Logic Slayers
"Logic is irrelevant to us... We defy it every way possible..."
originally posted in:Logic Slayers
1. Respect - We will not tolerate any foul behavior among our own. Everyone respect one another as if they were part of your family.
2. Have a good attitude and be honest. Make sure while playing with Logic Slayers that you are not only being honest with fellow members but that you are not upsetting anyone else, try and make new friends while playing with Logic Slayers.
3. Help Out - If you are able to, please help out other members, everybody has been in the position of needing help at one point in time. Also try and spread the word about Logic Slayers, tel your friends about us!
4. Be Active - Try and be as active as you can when joining. We love to have fun and enjoy our time in the Destiny Universe. Make sure you and others around you are having a great time!
5. Have Fun - Our top priorities as Logic Slayers are to make sure that everyone involved is have a good time and enjoying their Destiny experience, how can you not have a good time without having fun?