originally posted in:IGN
Hi guys I've just bought Destiny for my PS3 and I'm just wondering if there are any clans I can join to improve my experience in the game?
I've previously been playing Halo and DCUO.
Any help is massively appreciated.
Get the ps4 and then D2...if u can i think there's gonna be a really cheap bundle
Sorry, but less than 10% of the Destiny community is on last gen. It's gonna be tough to find people to play with on the forums. Try randomly messaging other players you see in game? Let them know you're new. Good luck.
Lol he said ps3
Edited by ((Spooksiempre4)): 7/26/2017 8:57:26 PMHello,I'm Another Player Of Destiny PS3 I Would Help You As A Friend On The Raid.s If That Means Us 2 (Even Though I Have No Idea How To Do It With 2 People).I Have The Expansions In Destiny So If You Have Any Extra Nightfall Or Strike You Wanna Do It With Friends I Will Be Helping You.I Have Been Unactive For Some Time And I Have Planned To Get The PS4 Pro Glacier White With Destiny 2 Included In September 6 So If You Wanna Do Them Fast I Will Be Always Active.I Am a level 40 +307 light.
Tough situation. Bungie stopped supporting the game on PS3 and XB 360 a year ago, and even then only about 10% of players were still playing on these consoles. So I doubt you're going to find any active clans at this point. Sorry.
Edited by Joat24: 7/26/2017 2:13:29 PMBungie stopped supporting ps3 and xbox 360.