originally posted in:vDO YOU EVEN DESTINY BRAH
Hey Guys Zeus Here,
We have done it. We have pushed ourselves into a higher tier of groups that only many wish to be in. Give yourselves a round of applause. Enjoy this day. Enjoy this time. For it is your time. It is our time. For we started with few. But we are now many. We once were overlooked. Now we overwhelm. WE SHALL BECOME THE MAJORITY. WE WILL BE THE BEST. WE ARE THE BEST.
There is no other group I'm proud to be a part of than this one here. There is no other clan that I'm proud to be a part of than this one here. To my fellow clanmates. Thank you. Thank you for supporting not only the group but me as well. By donning the clan tag you rep our group. You are spreading the word and enjoying yourselves while you are at it. And that's all I can ever hope for. It was you the members who has brought my dream into a reality. We stand 1,000 strong. And there is only up from here. Thank you. Just. Thank you to everyone. From Xbox to PlayStation. Thank you for making this group the best we can possibly make it. Just do what you do and continue to have fun. And here's to 1,000 more.