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originally posted in:Secular Sevens
10/21/2013 5:35:03 PM

Should the idea of genders be abolished?

Now before you start, gender and sex are different. Sex is purely biological, gender is all social. Gender is causing issues in places like China and India. Why? Because Gender and "Gender roles" are causing males to be massively preferred. (A gender role, if you are unaware, is like what it says, roles assigned to each gender. People who are born as a guy are male and must do A, B and C, people born as a woman are female and must do X,Y and Z) This is causing population issues in these countries. Now sure we can argue to give gender equality, which would be a good thing sure, but there's also the idea of "womens clothing" "mens clothing", "mans hair" "female hair" "female makeup only" and very similar ideas to these. Now if we want a truly free society, why are people with XY essentially forced to fit societies idea of a male and XX are essentially forced to fit with societies idea of a female. Wouldn't it be better if we let people be who they want to be without being mocked by society? And this is a fairly new idea, to me, that I've been thinking about. Infact not many people agree so I better prepare myself for the flames.

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  • No.

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  • Hmph... that's an interesting question... I'd personally be against it but I don't really have a good argument expect the fact that I'm a man and I like being a man, with all the "roles" and "man things" that society "expects". So I don't really mind. But on the other hand I'm a young, straight and white male, coming from a middle-class family, so I can't really complain...

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  • The only gender that matters is the Newton gender.

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    6 Replies
    • Edited by cxkxr: 10/22/2013 9:14:38 AM
      The roles we adhere to are purely voluntary. You make this thread as if we're forced to pertain to a designated role determined solely by our sex. Which is untrue by the way.

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      11 Replies
      • [quote]My point flew right over your head, although I'm not surprised given your absurd thesis. Hunting is just one example (a great one that factors in most variables) as to why gender roles even exist and why they exist. Of course there will be some women that are stronger than men, but considering males have testosterone (which is a hormone that contributes to muslce growth and endurance since you probably don't know) means there will be very few women that are stronger than men. Also, the fact that you think stocking shelves is labourious just basically confirmed you're a little kid who doesn't understand how the world operates. There is food production/farming, labor in the shipping industry, mining, metal production and forgin, assembly of mechanical parts, construction/civil engineering, etc. and these are just the foundation jobs of our economy. There's a reason these jobs are dominated by men. Don't worry, I'll wait while you look that up. Also, gender roles in material things have been determined by brain chemistry as well. There was a study in which small chidren of both sexes were asked to choose a toy car or a doll, and guess what happened? The female chose the doll and the male chose the car. Of course there are some roles concieved by socioty alone, but the majority of these actually have a biological and pscyhological foundation to them.[/quote] This is pretty much all that needed to be said in this thread. I don't think OP knows what he's talking about.

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        2 Replies
        • yes “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, then you will enter the Kingdom of God.” -Jesus Christ

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        • Yes.

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        • Edited by The Great DanTej: 10/22/2013 9:03:56 AM

          Started a new topic: What's with this new definition of gender?(23 Replies))

        • Edited by WickedNavajo: 10/22/2013 10:43:23 PM
          I always thought the definition of gender was whether you were male or female, and I've always been annoyed to see "sex" written in its stead, like on forms and other papers. Anyways, if you are against gender [i]roles[/i], then fine; but let people support what they will if they can justify it.

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        • Edited by asir: 10/22/2013 10:38:28 PM
          Idk why people think that sex is just xx or xy. You can have a wide-range of sexes in between. For instance, if you are born with AIS, you can be biologically male with an xy chromosome, but grow up with a vagina and have a female puberty, but still have no period because you don't have a uterus.

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        • Edited by Cheat: 10/21/2013 6:23:13 PM
          I'm not sure if the separation can be completely abolished, but some of the differences are stupid. Several years ago I went to the store to get a new pair of shoes. I picked out a white/blue pair of tennis shoes that didn't look feminine [i]at all[/i], but when I went to ask the clerk if they had them in my size, they told me they were women/girl shoes. Things like that, where there's no real reason to differentiate (like the differences in body types), I just don't understand.

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        • I'm going to get flamed by the other liberals for saying this, but... Transactivism is ahead of our time.

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        • No

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        • Hmm, no, instead we should abolish the idea of certain things being for boys and certain things for girls. Better to abolish outdated ideas than to completely abolish gender because of an outdated idea.

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        • No.

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        • There isn't anything innately wrong with the concept of gender, the problem lies with people that believe any of the following: - People must act like a particular gender based on their biological sex -Gender is binary -Gender definitions are absolute, or more precisely, people believing that their definitions of particular gender roles are necessarily universal That being said, gender doesn't seem particularly useful. It is just another label we make to try to simplify a very complex topic. Although if someone wants to identify as a particular gender, they aren't harming anyone.

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        • [quote][quote]gender |ˈjendər| noun 2 the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to [u][b]social and cultural differences rather than biological ones[/b][/u]) : traditional concepts of gender | [as adj. ] gender roles.[/quote] [quote]sex |seks| 2 either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions : adults of both sexes. • the fact of belonging to one of these categories : direct discrimination involves treating someone less favorably on the grounds of their sex. • the group of all members of either of these categories : she was well known for her efforts to improve the social condition of her sex.[/quote] There is a difference between sex and gender. Sex is biological, as in, a penis and a vagina. Gender is based off of culture and social differences.[/quote] I decided to post this on the original thread, both of these definitions I got from Webster-Merriam. Hell, I could go for the Oxford Dictionary. [url=]Gender, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English[/url]. [url=]Sex, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English, the second definition, not the sexual intercourse one.[/url]

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        • No. Hell no. This LGBT shit is getting out of control...

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          2 Replies
          • Sure, but only after Christianity and Islam are destroyed.

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            • Absoutley. I was born a dog trapped in a mans body and nobody believes me. I cant even piss on my own yard without the neighbors calling the police.

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              16 Replies
              • [quote]Gender is causing issues in places like China and India. Why? Because Gender and "Gender roles" are causing males to be massively preferred.[/quote] So abolish them and they'll just become sex roles! Hurrah! Anyway, rather than arbitrarily overhauling our language in an attempt to pull the carpet out from under people who try to enforce lifestyles based on gender, why not just try to eliminate those people through instillation of empathy and understanding in them?

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              • Gender rolls possible gender no

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              • Funny that you mention gender roles in the OP, because [i]that's[/i] what should be abolished - Abolishing gender is like abolishing race, it doesn't even begin to make sense [spoiler]...Unless we're talking genocide of sorts...[/spoiler]

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              • Umm no... I swear I could change in the women's locker room if I said I felt I was a female, this crap has gotten so stupid. The thought of everyone acting androgynous is terrible.

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              • You know sometimes judgement is a good thing.

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              • Gender and sex are synonyms. Gender isn't subjective. You're either male or female. The part about gender roles, though, makes sense.

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