Time Killers
originally posted in:Time Killers
I hope you can all forgive my momentary bluntness but over the past few days I've noticed players asking me for help running lower level strikes including the daily heroic and weekly. I realize these events can be frustrating as some of them present unique and often daunting challenges but this is no reason to ask someone who gets little to no reward for these events to carry you through them, also these challenges are meant to test your ability and resolve, which is wasted if you have someone beat them for you. While Time Killers is described as a "casual clan" this is not to be confused with having the game handed to you by those who have put in the time and effort to move on to greater challenges. This is not to say the higher level players shouldn't help but on the same hand they should NOT be harassed or expected to do so. So far I have not experienced either but I have seen it move to that point quickly in other MMOs. Clan etiquette is very important to keep the game a fun experience for everyone and all it takes is a quick message.
Before inviting someone to your fire team or before joining theirs ask yourself a couple questions; "Have I told this person why I am inviting/joining them?" "Do they want to be invited/joined?" "Am I going to be helping them or slowing them down? What impact am I having on their game?" "Are they getting anything out of this? If not, is there anyone else I can ask first?" I understand this all seems over the top but it's posts like this that sort out the players who actually take the time to read important posts and want to work as a clan to reach the top of their game and players who think the guild is there to beat the game for them. I've been a member of more than a few clans/guilds and they always have forum posts designed to help players and the clan as a whole, but there are always players who refuse to spend any time reading these posts because they think either they have no impact on the clan or that the clan is there to support THEM and enhance THEIR gaming experience. Both assumptions are dead wrong, and both will be dealt with accordingly, so let's continue to work together to make this an awesome experience for everyone, and as always, GUNS UP!