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"Bringing players blow things apart."

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  • Mission Statement

    The foundation of this Clan is built on the idea that cooperation and teamwork are vital for progressing in Destiny. With Events, Strikes, and Raids; there are no shortage of reasons for cooperative play. This Clan seeks to build connections between players, and grow into a network of resources. Those who join will have access to schedules and time tables of active members, so finding a partner is quick and simple.

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    12 Members
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    9 Years as a Group
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originally posted in:C L A N
Edited by TheREALMonarch: 2/21/2016 2:23:10 PM

C L A N - Now Recruiting for Xbox One

[b]Mission Statement[/b] The foundation of C L A N is built on the idea that cooperation and teamwork are vital for progressing in Destiny. With Events, Strikes, and Raids; there are no shortage of reasons for cooperative play. C L A N seeks to build connections between players, and develop into a network of resources. To grow as a friendly community that supports and strengthens one another. To us, the game is a social experience that is both fun and challenging. Destiny is meant to be faced with skill and comrades, and so we seek to have as much of both as we can. Newcomers will not only find active players, but helpful ones. We want people who join us to do so with the confidence that they have made new friends who are their to help. To help further cement this aim; C L A N schedules events much like Destiny engine itself. The schedule as it stands: - [b]The Daily Grind[/b], we all know the deal. Bounties, Missions, Resources...they just don't stop. We all know the struggle too well, but we shouldn't have to spin those gears alone! Allow time to fly with cooperative fun! The Daily Grind schedule: Weekdays 6pm-8pm EST, with exceptions made upon request. - [b]The Cruci-Fix[/b], an all you can shoot buffet of everyone's favorite PvP. Crucible, Iron Banner, Trials...whatever the addiction, we'll help you score! The Cruci-Fix schedule: Saturday 8am-Noon EST and Sunday 4pm-8pm EST - [b]Raid Parade[/b], or in less exciting terms, "pummeling the hardest possible Raid over, over, and over...till your Guardian's inventory is so full of Legendaries and Exotics it looks like a Lakers' souvenir shop". No, but seriously. Raids will be attempted every week. *Disclaimer: While the makers of C L A N cannot guarantee successful Raids every week, we CAN guarantee you will enjoy the attempts. The Raid Parade schedule: Friday 8pm EST and Saturday 10am EST [b]The Pillars of the C L A N[/b] Cooperation, Luck, Availability, Nonsensical amounts of grinding… [b]C L A N Atmosphere[/b] This community strives to be, foremost, friendly and relaxed. Though Destiny is a game full of challenges, it is still a game. To that end, our members strive to be both friendly and patient. Whether it is helping one another complete missions...or facing the mayhem that is the Crucible! [b]The A+ C L A Nmate[/b] You can never have enough mates. This C L A N will always be looking for new members. There are two qualities that precede and exceed all others! The two A’s. Attitude and availability. We want newcomers who are looking to play a lot of Destiny when they can, and are eager to help others. After all, if you don’t play the game and don’t like help others...why are you looking for a clan? These two facets are what make an [b]A+[/b] C L A Nmate. So if you find that you meet the A+ are perfect C L A Nmate-rial. [i]My editors told me not to include that pun. Did it anyways. No Regrets.[/i] [b]...and now, a word from our sponsors.[/b] [i]"Those guys are alright...if you like SPARROW THIEVES!"[/i] -[b]Cayde-6[/b] [i]"If they tell you they "want the Crucible"...tell them I'm still not interested."[/i] -[b]Lord Shaxx[/b] [i]"I just want my arms back."[/i] -[b]Dreg[/b] [i]"Damn...I made my sandwich upside down."[/i] - [b]AirtightEarth17[/b] [i]"It's really just a loud noise."[/i] -[b]Commander Zavala[/b], in regards to C L A N stratagem [i]"Package for C L A N. More crayons."[/i] -[b]Kadi 55-30[/b] [i]"This clan makes me want to buy an Xbox One."[/i] -[b]Shadow of Halo[/b] [i]"I sell weapon parts."[/i] -[b]Banshee-44[/b] [i]"You've been Rick Rolled."[/i] -[b]Z3ll3zi0n[/b] [i]"Don't challenge them in the old ways."[/i] -[b]Taniks, the More-Scarred[/b] [i]"I don't know why they persist on thinking I have a daughter...or why I would name her after myself."[/i] -[b]Eris Mom[/b] [i]"79% more punch, per punch, per capita."[/i] -[b]Solar Hedgie[/b], on the new "Titan Protocols" [i]"They exemplify the team, in Fireteam. Just don't expect your equipment back in one piece."[/i] -[b]Ikora Rey[/b] [i]"My will is not my own."[/i] -[b]Xur, Servant of the Nine[/b] [i]"Is this thing even on? O...oh, ok. So...what. I just talk?"[/i] -[b]Mr Doctor Do[/b] [i]"We used to tell stories to scare children. Now we don't tell stories, and they are frightened anyways. Not of darkness, but of isolation. Join C L A N today."[/i] -[b]The Speaker[/b] [i]"For a good Taking, call 897-5534-Oryx"[/i] -[b]Oryx, Taken King[/b] [i]"There are right ways to build a ship, and wrong ways. They know what they are doing...mostly."[/i] -[b]Amanda Holliday[/b] [i]"I worry I will lose my husband to them."[/i] -[b]Skybunneh89[/b]

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