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"I got 99 problems but The Crucible ain't one.."

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    Our clan was started by a Day 1 pvp'er with one goal in mind. Recruit active Destiny players who want to have fun in a mature way. We love to pvp, do raids, help others, and enjoy Destiny. We do not feed trolls but fools that need to be tbagged may certainly be a target. LOL Come give us a try, you might even stay a while!

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originally posted in:PVP POWER PLAYERS
11/11/2015 10:51:06 PM

Whats Kill/Death number is considered a great pvp player?

.75 Almost Even Kills?


1.0 Dead Even?


1.25 is getting up there?


2.0 how many can truly call this number their home


4.5??? Ok that's crazy talk there!


Leave your feedback, I'd like to hear what you consider the bar for PVP performance on Destiny.

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  • Anything over 1.25 is good but if you want to be considered great you have to be over 2. I'm not there yet but I will be soon.

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  • k/d means nothing ;)

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  • 0
    I'm white trash and I'm in trouble

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  • 3.44 #98 on the world :(

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    2 Replies
    • Check me out ;)

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    • High K/D doesn't ever necessarily mean a player is good or bad. I've played against people with high K/D's and rekt them because they were scared to jump on a control point and die. All that matters is the WIN in the end. A higher W/L ratio is what determines a good player/team.

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    • Edited by Merlin: 11/12/2015 9:19:16 PM
      These posts are always so entertaining

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    • I used to be around 2.3, but that was back when I only used guns that were going to get me a lot of kills. Now I play to have fun and use whatever I want, so I've dropped to about an even 2 or so.

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    • I am 1.0+ KDR, I am really trying hard to hit a 30 skill level on destiny tracker, I have a 1.0+ KDR in trials and a 28 High Skill, I also am in the top 18% (Silver tier) gold tier is top 15%

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    • Id say an consistemt game over 1.5 is good but they should average about a 2 or 3 to be great over the course of multiple games. Also weapon strats, special weapon whores will have higher kds them say people that play with primaries Game strats account too as a player that plays an objective over just getting kills can be a better player Dont forget assists vs. Kill steals as well.

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    • Edited by K1msest: 11/12/2015 3:41:40 PM
      1.8-2.0KDR : Great PvP players. 2.0-2.5: Amazing PvP players. +3.0: PvP Pros, you will kill yourself if you have to play against them. +4.0: Campers, the worst type of campers, they usually left the game if they got killed 2 times, 30% Win Rate probably and their most used weapons are snipers and the messenger. This is coming from someone with 3.1kdr, I hope it helps someone lol.

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      8 Replies
      • 1.22 with 21 kills.

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      • Edited by Elitespear: 11/12/2015 12:50:05 AM
        Once you're around 1.3 you enter top 5% but that doesn't mean much. In reality, so much of the destiny population is absolutely terrible at pvp. There's no true way to measure how good someone is until we have custom/ranked matches. There are guys with KDs under 2.0 who are far better than players with 2.0+. There are also some players that are 2.0+ that are as good as their stats suggest. There's no concrete way of making the decision. If you want to generalise however, if someone has a KD over 1.5 with a decent amount of kills (15k) or so, you can be rest assured they will punish you if you're playing badly. That's about all it really tells you.

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        2 Replies
        • A Coke Box is 3 something

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        • Took me awhile to find a good fitting weapon for PvP, I just found my fit and I love scout rifles in pvp.

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        • I have a avg 0.9+ overall and still have less kills then deaths over all. I play crucible for fun and have good days of not being beaten and then bad days of dying alot.... Crucible is unpredictable but I'm still in the top 5% of PvP players overall, now I know that's not as good as being 1% but I consider myself above avg and yet I have never gone 9-0 in ToO. Maybe I don't have that killer instinct.

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        • Kd has no meaning at all towards how "good" a player is. I have a 1.3 kd and I'm fine with it. In my 14+ days of crucible I've come to realize that skill doesn't equal kd. I've played a ton of FPS games and in each and everyone of them my aim was to have fun (unless I was trying to unlock something).

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        • Do you run solo in pvp or with a clan? 1.4 KD on my Warlock and I run solo. Bet you if I ran with a good pvp squad I would be a 2.0KD, no doubt in my mind.

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        • K/d is a loaded statistic. Mine isn't great because I only play pvp to complete bounties and quests. I'm the worse person to be on a team with because if I need 10 melee kills you won't see me pull out a gun until that's done. With that said I'm still completely capable of getting 20+ kills at 1.5-2 k/d. There are more people in this game like that than there are hardcore pvp fans. Obviously if you have someone with a 2+ k/d they will be good. At the same time there are plenty if not more people with a k/d lower than that who are just as good if not better.

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        • 2.38 overall kd, look it up

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          6 Replies
          • Best player I've ever come across in Crucible has a 2.57 k/d. I know because I had to go look it up after the absolute thrashing he put on me and the rest of the team in several Control matches. I learned that he was a top 1% and he certainly played like it. I don't think that k/d is even representative of what he does regularly these days. Anyways, point being is that you'll know a great player when you encounter one. K/D will only tell some of the story but they most likely will be 2.0<.

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          • Kd means nothing lol I got friends with.7 kds that have more trials flawless runs then myself

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            26 Replies
            • Edited by SnakePayne86: 11/12/2015 3:39:13 PM
              There's no number, anyone can pad their k/d. If you're good you know it and people can see it.

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            • .75 I think means you're getting there. ^_^ [spoiler]Quiet, I'm optimistic XDDD[/spoiler]

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            • I'd say 2.5 would make for 'great'. 1.5-2.0 would make for 'good' Just my opinion though.

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            • K/D is an okay indicator of skill, but you gotta look at other stats too to get the full picture. Combat Rating is a good one to check as well imo. Non-3v3 combat rating that is since 3v3 is highly inflated for some reason (I have around 130 in Control but a 340 in Trials for some reason). My overall K/D is 1.86 and my top character (my Titan) has a 2.1.

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