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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by Fort_Max_Station: 7/19/2018 12:33:44 AM

The Brightest and the Darkest: Chap 8: The Iron Legion part 3

Rex and Silas entered the building, leaving Ax and Farvilkas to watch the other Risen train. As they watched a sparring match, they noticed a female Exo with blue plating sneak up toward the building and crouch just outside the door. She clutched a long dagger in her hand, and had an unexpectedly mischievous expression. She caught them staring at her, and brought a finger to her smiling mouth in a hushing signal. Ax leaned toward Farvilkas. “What is she doing?” The Exni shook his head. “I have no—” His response was interrupted by very loud, angry swearing. They glanced back to see the Light Stalker returning, dragging another one with black plating by the back collar of his armor. Both Risen railed against each other viciously, and as they drew close the Light Stalker reared back and slid the other across the ground, coming to rest just in front of Ax and Farvilkas. “[i]What the hell was that for?[/i]” he spat, getting up and brushing dirt off his armor. “You heard me, Yvan!” the Light Stalker yelled. “Your juvenile stunt almost got them killed! Apologize now, before I come up with punishment that will make you [i]wish[/i] you were back at the comms tower!” “Then I guess you better start thinkin’ of something, [i]sir[/i],” Yvan returned venomously, “I already told you, I thought the two of them in a lone dropship were Risen! If anything, they [i]deserve[/i] to get roughed up for comin’ to Venus without knowin’ what was here like a couple of reprobates!” Farvilkas bristled at the Risen’s insult. Beside him, Ax snapped. “Hey! We held our own against the first guys!” Yvan glared at them. “Oh yeah? What models did you engage?” “Um…there were floating ones and ones with wide heads.” Yvan snorted. “Goblins and Harpies. Congratulations, you beat the [i]basest[/i] models.” “We walked away without a scratch,” Farvilkas countered, opening his arms to show him. “Don’t try to give me the high hat,” Yvan growled. “Couple of Devils like you must’ve come from the Moon. Broken Legion. How are you still alive? Graveyard detail?” “No,” Farvilkas sneered. “We feed the Hive inane instructions to crash their ships into each other from a comms tower. For…[i]fun.[/i]” Yvan glowered at them a moment longer before lowering his gaze. “Not a bad comeback, I’ll admit.” He turned back to the Light Stalker. “But I still ain’t apologizin’!” The door to the command center opened behind them and Rex stepped out. “Alright, you two. They’re ready—” Suddenly, the blue Exo by the door lunged at him with a raucous battle cry. Rex moved fast, grabbing her wrist that held her nice and her torso, flipping and twisting her around until she was facedown with her arm behind her back on the ground. “Light damn it!” she shouted joyfully, struggling to break his grip on her. The Light Stalker slapped his hand to his forehead. “Light almighty. [i]Rex[/i]. Can you get control of your girlfriend? I swear to the Traveler, if High Command were to inspect us right now, we’d be sent to the stockade or reassigned!” ‘“Girlfriend’?” Rex repeated, suddenly losing the unshaking composure he exhibited since the Eliksni had met him. “Uh…I, no…she’s—” “Hear that, Rexy?” she giggled underneath him. “He said I’m your [i]girlfriend.[/i]” The Light Breaker with the plumed helmet groaned. “Why’d you have to say that? Now she won’t drop it for at [i]least[/i] a week, if we’re lucky.” “This is priceless,” Yvan chortled. “You think so?” the Light Stalker barked. “As of this moment, [url=]Kate[/url], you’re Yvan’s commanding officer. Feel free to tell him to do whatever you what for the rest of the day.” “Yay!” Kate cheered under Rex. “I get my own soldier!” “I hate you,” Yvan seethed. “Keep that up and I’ll extend your servitude for the remainder of the week,” the Light Stalker threatened. “Maybe I’ll even let Drew and Trixie have a turn.” Farvilkas swore he saw Yvan’s lights pale in fear. “What’s going on out here?” Everyone turned to see another Exo emerge from the command center. His plating was simple silver and he wore a Light Master armband like Silas. Rex released his grip on Kate. “Nothing of any importance, sir.” “Not from what I’ve seen, no,” the Exo agreed, slightly shaking his head. He stepped out and up to Farvilkas and Ax. “You must be the Eliksni the patrol found. I’m Centurion [url=]Delta-1[/url]. I hope you haven’t been waiting out here long.” The Eliksni saluted, Farvilkas replying, “No sir, not at all.” Delta nodded. “Good. We’re ready to hear your message inside. [url=]Orion[/url], [url=]Patriot[/url], you might want to join us as well. The rest of you can resume your duties.” They followed the Light Master into the command center, accompanied by the Light Stalker and Light Breaker behind them. Inside were several more Exos and Exni working at consoles around a large war table centered in the room. Two more Risen examined it, a Light Master with dark gray, worn plating and bright blue lights and a Light Breaker with a helmet like the trainer’s but with a larger plume. Drew and Trixie stood off to the side, talking quietly to each other. As they drew closer, Farvilkas recognized the table was set up to model the Ishtar Sink, with several red markers dotting the Citadel and Ishtar Cliffs. Hovering over the ruined academy was an elliptical yellow eye, while in between that and the marker for the firebase hovered a triangular icon. The Light Master glanced up as the group came beside the war table, focusing on Farvilkas. “Was this soldier present on the patrol?” Delta emulated clearing his throat. “No, sir. These are the messengers they retrieved.” The Light Master straightened up. “Ah. My apologies. I mistook you for one of our forces.” He caught the attention of one of the surrounding Exni. “Let our records show that I, Val Felwinter, am receiving High Command’s message. Bracus Saint-14,” he gestured to the high-plumed Light Breaker, “is also present, as well as Centurions Delta-1, Patriot-121, and Orion-21.” He gestured to the other Light Master, Light Breaker, and Light Stalker in turn. Farvilkas hesitated momentarily before saluting. “Sergeant Farvilkas reporting with his…aide?...Ax. But…I don’t come on the behalf of High Command.” This caught all the Risen’s attention. “Oh?” Saint replied. “Are you one of Osiris’ pupils asking for intel?” “No. I’m sure you are aware of the situation on Luna. I was sent by my superior officer to see if you would provide reinforcements for our troops. We heard from a former soldier of yours that you are kept on active standby, waiting for High Command to call you to action. We thought…” Farvilkas’ request faltered as he saw several of the Risen exchange irritated glances. “Of course,” Orion sighed, leaning his elbows on the war table. “Echo,” Patriot said. “It has to be Echo. Batty old spy keeps tabs on everyone *except* his former legion.” “Did the request *at least* come from Valus Variks or one of the Cabal Vals?” Felwinter pressed. Farvilkas looked down at the floor. “No.” Saint snorted. “We don’t have time to correct the Cabal’s military compartmentalization.” “Did – did we say something wrong?” Ax asked “The situation here’s more complicated than you realize,” Delta answered courteously. “Between our and Osiris’ operations, we’ve come to realize the Vex are playing a much more active role than we anticipated. On the surface, they appear to be guarding their ruins and creating limited resistance to our troops on the frontlines. Below, however, they are transforming this very world into a machine like themselves.” “When we realized what was happening, we formally requested High Command to have us stationed here and provide Osiris with any necessary military support for the foreseeable future,” Felwinter added. “We’re here on orders now, not in reserve.” “They’re…turning Venus into a Vex?” Ax repeated. “Yes,” Orion confirmed. “Osiris has identified this as one of their primary directives. Anywhere a significant Vex presence is established, they are actively assimilating entire [i]planets[/i] into their network.” [url=]Table of Contents[/url]

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