originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
(Saying this right now. This will be updated as the story goes on.)
Scythe: Redeemer - This scythe was forged by Savathun herself. Savathun had passed down this scythe from Walker to Walker. Then it was lost during The Great Disaster... The guardians had slain the Walker and taken The Redeemer. It was locked away and hidden for decades... that is until Savathun had located it. The Redeemer - Savathun's blade.
Minigun: Crucifixion - The Crux... The name fits the gun so well. The gun had been made by city engineers. It was their biggest project for a killing a lot in a little time. It was tested on the giant Cabal of Mars and failed. One of her scouts had seen the way it shredded them and tore them to pieces. The only reason it failed was that it took too long to cool down and reload. It took it back and reforged it. It made it a true killing machine out of it. The Crux - Executioner of guardians.
Sniper: Midnight - Like a buzz in the night, Dawn would take enemies down like nothing. This gun once belonged to a proud hunter. He was an excellent marksman. But he had a weakness. He relied too much on Dawn. He became dependent of this gun, and it consumed him. The darkness closed around him and devouring his light and forcing all the light out of Dawn and making it Dark like Midnight. Midnight - Devourer of Light.
Shotgun: Damnation - No one knows where this shotgun came from. Some say it was forged the darkness itself. But there is one thing people know... When fired, It digs into you and starts tearing you apart from the inside. It's like a virus without limitations. Savathun had tried to hide this power and consume it, yet failed at doing so. Damnation: Eternal Punishment.