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Renegade Sparrows United

"The best guardians, at the best place!"

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    We are the eyes in the sky and always will be, if you are one of us, pick up a gun and take those enemies down! We are a fun little group that love the idea of a fireteam, we do raids, crucible, and just anything Destiny! We love talking about anything that need to be talked about, we love to go crazy. Remember Guardians, we are the Sparrows through and through!

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originally posted in:Renegade Sparrows United
Edited by BodyShotKing: 4/6/2016 10:06:36 PM

*UPDATED* April Update: Everything We Know

*NEW INFO FOR CRUCIBLE AND SANDBOX CHANGES ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE POST* [b]New Gameplay[/b] * New Mission "Pretender to the Throne" Located on the Dreadnaught * New Strike "The Blighted Chalice" Located in the Hellmouth with the Boss Being Malok * New Taken Version of “Winter’s Run” That Will Appear in the Heroic Strike Playlist * Level 41 Prison of Elders (Recommended Light of 260) * Level 42 Challenge of the Elders with 3 Bosses (Recommended Light of 320) (2 Nightfall Modifiers) (Uses Elder’s Sigil with Points System and a Weekly Bonus for Points) * New Quest “At the Gates” Will Feature New Mission and Strike Mentioned Above * New Quest “Return to the Prison” Will Require You to Complete Level 41 Prison of Elders * New PlayStation Exclusive Quest “Fight Fire with Fire” Will Require You to do At Least One Activity in the Court of Oryx * New Bounties from Petra and Variks * Elder’s Sigil Has Two Thing to Complete: Getting 30,000 Points in One Match, and Getting 90,000 Points in a Week * Vanguard Bounties Count in Prison of Elders * Treasure Keys No Longer Exist * Prison of Elders will Have 4 Bosses from Before and 4 New Taken Bosses [b]New Rewards[/b] * Light Level Increased to 335 * King’s Fall Normal Mode Rewards 320 Gear * King’s Fall Hard Mode Rewards 335 Gear (After Hot Fix) * Court of Oryx Rewards 335 Artifacts from Antiquated Runes * Level 41 Prison of Elders Rewards 320 Gear and Sterling Treasure * Level 42 Challenge of the Elders Rewards 335 from the Elder’s Sigil * Iron Banner Rewards 335 Gear * Trial of Osiris Rewards 335 Gear * Strike Exclusive Gear Spawns Up To 335 Light Level * Exotic Engrams Can Give You 335 Gear [b]New Materials[/b] * Chroma Glows - Adds a Colorful Glow to Weapons and Armor * Sterling Treasure - Reward New Armor Sets, Ships, Reputation Boosters, and Chroma Glows (Available from Postmaster, Weekly Crucible Playlist, and Level 41 Prison of Elders) [b]New Vendors[/b] * Eververse in the Reef * Abandoned Quests Kiosk in the Reef [b]UI and Machanics Improvements[/b] * HUD Disabler * Vault has 50% More Space * Infusion Now Takes 100% of the Power from Weapon Being Dismantled [b]New Gear[/b] * Desolate Armor Has Taken Look When Full Set is Equipped Spawns at Defense Level 3 (Available from Sterling Treasure) * Spektar Armor Was Made to Have Chroma Glows Put On It Spawns at Defense Level 3 (Available from Sterling Treasure) * Factions Have New Armor Compatible with Chroma * Level 42 Challenge of the Elders Rewards Updated Prison of Elders Gear from Year 1 * New Sparrow from House of Judgement * New Sparrow from Sterling Treasure * 2 New Ships from Sterling Treasure * 3 New House of Judgement Ships * New Emblem “Prison of Elders II” Rewarded from Prison of Elders * New Emblem for Going Flawless in Trials, Replacing "Hic Jacet" * New Consumed Ghost Shell Available from Challenge of Elders * New Void Legendary Sword "Dreadfang" Looks Taken * Taken Shotgun "Stolen Will" Available from Taken Winter’s Run Strike * New PlayStation Exclusive Sniper Rifle "Zen Meteor" [b]New Fallen Weapons[/b] * Sould Stealers Claw (Auto Rifle) * Aegis of the Reef (Pulse Rifle) * Hand of Judgement (Scout Rifle) * Stolen Pride (Hand Cannon) * Crow's Eye (Sidearm) [b]New Year 1 Weapons