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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
7/5/2018 7:46:29 PM

The Brightest and the Darkest: Chap 7: First Lessons part 1

Cerragus watched Venus from the cockpit of the Harvester. Earth had been a sight to see, but this world was just untamed beauty. The jungles flew underneath the craft like a rolling green carpet, broken by dazzling orange pools and vibrant blue lava flows. The only thing that stuck out were several strange, cubic monoliths. Something about those structures felt inherently wrong in such a picturesque landscape. Eventually, they came across a broad lake that had several buildings along the coast, clearly not like the rectangular structures. Most were dilapidated and heavily-weathered, with some even so far as completely collapsed. Over all of those, however, was the largest rectangular structure Cerragus had seen yet, easily three times taller than the highest skyscraper. He couldn’t even see how far the top reached, though, due to a dark collection of storm clouds gathered at the top. In one of the pilot seats in front of him, Ikora slowed the Harvester down as they neared the coast. Her copilot, the Exni named Farvilkas, asked, “This is it?” “Yes,” the Light Master replied. “Almost for both of us. If I recall correctly, the Iron Legion is stationed just up the coast, closer to the Citadel.” “What’s the ‘Citadel’?” the other Eliksni, Ax, questioned. Ikora pointed to the looming cubic structure in the distance. “That.” Ax grimaced in discomfort. “They…live near that thing?” “They are more uniquely equipped than anyone to live so close to the Vex,” Ikora explained. “That’s why they are stationed here. You’ll find most of them running around the Ishtar Sink keeping their skills sharp by cutting down on Vex forces. Light knows they never seem to run out of targets.” They came to hover outside of a series of tall buildings circling around each other like a compound. Facing the coast next to them was a large statue of the goddess Ishtar. Ikora unbuckled and stood up, gesturing for Cerragus to do the same and follow her down the compartment. She pressed a button opening the hatch doors below, causing an updraft of wind to swirl inside. “Do you want us to wait for you?” Farvilkas called over the airflow. Ikora shook her head. “I expect we’ll be quite a while. Continue with your assignment.” After she said that, she jumped out of the Harvester and landed on the ground a good twenty feet below. Cerragus peered over the side. “Am – am I supposed to jump out?” Ax nodded. “Your kind do it all the time. You should be fine.” Cerragus looked down again nervously before saying, “Thank you for the ride.” Ax waved a pair of arms. “Certainly! May you find what you’re looking for down there.” The Cabal faced the opening one last time and took a deep breathe before leaping out, Slate flying right behind him. As he fell, Cerragus suddenly lost all apprehension as a steely focus naturally came over his mind. As his feet impacted the ground, he had some phantom urge to cock a firearm. “What was that?” Slate asked, sensing his mood shift. Just as suddenly as it had appeared, it faded from his mind. “I’m…not sure,” he admitted somewhat confused.” “What are you standing around for?” Ikora called several feet away as the Harvester ascended and flew off. “Come on!” Cerragus ran quickly to join her as she walked up a series of steps and into one of the buildings. A hallway to their left had collapsed into the lower level, but they were able to slide down one of the slabs and proceed through a flooded basement. Around them, part of the walls and ceiling were supported by Cabal-style architectural supports. “What is this place?” Cerragus asked. “Before our Collapse, the Ishtar Sink was home to one of the greatest repositories of knowledge in the system: the Ishtar Academy,” Ikora answered. “Stationed at the Academy was the equally prestigious Ishtar Collective. Together, they were some of the earliest and greatest minds to investigate the Vex ruins dormant here.” “Why are [i]we[/i] here?” he followed up as they exited the tunnel using another slab. “My former master, Osiris, became fascinated with studying the Vex. He’s now the foremost expert on their behavior, and acquired these ruins with the permission of High Command to learn what we can about them.” They exited the tunnel into a high-ceilinged library. Towering bookshelves rose several levels on either side of a central aisle, at the end of which stood another angelic