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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by TheSuMan: 11/8/2017 10:07:21 PM

Doom of the Dragons, Part Six: Greenhorn

Greetings, Guardians, here's part Six of Doom of the Dragons! Here's[url=] part five [/url]if you missed it! As usual, if you like it, give it a bump, and I'll get more out soon! Stay classy, Guardians! When Cupun arrived in the Hall of Guardians, Lyra, Marcella, and Kim were already there. Standing alongside them was another warlock. “Cupun!” Kim shouted, “glad you could join us!” Cupun nodded. “So,” he said, “what’s this all about?” Kim gestured to the other warlock. “This is Alister,” he said, “he’s a friend of mine.” Alister waved. He was an awoken man, with his white hair done in a buzz cut. His yellow eyes flicked nervously from side to side. “Hello,” he said tentatively. Cupun nodded uneasily. “So, what did he find?” Alister took a deep breath. “I detected some signals coming from the surface of Luna,” he said. “They were broadcasting through subspace, but what was weird is that they seemed to be physically changing the fabric of space-time, indicating that they had paracausal tendencies.” Cupun blinked. He looked to Kim. “Care to translate?” The older warlock sighed. “Something really powerful is broadcasting really strange signals from the surface of Luna.” Alister frowned, and looked up at Kim. “Isn’t that what I just said?” “You have to learn to simplify,” Kim said. He turned back to Cupun, Lyra, and Marcella. “Osiris has given him permission to form a fireteam, and investigate the signals. He chose me, and I recommended that we bring you three along.” “Wait,” Marcella said. She pointed at Alister. “You mean he’s going with us?” “Well, he is the one who discovered these signals in the first place,” Kim said. “Seriously!” Lyra shouted. “This is what, his first mission?” “Not true!” Alister shouted indignantly.” “How many have you gone on then?” Lyra retorted. The warlock blinked, and looked down at the ground. “Four.” The other three Guardians collectively groaned. “Kim,” Marcella said. “Are you telling me that you’re taking us on a babysitting mission?” “Look,” Kim said, “I know that Alister here is a little green -” “Now that’s an understatement,” Cupun grumbled. “- but he’s as much a Guardian as the rest of us.” Kim looked around. “Look. Do you wanna come or not?” Lyra sighed. “Fine, Kim,” she said. “We’ll bring the greenhorn. But if he gets us killed, I am going to murder you.” Kim nodded uneasily, and grimaced. “Glad we could come to an agreement.” * * * A few hours later, the Guardians came out of warp-speed above Luna’s surface. “This the place?” Cupun asked. “Close enough,” Alister said. “The actual transmission site is somewhere underground.” Cupun nodded. “Alright then,” he said. “Let’s roll, Guardians.” The five Guardians transmatted down to the Lunar surface. Cupun looked around at the dead, gray expanse. “So,” he said. “Where’s this signal coming from?” Marcella tapped him on the shoulder. “Call me crazy, Cupun,” she said. “But I think it’s coming from there.” Cupun turned around. Behind him was a massive cliff face. The craggy rock wall rose fifty feet into the air. But set into its base were a series of strange metal doors, with bizarre symbols carved into them. “Well,” Kim said. “Let’s check them out.” The Guardians began walking towards the cliff. “Ghost?” Marcella asked. “Any chance that those are Golden Age ruins?” Her ghost floated over to one of the doors, and scanned it. “None,” he said at last. “There’s no record of any Golden-Age settlement on this area of the moon. And besides, these symbols don’t match any human language in my database.” “What are they then?” Lyra asked. “Fallen?” “No way,” Marcella’s ghost said. “The Fallen wouldn’t put this much effort into building a base. And these symbols don’t match the Fallen language. Or Cabal, for that matter.” “Then what are they?” Cupun asked. Marcella’s ghost was silent for a moment. “I have no idea.” The Guardians arrived in front of the doors. “Well,” Alister said. “How do we get in?” Marcella paused for a moment. “Ghost?” she said. “Why don’t you give it a try?” “On it,” her ghost said. But before he could do anything, there was a grinding sound, and the metal doors slid open, revealing the mouth of a long, dark tunnel that went deep into the lunar underground. “Uh . . .” Marcella’s ghost said. “I think someone just invited us in.” “Who?” Lyra asked. Cupun pursed his lips. “I don’t know,” he said. “Keep your weapons at the ready, Guardians.” He took the safety off on his pulse rifle, and ventured down, into the mouth of the cave. * * * The five Guardians ventured deep into the Tunnel. “Damn,” Lyra said. “This thing goes on forever!” “Maybe not,” her ghost said. “I’m detecting a large chamber up ahead.” “How far?” Cupun said, gripping his pulse rifle tighter. “Another hundred meters.” The Guardians walked on, and soon entered the chamber. Suddenly, the ceiling soared a full fifty meters high. The only illumination came from a series of strange, bleu, glowing rocks. Throughout the cavern were a series of strange, white, sacks, some of which were affixed to the walls of the cavern. “What is this place?” Marcella said. The Guardians began walking around the cavern. “I don’t know,” Kim said. He knelt down next to the sacks. “These look like. . . cocoons?” “What in the Hell uses a cocoon that’s that big?” Lyra asked. Kim frowned. “I don’t know.” Suddenly, Cupun turned around, and saw that Alister was making his way towards one of the sacks on the wall. Slowly, he reached out to touch it. “No!” Cupun shouted. But he was too late. Alister touched the sack, and it burst open, spraying the warlock with white fluid. Alister yelped, and jumped backwards. Cupun cursed, and walked up to him. “I thought that, ’Don’t touch the mysterious white cocoons’ would go without saying,” he said. “Sorry,” the warlock said. He brushed some of the gunk off his armor. “But -“ “Look!” Marcella shouted. Cupun looked down at the ground, and his eyes widened. Something other than white gunk had come out of the sack. Lying on the ground, curled in the fetal position and covered in white gunk, was a humanoid creature, about five feet tall. Its limbs were skeletal in appearance, as though it had been left to dry in the sun, and its body appeared to be a hardened carapace. The creature twitched, and made some mysterious, clicking noises. “What is it?” Lyra asked. Alister walked up to it. “I don’t know,” he said. “Maybe -“ Suddenly, the creature sat up. It opened it’s mouth, revealing a series of razor sharp teeth, and let out an ear-piercing screech. Then, it launched itself at Alister, driving the young warlock to the ground. Alister yelped, and grabbed at the creature’s limbs, preventing it from attacking him with its claws. But the thing still tried to bite at him with its teeth. “Help!” Alister shouted. “Help!” Finally, the Guardians came to their senses, and Marcella fired one round from her hand cannon at the creature. The round passed through its skull, and the screeching stopped. Alister pushed the corpse off of him. “Thanks,” he said. “Sh!” Marcella said. “You hear that?” “Hear what?” Cupun asked. Then, he frowned. Then, he heard it. It was faint but it was there. It was the sound of something - or many somethings - running through the tunnels. Several of the tunnels surrounding the chamber were suddenly illuminated by a weird, orange light, and an earth-shattering roar resounded through the walls of the cavern. Cupun blinked. He knew that in situation like this, there was only one viable option for the Guardians. “Run!” he shouted. And the Guardians took off. [url=]Part Seven: The Horde[/url]

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