/4/2015 1:54:57 PMThis is my run. It has served me well each time I made a character: - CRUCIBLE to level 4. (Unlocked bounties) - Complete all PvE bounties, Eris too - CRUCIBLE to level 20. (Don't forget to pick up crucible bounties after each level at and beyond 14,) Do not do story missions! You can go back and do them at level 30 for the first time for 7500 XP, which you can use to power-level your other subclass! Good Luck! EDIT: I'd thought I'd mention this in case there are others who don't know: The DLC maps (cauldron, skyshock, etc.) give 2200 XP rather than the standard 1800 XP at the conclusion of the match. I don't know if Inferno matches are worth more, but you can test it and let me know.
Looking for someone to trade power leveling for my titan I will power level you with one of my 34s. Xbox one gt ebmsynthp0p
Help with a few lvls plz on ps4. CS-DaggerOne
Looking to trade help power leveling to 20. I have 2 34 s gt ebmsynthp0p xbox one
Need help power leveling my warlock from 10-20 I WILL RETURN THE FAVOR XB1, msg gt above
Edited by Ogama Sennin 7: 6/21/2015 3:50:26 PMAnyone want to help me level up my level 10 warlock gt same as above xbox 360
Looking for people to help me lvl grind lvl 10 titan starting the moon mission now Xbox 1 Gt One Otaku Taco
Looking to power level. Add me or reply here. GT same as name
I'm power leveling my warlock I gotten him to level 9 and almost to level 10 in under 13 games
Anyone willing help me lvup on ps4 add amaterasu713 .I'll help in return
Level character, right now, PS4. Psn is same, just send me a friend request
I'm on now if anyone wants to level a character on Xbox one Shoot me a message ZEDx SCORPIANS
Anyone want to help me power level my lvl 6 hunter just to lvl 20 I'm on ps3 and I have the same name
The levels are easy. It's the sub classes which take awhile. I'll be starting up a 2nd account on a 2nd ps4 so my son and I can run at the same time. Fresh character, w no weapons or anything that I can move to it. I'll log in w both on a fireteam. Rubber band the controller on the fresh character, and blow through the missions on my 34. Hahaha. Backpack the newb character.
Edited by Kenshi: 6/17/2015 6:39:45 PMPS4 level 12 hunter. Can someone help me power level untill i can get the strangers rifle and the appropriate level to use it? Username: lokkii67
Just have fun in Crucible and watch the hate messages roll in as you wreck as a low level character
If anyone else is levelling new characters, I'll be on in about an hour and a half, Xbox one
On xb1 looking to run a fresh char through all story missions. Add me or message
Looking for help on xbox one any willng to help message KillerPatriot84 would be greatly appreciated.
"PS4" Level 10 titan Need help powering trow story mode..add liriq23 would greatly appreciated.
PS4 I'm trying to level my lvl 5 titan to 20 before iron banner shuts down tomorrow morning. If anyone would be willing to help I'd be more than willing to return the favor. I am a pretty experienced player and can help you with some stuff if you want. Psn cs-daggerone
I need help I'm Lv 13 and on Xbox
I don't know if anybody would like to help power leveling my warlock to level 20 got gear waiting just need to get to 20 msg Forgot my food if you would like to help
If this is your first character of this class, which it sounds like it is, making it to level 20 is the least of your worries. Grinding for Hardonic Essence is going to be the tedious part. You can't upgrade your gear without it. Someone gave me some good advice. Use all your Glimmer to buy green armor from the Vanguard and break them down. Fastest way to get armor materials by far. And if you don't mind Glimmer farming, rinse and repeat. But Hardonic Essence is going to be your most limiting factor in getting to the higher light levels. Good luck. I am at 32 on my Hunter but still can't upgrade other gear because I don't have the Sapphire Wire.
Anyone need help?33 warlock here:P
I'm getting to level 20 by 1. Level 13 now. Gt spencparker1