The Chosen Supremacy
"Salt Optional"
originally posted in:The Chosen Supremacy
The day has finally arrived, everyone!! With Bungie's latest stream on Twitch.Tv all has been revealed (for the most part)!
The above link will send you to the article here on bungie.com describing all the new and exciting features we have to look forward to with this new expansion. New PvE, PvP, strikes, story, social space, raid, crucible maps, armor, weapons and more are coming to us!
Although, true, you've gotta pay $30 USD to get it--pre-order and you'll get the Iron Gjallahorn--but I'm thinking it's going to all be well worth it. Especially since this new expansion will [u]only[/u] be released on new gen consoles (XBONE and PS4).
Be sure to read the article to catch up and watch the live stream from Bungie which can be found on their Twitch.Tv account. Best of luck to you all! Have a wonderful summer and I'll see y'all in September!