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originally posted in:Providence Ideas
Edited by Fiji: 8/18/2016 12:33:44 PM

Guardian Down - Final Chapter 2/???

[b]Author's Note:[/b] I'm lazy lol. - Fiji _____  Urksis looked at the Prime Servitor, their God, their source for Ether. The Prime Servitor rose up slowly, creaking and groaning. Metallic scrap, formed into a God for the Eliksni House. All of it's glory, arisen.   Emilia stared out of the only available window, watching as the Prime rises up. She put her hand upon the glass, closing her eyes. Dregs and Vandals would walk past Emilia, staring her down before moving on.  She let out a deep sigh, before walking back to one of the room's corners, just to ball up. She will wait for either her death, or wait until help arrives. Only time will tell. ____  The Fireteams' Ghosts have been tracking the distress signal that was sent out by Theo not too long ago. The Ghosts chattered, attempting to find out where it came from.  The crew sat down, resting while their Ghosts find the signal. Aleya tossed Venus pebbles into the acidic water, Gizmo and Maria sat down next to each other, chattering on and on about life. Dennis and Rush stood near the edge of the cliff, admiring the green scenery of Venus.  "Say, Dennis," Rush sighed. "If we ever get outta this, what do you think we should do. Just the three of us..." Rush sat down, patiently waiting for an answer.  "Well Rush," Dennis sighed. "It's best to think present instead of the future. Anything can change right now, and it would affect the future. Only time will tell."  Dennis sat down next to Rush, laying back on the ground. Rush looked at Dennis, and back to the Venus scenery. He pulled out a burnt piece of cloth from his back pocket, and looked at it for a few seconds. He gripped it with care.  "You're right..." he sighed, and tucked the piece of cloth back into his pocket.  "Tell me, Rush," Dennis looked up to Venus' sky. "What does that piece of cloth represent?"  Rush looked at Dennis and sighed.  "Someone who I failed to protect, long ago... She was cool."  "Do you plan to let that happen again?"  "I--," Rush hesitated. "No... No! We're gonna bust in there, we're gonna free her. We're all gonna leave here alive."  Dennis chuckled, and stood back up. Dusting off his Mark, he walked towards Aleya and sat down next to her.  Rush looked into the dim sunlight. His eyes filled with determination and anger.  "Just you wait..." ____  The door slammed open, startling Emilia. Dregs and Vandals entered the room, weapons ready, pointed at the Warlock. Another Captain walked in and confronted the scared Warlock.  "Come. With me," she clicked. Emilia shook her head and refused. This Captain didn't like to repeat. "I'll have to make you then..." the Captain said as she grabbed both of Emilia's arms, and lifting her off the ground. With her other two arms, she lifted the Warlock's head to stare directly into her eyes.  "You do not refuse orders when I am around," the Captain clicked angrily, dropping and then dragging Emilia across the metallic floor. The Captain brought Emilia to Urksis, where she could watch the Prime rise in front of her own eyes.  "Kell Urksis. Here is the girl," she clicked in her native tongue. Urksis took his eyes off the almighty Prime, to look at Emilia in disgust. The Captain threw Emilia towards the Kell's feet.  "Thank you," Urksis clicked back in native tongue.   Emilia tried to get back up on her own two feet. Lacking strength, she fell to the ground again at the Kell's feet. Urksis snickered, and leaned down to pick up Emilia in his hand. He brought her up to his face, and looked at her right in the eyes.  "You disgust me," Urksis softly said watching Emilia struggle in his grip.  "Your House deserved to die in the Whirlwind!" she retaliated, looking straight into Urksis' eyes. The Kell was displeased at her response.  "You do not talk about Stone," he said, tightening his grip on Emilia.  "GAAAAGH--" Emilia screamed in pain.  "Enjoy your time here," Urksis said lightly, dropping the Warlock to the ground with a loud thud.  "Hrgh... Just you wait..." Emilia spoke under her breath, attempting to stand up once again. Dregs and Vandals soon surrounded her, kicking and shoving their rifles at her. ____  Rush leaned on his ship, waiting patiently for their Ghosts to find Emilia's exact location. He sighed, and closed his eyes. Aleya threw her last pebble into the Venus waters and stood up. Irritated, she paced back and forth.  "Can we just go right now?" she asked, channeling her flame between both her hands.  "No," Rush responded immediately. "Even though we got a distress signal, we don't know where. It's like they're blocking it or something. Shouldn't take long however."  "That's exactly what they're doing, Rush!" yelled Aleya, walking furiously towards him. She grabbed his scarf and pinned him up against the wall. "I'm not gonna sit here any long-"  "Signal found," Codex announced. "Let's move it before they do anything bad to her."  Rush let out a slight chuckle as Aleya let him go.  "Told you," Rush said lightly.  "We should be going. It'd be better not to waste ti-"  Rush took off on his Sparrow, he wasn't hesitant. He just wanted Emilia back. He promised he would keep her safe, to the end.  "I'll see you guys there..." he tapped into the Fireteam comm link.  "Damn, he's fast," Gizmo said, summoning his Sparrow. "We might as well go now."  The rest nodded in approval and summoned their Sparrows. They took off, following the mark on their radars.  "Hey, do you guys think Rush is okay?" Maria asked curiously. "He's been... off since they've taken Emilia."  "Back before you three joined," Dennis answered, "he promised that he would keep her safe. He mumbled something about not repeating the past and I guess he just wants her safe. I guess he's pretty mad."  "I see," Gizmo said. "No wonder..."  "That explains it," Maria let out a sigh.  "Let's just keep driving," Aleya mumbled. "The faster, the better..." ____  2 Stone Captains took an unconscious Emilia by her arms. Her head hung as the Captains dragged her across the room to be tied, once again, to the wall. One of Captains took off the Warlock's helmet. A blue Awoken face, blood flowing from the head down to her face. Yet, she still breathes.  "You think it's dead?" they asked in native Fallen tongue.  "No, still breathing. See?" the other responded, punching her with brute force, managing to make Emilia cough up blood. "No problem. Now put that helmet back on it, it looks disgusting."  "It got what it deserved. Disrespecting our Kell in front of his face. Tsk, tsk," the Captain placed the helmet back on Emilia, and walked away with the other Captain. ____  "Where is it?! Where the [b][i]HELL[/i][/b] is it?!" Rush exclaimed, circling an area that was marked on his radar.  "I-I-I don't know, Rush. Please, calm down," Hunt monotonously whimpered. "I don't like to see you like you are now."  "I-..." Rush sighed, "I'm sorry, but seriously. Where are they keeping her? The radar says it's right here, but all I see is Venus rock and acid rain... and Vex."  "But it's here on the rada-" Hunt began to speak before the sound of a Sparrow got closer and closer.  "Hey, Rush," Dennis drifted around the corner. "You sounded troubled over the comm link like a doofus, so how ya doin'? This the place, Codex?"  "It's most certainly where Cayde-6 had retrieved the signal," Codex whirred around the area. "Maybe... Underground? We could look for a hatch? Something, I don't know?"  Maria, Gizmo, and Aleya drifted around the corner, hopping off their Sparrows.  "What seems to be the problem?" Aleya asked, dusting off her robes.  "Can't find the entrance," Hunt answered, flying whimsically around the Guardians. "We're gonna have to bust our way in... But h-..." "Sounds like a plan!" Gizmo shouted enthusiastically, showing off 3 Tripmine grenades in each hand. "Explosions are pretty good, if I do say so myself!" _____ Eugh, sorry for this very, very, VERY... late chapter. I'm super busy and lazy. Over the summer, my internet cut off, and school is now in session. I'm doing Senior Capstone, and most of my time goes there now. "But you had 2 months!" No, you. But, I hope you enjoyed! Tune in the next three months. Maybe even four. [spoiler]Kidding. I'll try to get it out ASAP.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Previously:[/spoiler]

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