Be Excellent To EachOther
"Mature(ish) people with real-life commitments making some time to enjoy a video game together."
originally posted in:Be Excellent To EachOther
What's up,
Came here from the Reddit post and Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey is one of my favorite movies and I need people to play with so this seemed like a good idea. I'm 34, live in California, not married or any kids, just a regular dude with an office job. I am interested in doing anything/everything Destiny has to offer and prefer to play with others. (I get creeped out doing missions alone whenever the hive are concerned). I'm pretty chatty once you get to know me and I like helping people, seriously, lets go do some rad stuff. I haven't done any of the raids in Destiny though I am a former wow player that raided quite extensively so I know the drill.
Typically on after 5:00pm PT till 10:00/11:00pm weekedays and play quite a bit on the weekends.
Gamertag: Vizmund
395 Hunter.
Hope to make some new friends, cheers!