Armored Guardians
"Armored Up"
originally posted in:Armored Guardians
Hey guys it would be great if anyone would like to do the hard mode VoG later on tonight, I'm a level 30 titan & I have 2 friends that would like to finish it, one being a level 30 hunter & the other being a level 30 warlock. Level doesn't particularly matter to me entirely so long as you're good at not dying & can deal decent dps & also KNOW what you're doing. We're at the relic checkpoint before Atheon. We only need 3 other people to complete it, but if anyone would like to do the raid again afterwards that'd be great as well, it would be great if 4 or 5 people could join since I still have to do it with my lvl 29 warlock. If you're interested message or friend req me. GT: ArbyNtehCheif