Being Brought Up to Year 2[/b] * Shadow Price (Auto Rifle) * Badger CCL (Scout Rifle) * Lord Higher Fixer (Hand Cannon) * Grim Citizen III (Auto Rifle) * The Saterienne Rapier (Scout Rifle) * The Devil You Know (Hand Cannon) * The Swarm (Machine Gun) * Zombie Apocalypse WF47 (Machine Gun) * LDR 5001 (Sniper Rifle) * Y-09 Longbow Synthesis (Sniper Rifle) * Two To the Morgue (Shotgun) * The Comedian (Shotgun) (These Weapons will be available from Crucible and Vanguard rank up packages.) [b]Level 42 Challenge of the Elders Weapons[/b] * Her Revenge (Hand Cannon) * Her Memory (Auto Rifle) * Final Duty (Pulse Rifle) * Lethe Noblesse (Scout Rifle) * Her Champion (Shotgun) * Her Fury (Sniper Rifle) * Techeun Rage (Fusion Rifle) * The Nightmare (Rocket Launcher) * Bane of the Taken (Machine Gun) [b]New Year 1 Exotics Being Brought Up to Year 2[/b] * Patience and Time (Sniper Rifle) * Universal Remote (Shotgun) * Lord of Wolves (Shotgun) * Dreg’s Promise (Sidearm) * Queenbreaker’s Bow (Fusion Rifle) * Eternal Warrior (Titan Helmet) * The Glasshouse (Titan Helmet) * ACD/0 Feedback Fence (Titan Gauntlets) * ATS/8 Arachnid (Hunter Helmet) * Khepri’s Sting (Hunter Gauntlets) * Lucky Raspberry (Hunter Chest Armor) * Sunbreakers (Warlock Gauntlets) * Purifier Robes (Warlock Chest Armor) [b]New Emotes[/b] * Taken Shiver (Only Available from Collecting All Desolate Armor) * Club Dance * Instructional Dance * Do It * Kicks Dance * Praise the Gun * Amazed * Sumo * Bye-Bye * Praise the Light * I Don’t Know * Crane Kick * Rude Taunt [b]General Crucible Changes[/b] * Revive Distance is Longer * Revive Length of Time is Longer * Revive Overshield is Less Powerful * Revive Wait is Now 7 Seconds in Trials (Every Time You Die It Increases By 7 Seconds) * You Spawn with Special Ammo in 3v3 * 3 Minutes into the Game Special Ammo Crates Spawn in and 2 Minutes After from There On * 5 Minutes into the Game You Get Heavy, No Heavy After That (Mayhem and Trials are Exempt from This) * Legendaries Drop More Often at the End of Crucible Matches * Armor and Weapons Come from the Mercury Chest up to 335 * New Daily Bounty for Trials * Trials Bounties Drop Up To 330 * 320 Artifact Comes from Rank 3 IB Package * 320 Ghost Comes from Rank 5 IB Package * 2500 Points IB Bounty is Now Reduced to 1500 and a Match Win [b]General Gun Changes[/b] * Lower Damage for High Rate of Fire Auto Rifles * Higher Damage for Low Rate of Fire Auto Rifles * Higher Damage for Low Rate of Fire Pulse Rifles * Increased Ammo for Hand Cannons * Better Stability for Fusion Rifles * ShortGaze , LongView SLR10, and Ambush Scopes Are Going to Have Longer Range * Aim Assist and Snapshot Have Been Nerfed on Sniper Rifles * Stability Has Been Nerfed on Sniper Rifles * Ammo Reserve has Been Decreased on Snipers and Heavy Machine Guns [b]Specific Gun Changes[/b] * High Caliber Rounds Has Been Removed as an Intrinsic Perk on MIDA Multi-Tool * Spinning Up Starts at 4 Shots on SUROS Regime * Range Has Been Increased on SUROS Regime * Range Has Been Increased on Hawkmoon * Last Word Damage Has Been Decreased to 3 Shot Head Shot * Damage and Duration of Damage Over Time Have Been Significantly Decreased on Thorn * Green Poison Effect Intensity Has Been Decreased on Thorn * When Switching from Ice Breaker, Invective, or Sidearm to Another Weapon You Lose All Ammo * Zoom and Handling Has Been Decreased on Ice Breaker * Greg’s Promise’s Bullets Now Track Targets Better * Fixed Bug With Telesto Where You Can Damage To Your Teammates * Ammo Reserve Has Been Decreased for the 1000-Yard Stare * Ammo Reserve Has Been Decreased for the Quillim’s Terminus * All King’s Fall Weapon Get A Reload Speed Boost * Anguish of Drystan Has Increased Stability [b]Warlock Subclass Changes[/b] * Flame Shield Has Decreased Armor * Flame Shield Has Decreased Chance of Activating * Landfall Can’t Destroy Ward of Dawn and Can’t Blind People If you have any questions about anything mentioned above. Put them down in the comments below.

