originally posted in:Speech X
[i]I[/i], Agwara L. Cheeto, should be the World Dictator of this world.
Here are some reasons you should vote for me:
-I will bring economic prosperity to the world by eliminating economic barriers between countries such as currency conversions and varying value of products
-Illegal Immigration issues will be nonexistent due to total human unification
-Technological advancements will skyrocket since there will be no need for war
-unlimited free wifi
-I will bring back Generation 1 Transformers and 2003 Clone Wars
-There will be a worldwide popcorn sales on Thursday
-Everyone will get their very own IRL Neptunia waifu
-The chance to earn a cherry flavored Popsicle for every purchase over twenty dollars
And this is the best one yet
-No retarded political debates
Spread the hashtag #agwara4dic2025 so we can raise awareness about this event!
You can also support by joining muh group, [url=https://www.bungie.net/ko/Clan/1319956]Speech X[/url]!
If you have any questions, post them below. :)
2003 clone wars was not better than THIS
No, Ventus for dictator of the world I will take the smartest people to some secure island somewhere with enough food and water and other shit to last 10 years. Then I will spread a virus throughout the world that is undetectable and isn't fatal yet. Then once the world is infected (except for our island of not infected people), we will make the virus fatal. Then we send scavengers to get whatever the hell they can find to bring it to our island. The island will be solar powered and the scientists will have access to a large range of scientific stuff. Forum famous (The good kind) people will be also brought onto the island (Sara, HomoHabilis, Cheshy/TheNetwork, Recon, others) Pros: A large population decrease, amazing scientific advancements, clean energy, no more weaboos/furries/desticles/anything cancerous, no more wars (revolters will be terminated) and large quantities of supplies. Also via 'natural' selection, stupid people will become extinct Cons: A shit ton of dead bodies
Edited by SHADOW CAT483: 2/21/2016 8:55:10 PMCan I still be an attack helicopter?
Got my vote.
Sure, why not
You know, there's a reason a utopia doesn't exist, this is one of them One person can't manage the entire world, some can't manage one country I understand you were joking, but really
Pfft, our technological progress comes from war.
GUYS. Everyone gets free wifi. I AGREE WITH THIS HERO!
I'd be better. Of course, like an 1/16 of all humans would be instantly killed. Gotta launch a few nukes to show everybody who's boss. All capital/governing cities in any country would get it. Other than Japan and Belgium.
Thats my job
WiFi and '03 Clone Wars had me. Then the waifu lost me. But Star Wars outweighs anime.
You've got my vote.
[quote]2003 clone wars[/quote] Pls boss
I want sushi and Sunny D
You had me at unlimited free WiFi.
Why 2025? Why not today?
Get me anything I need with no questions we have a deal
[quote]unlimited free wifi[/quote] You have my attention.
I'm going to be Emperor of the Universe with u as my second in command
You are literally Jesus.
I'll take over before you.
Ninjas. Trolls. Desticles. Sh*tposters. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Desticles attacked. Only Recon, master of all offtopic, could stop them. But when Bungie.net needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Recon, an sh*tposter named An Forklift, and although his sh*tposting skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe An Forklift can save Offtopic
I enjoy watching politic debates, time to get executed.
Can I get an orange Popsicle instead of a cherry?
Bramd - old
Long live the general!