statue. Dozens of humans, Eliksni, and Psions in yellow robes and armor walked around with thick texts, wide scrolls, and bright data tablets. All Cerragus could do was stop and marvel at the living flow of knowledge. Ikora wasn’t as strongly affected, and called out loudly, “[i]Osiris![/i]” Several of the closest people jumped in surprise, with the rest turning to see the source immediately while others looked to see what caught their comrade’s attention. “I heard the Harvester’s engines the moment you arrived!” a voice with a strange accent called back. “I will admit, though, I did not expect [i]you[/i] would be the one arriving.” “We need to talk,” Ikora responded. A couple levels up, a man appeared beside the railing holding a book in his hands. His scalp was shaved and a white goatee was stark against his tan skin. “Really, Ikora, where are your manners?” he called down scornfully. “Can you not see this is a place of quiet study? However, seeing as you have already interrupted – [i]everyone[/i] – I will listen.” “This is not for everyone to hear,” Ikora retorted. Osiris rolled his eyes in exasperation, marking his place before slapping the book shut and handing it off to a Psion beside him. He gestured down the aisle where stairs connected the ground floor to the upper levels, then he disappeared from the railing. Ikora walked down the aisle with Cerragus following behind. They met back up with Osiris as he walked down the flight of steps. At his shoulder flew a gold-colored Ghost with a much spikier shell than the others. “Hey, Ophiuchus!” it called out in a feminine voice. “And…Slade?” “Slate,” Cerragus’ Ghost corrected. “Sorry, brother. I wish I knew all our siblings’ names, but it’s been so long…” “Quiet, Sagira,” Osiris chided. He refocused on Ikora, saying, “I should have known you’d come back here [i]only[/i] if you were ordered to. What does High Command want this time?” “Though it may surprise you, I came voluntarily,” Ikora replied coldly. “There has been a development of unprecedented singularity that requires your immediate attention.” Osiris groaned, “Your taste for the dramatic is tedious and unwanted. Get on with your point. Have the legions’ spies learned anything important about the Vex on Mars that I am unaware of?” “For once, this isn’t regarding your knowledge of the Vex,” Ikora countered. “This matter requires your expertise on the Light.” Osiris’ eyes closed and he walked past Ikora through a doorway out of the library. “Wait!” Ikora called out, rushing behind him. Cerragus and Slate followed close behind. “Osiris, stop!” Ikora implored. “No,” the old Light master replied. “The answer is no.” “You don’t even know what I was—” she responded. “Do you think me some sort of fool!?” Osiris roared. “You have some new Risen that you need trained and you threw my name out before the command. You know [i]damn[/i] well I stopped training pupils. I need the time to study the Vex!” “You don’t understand,” Ikora argued. “This one is special…[i]very[/i] special.” While Cerragus felt a moment of pleasure at being elevated, it was quickly cut down as Osiris said snidely, “[i]Of course they are.[/i] Really, this is just pathetic, Ikora. I know we have history, but I never thought you would be so spiteful.” “This has nothing to do with [i]us[/i], you narcissistic—” She took a deep breath before continuing, “I’m not going to get pulled off course. The fact is this matter [i]is[/i] extremely important, and in light of the circumstances you came to mind as the best equipped to handle it.” Osiris was quiet as they exited the building into a small outdoor common area. The gap between the surrounding buildings was large enough to accommodate a Skiff or Harvester, but the area was currently occupied by several more yellow-armored scholars. Several of them carried what Cerragus supposed were mining equipment through one of the doorways opposite where they entered. “Ikora!” The call was followed by three men breaking off from the crowd and running toward them. The first one to reach them was a shorter man with sad blue eyes and a Light Stalker’s kerchief tied around his neck, who immediately wrapped Ikora up in a fierce hug. The next one did the same, but he had a mess of spikey brown hair on his head and a Light Master’s armband. Finally, a big man with a shaven head, steely eyes, and Light Breaker’s sash gathered all three in a massive bear hug. All four smiled and groaned with crushed laughter. [url=]Table of Contents[/url]

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