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    9 Replies
    • I never got the QBB ,will it drop from engrams or will I have to grind low level POE?

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      3 Replies
      • I wonder what her revenge hand cannon looks like

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      • Does this mean I can infuse my VoC immediately after the update?

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        8 Replies
        • Free is great but the majority of this update is recycled content. I'm kind of sad to say it but I have no interest or intention of returning for that.

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          1 Reply
          • we still dont know how engrams will decrypt, will the decrypt at 320 if you are over 310? will they decrypt at 335 if you are 320? will they decrypt between 320 and 335? also if you had a year one exotic but dismantled it will you have the blueprint?

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            10 Replies
            • [b]YES!!!!!!! PACENCE AND TIME IS BACK!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! [/b]

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              12 Replies

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              • UNIVERSAL REMOTE. YEAAAAH BABY. Sorry got a little too excited there.

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                1 Reply
                • This update - is a game changer for those of us who do not play for 5+ hours, every day, every week of the year. I play maybe 5 hours a week, maybe a little bit more. Now i won't be forever 318. If you play enough to get through this in 2 weeks and have everything you own at 335 - you need a life and not a new video game. Pretty excited for the new customization in the gear as well, looks great.

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                • yawn....

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                • Edited by A Pumpkin Spice Bagel: 3/31/2016 5:14:29 PM
                  you forgot a couple things the new faction armor will allow chroma glow but can only be found in faction packages old legendaries being brought to year two will be available through legendary engrams the taken sword does void damage and acts like any other legendary sword there is a new queen sidearm that deej had that looked similar to the vestian dynasty from HoW ([url=]pictures and names of new weapons[/url]) when the full desolate armor set is equipped you can get a taken twitch emote for free from tess everiss the prison of elders has new fallen themed weapons (at least a scout rifle) that look like previous fallen weapons but are brown (like does not bow and baron's ambition) and have fallen symbols on them kings fall hard mode will drop at 330 light until after a hot fix that will come out soon after the april update

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                • This -blam!-ing update

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                • Are we getting another way to obtain the year 1 legendaries as well i really want my shadow price back but i dismantled it.

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                  7 Replies
                  • Kings fall actually only rewards up to 330 light

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                    2 Replies
                    • The armor he received from the Companion Cube has 3 light 0/0/0 super from melee on minion shield recovery on orb white chroma. He infuses with armor 330 light 44/62 Intellect 42/60 Discipline super on grenade kill health on orb blue chroma and ends up with 330 light 45 Intellect 37 Discipline super from melee/heavy kills on minion (Hands On/Heavy Lifting) shield recovery on orb (Better Already) white chroma [url=]This is where he infuses[/url] Spektar and Desolate Both have the exact same perks for ALL previewed Companion Cubes Boots shotty ammo 5 sec agility on solar double kills helmet super energy on grenade kills shield recovery on orb pickup chest pulse ammo reduce incoming solar damage gloves increased melee speed increased scout reload [url=]Postmaster CC[/url] [url=]EverVerse CC[/url] This means that(If the April update is exactly the same as the preview) 1. Companion Cubes drop armor with 3 light and random rolled perks. 5. The perks are NOT random rolled PER Companion Cube. 6. Perks MAY be random rolled on a timed schedule similar to weekly/daily bounties and such. 2. Infusing the armor causes it to inherit light level and I/D/S stats (Only whether it has Intellect, Discipline, Strength it appears. The ratio does not seem to be inherited) 3. The armor keeps perks and chroma color(Which is rerollable) 4. You would merely be paying money to get MORE chances at the armor piece you want that week to be dropped.

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                      21 Replies
                      • ??? I thought all Y1 Weapons are getting the Infusion Button.

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                        6 Replies
                        • Save your exotic engrams if you want quick new gear

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                          16 Replies
                          • So hard mode is 335 now? Which means me being 320 is severely under leveled? And at what level can I get 335 exotics.

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                            5 Replies
                            • Need legendary marks so I can buy my Y2 Dreg's promise from the kiosk

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                              3 Replies
                              • Quick question if there is new faction armour would that mean new faction weapons too like the change from TDB to HOW? I need to know if I should start collecting

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                                3 Replies
                                • Alright! This sounds so awesome!! I love having to re-earn gear that I already have and already earned!!

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                                  • Shadow Price is coming back!!!! I can't wait to take that into IB or Trials and show these DoP users what a REAL auto rifle is.

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                                    • Bump

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                                    • Thanks for this breakdown mate. Didn't get watching the stream so this is really helpful. Thanks dude. Much appreciated

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                                    • [b]PRAISE THE SUN!!!![/b]

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